566 TopicsBIG-IP Configuration Conversion Scripts
Kirk Bauer, John Alam, and Pete White created a handful of perl and/or python scripts aimed at easing your migration from some of the “other guys” to BIG-IP.While they aren’t going to map every nook and cranny of the configurations to a BIG-IP feature, they will get you well along the way, taking out as much of the human error element as possible.Links to the codeshare articles below. Cisco ACE (perl) Cisco ACE via tmsh (perl) Cisco ACE (python) Cisco CSS (perl) Cisco CSS via tmsh (perl) Cisco CSM (perl) Citrix Netscaler (perl) Radware via tmsh (perl) Radware (python)1.7KViews1like13CommentsStop Those XSS Cookie Bandits iRule Style
In a recent post, CodingHorror blogged about a story of one of his friends attempts at writing his own HTML sanitizer for his website. I won't bother repeating the details but it all boils down to the fact that his friend noticed users were logged into his website as him and hacking away with admin access. How did this happen? It turned out to be a Cross Site Scripting attack (XSS) that found it's way around his HTML sanitizing routines. A user posted some content that included mangled JavaScript that made an external reference including all history and cookies of the current users session to an alternate machine. CodingHorror recommended adding the HttpOnly attribute to Set-Cookie response headers to help protect these cookies from being able to make their way out to remote machines. Per his blog post: HttpOnly restricts all access to document.cookie in IE7, Firefox 3, and Opera 9.5 (unsure about Safari) HttpOnly removes cookie information from the response headers in XMLHttpObject.getAllResponseHeaders() in IE7. It should do the same thing in Firefox, but it doesn't, because there's a bug. XMLHttpObjects may only be submitted to the domain they originated from, so there is no cross-domain posting of the cookies. Whenever I hear about modifications made to backend servers, alarms start going off in my head and I get to thinking about how this can be accomplished on the network transparently. Well, if you happen to have a BIG-IP, then it's quite easy. A simple iRule can be constructed that will check all the response cookies and if they do not already have the HttpOnly attribute, then add it. I went one step further and added a check for the "Secure" attribute and added that one in as well for good measure. when HTTP_RESPONSE { foreach cookie [HTTP::cookie names] { set value [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]; if { "" != $value } { set testvalue [string tolower $value] set valuelen [string length $value] #log local0. "Cookie found: $cookie = $value"; switch -glob $testvalue { "*;secure*" - "*; secure*" { } default { set value "$value; Secure"; } } switch -glob $testvalue { "*;httponly*" - "*; httponly*" { } default { set value "$value; HttpOnly"; } } if { [string length $value] > $valuelen} { #log local0. "Replacing cookie $cookie with $value" HTTP::cookie value $cookie "${value}" } } } } If you are only concerned with the Secure attribute, then you can always use the "HTTP::cookie secure" command but as far as I can tell it won't include the HttpOnly attribute. So, if you determine that HttpOnly cookies are the way you want to go, you could manually configure these on all of your applications on your backend servers. Or... you could configure it in one place on the network. I think I prefer the second option. -Joe416Views0likes0CommentsInside Look - PCoIP Proxy for VMware Horizon View
I sit down with F5 Solution Architect Paul Pindell to get an inside look at BIG-IP's native support for VMware's PCoIP protocol. He reviews the architecture, business value and gives a great demo on how to configure BIG-IP. BIG-IP APM offers full proxy support for PC-over-IP (PCoIP), a leading virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) protocol. F5 is the first to provide this functionality which allows organizations to simplify their VMware Horizon View architectures. Combining PCoIP proxy with the power of the BIG-IP platform delivers hardened security and increased scalability for end-user computing. In addition to PCoIP, F5 supports a number of other VDI solutions, giving customers flexibility in designing and deploying their network infrastructure. ps Related: F5 Friday: Simple, Scalable and Secure PCoIP for VMware Horizon View Solutions for VMware applications F5's YouTube Channel In 5 Minutes or Less Series (24 videos – over 2 hours of In 5 Fun) Inside Look Series Life@F5 Series Technorati Tags: vdi,PCoIP,VMware,Access,Applications,Infrastructure,Performance,Security,Virtualization,silva,video,inside look,big-ip,apm Connect with Peter: Connect with F5:364Views0likes0CommentsiRule Security 101 - #1 - HTTP Version
When looking at securing up your web application, there are a set of fairly standard attack patterns that application firewalls make use of to protect against those bad guys out there who are trying exploit your website. A good reference for web application attacks is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). In this series of blog posts, I'm going to highlight different attacks and how they can be defended against by using iRules. In the first installment of this series I will show how to only allow valid HTTP requests to your application server.The most common HTTP versions out there are 1.0 and 1.1 although version0.9 is still used in places. A common attempt to fool an application is by passing an invalid HTTP Version causing the server to not interpret the request correctly. The "HTTP version" iRules command contains the request version and you can ensure that only valid requests are processed and allowed to your app servers with this iRule: when RULE_INIT { set INFO 0 set DEBUG 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HTTP Version #------------------------------------------------------------------------ set sec_http_version_enabled 0 set sec_http_version_block 1 set sec_http_version_alert 1 set sec_http_versions [list \ "0.9" \ "1.0" \ "1.1" \ ] } when HTTP_REQUEST { #============================================================================ # HTTP Version #============================================================================ if { $::INFO } { log local0. "ASSERTION: http_version" } if { $::sec_http_version_enabled } { if { $::DEBUG } { log local0. " HTTP Version: [HTTP::version]" } if { ! [matchclass [HTTP::version] equals $::sec_http_versions ] } { if { $::sec_http_version_alert } { log local0. " SEC-ALERT: Invalid HTTP Version found: '[HTTP::version]'" } if { $::sec_http_version_block } { reject } } else { if { $::DEBUG } { log local0. " PASSED" } } } } In the RULE_INIT method I've created a few global variablesenabling one to turn on or off theverification. Without all the extraconditionals, the iRule can be stripped down to the following couple of lines: when RULE_INIT { set sec_http_versions [list "0.9" "1.0" "1.1" ] } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ! [matchclass [HTTP::version] equals $::sec_http_versions ] } { reject } } Stay tuned for the next installment of iRules Security 101 where I'll show how to validate HTTP methods. -Joe561Views0likes2CommentsDNSSEC: Is Your Infrastructure Ready?
A few months ago, we teamed with Infoblox for a DNSSEC webinar. Jonathan George, F5 Product Marketing Manager, leads with myself and Cricket Liu of Infoblox as background noise. He’s a blast as always and certainly knows his DNS. So, learn how F5 enables you to deploy DNSSEC quickly and easily into an existing GSLB environment with BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager (GTM). BIG-IP GTM streamlines encryption key generation and distribution by dynamically signing DNS responses in real-time. Running time: 49:20 </p> <p>ps</p> <p>Resources:</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.f5.com/news-press-events/web-media/" _fcksavedurl="http://www.f5.com/news-press-events/web-media/">F5 Web Media</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/f5networksinc" _fcksavedurl="http://www.youtube.com/user/f5networksinc">F5 YouTube Channel</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.f5.com/products/big-ip/global-traffic-manager.html" _fcksavedurl="http://www.f5.com/products/big-ip/global-traffic-manager.html">BIG-IP GTM</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.f5.com/pdf/white-papers/dnssec-wp.pdf" _fcksavedurl="http://www.f5.com/pdf/white-papers/dnssec-wp.pdf">DNSSEC: The Antidote to DNS Cache Poisoning and Other DNS Attacks (whitepaper)</a> | <a href="http://devcentral.f5.com/s/weblogs/interviews/archive/2009/12/04/audio-tech-brief-dnssec-the-antidote-to-dns.aspx" _fcksavedurl="http://devcentral.f5.com/s/weblogs/interviews/archive/2009/12/04/audio-tech-brief-dnssec-the-antidote-to-dns.aspx">Audio</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.cricketondns.com" _fcksavedurl="http://www.cricketondns.com">Cricket on DNS</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/InfobloxInc" _fcksavedurl="http://www.youtube.com/user/InfobloxInc">Infoblox YouTube Channel</a></li> </ul> <p>Technorati Tags: <a href="http://devcentral.f5.com/s/weblogs/psilva/psilva/psilva/archive/2011/05/09/" _fcksavedurl="http://devcentral.f5.com/s/weblogs/psilva/psilva/psilva/archive/2011/05/09/">F5</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/webinar" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/webinar">webinar</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/Pete+Silva" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/Pete+Silva">Pete Silva</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/security" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/security">security</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/business" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tag/business">business</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/education" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tag/education">education</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/technology" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tag/technology">technology</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/internet" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/internet">internet, </a><a href="http://technorati.com/tags/big-ip" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/big-ip">big-ip</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/dnssec" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tag/dnssec">dnssec</a>, <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/infoblox" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/infoblox">infoblox</a> <a href="http://technorati.com/tags/dns" _fcksavedurl="http://technorati.com/tags/dns">dns</a></p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="378"><tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" width="200">Connect with Peter: </td> <td valign="top" width="176">Connect with F5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="200"><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peter-silva/0/412/77a" _fcksavedurl="http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peter-silva/0/412/77a"><img style="border-bottom: 0px; 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For those who of you that are having problems with logging client addresses in their server logs because you are running your web servers behind a proxy of some sort, never fear, your solution is here. For those that don't, I already discussed in my previous posts about what the X-Forwarded-For header is so feel free to click back into those to read about it. History Back in September, 2005 I wrote and posted a 32-bit ISAPI filter that extracted the X-Forwarded-For header value and replaced the c-ip value (client ip) that is stored in the server logs. Lots of folks have found this useful over time and I was eventually asked for a 64-bit version which I posted about in August, 2009. The Question Well, it looks like it's time for the next generation for this filter… I received an email from a colleague here at F5 telling me that his customer didn't want to deploy any more ISAPI filters in their IIS7 infrastructure. IIS7 introduced the concept of IIS Modules that are more integrated into the whole pipeline and was told that Microsoft is recommending folks move in that direction. I was asked if I had plans to port my ISAPI filter into a HTTP Module. The Answer Well, the answer was "probably not", but now it's changed to a "yes"! The Solution In reading about IIS Module, I found that you can develop in managed (C#/VB) or Native (C++) code. I loaded up the test C# project to see if I could get it working. In a matter of minutes I had a working module that intercepted the event when logging occurs. The only problem was that from managed code, I could find no way to actually modify the values that were passed to the logging processor. This was a problem so I scrapped that and moved to a native C++ module. After a little while of jumping through the documentation, I found the things I needed and pretty soon I had a working HTTP module that implemented the same functionality as the ISAPI filter. Download The new Http Module hasn't had much testing done so please test it out before you roll it out into production. I've made the source available as well if you find an issue and care to fix it. Just make sure you pass back the fixes to me B-). X-Forwarded-For Http Module Binary Distribution X-Forwarded-For Http Module Source Distribution The filter will require installation into IIS in order for you to be able to add it to your applications. Both distributions include a readme.txt file with an example installation procedure. Make sure you use the Release builds for the appropriate platform (x86 or x64) unless you are in need of some troubleshooting as the Debug build will dump a lot of data to a log file. The module supports customizable headers if you are using something other than X-Forwarded-For. Instructions for using that are in the readme.txt file as well. If you have any issues with using this, please let me know on this blog. Keep in mind that this is an unsupported product, but I'll do my best to fix any issues that come up. I'm even open to enhancements if you can think of any. Enjoy! -Joe3.5KViews0likes23CommentsX-Forwarded-For Log Filter for Windows Servers
For those that don't know what X-Forwarded-For is, then you might as well close your browser because this post likely will mean nothing to you… A Little Background Now, if you are still reading this, then you likely are having issues with determining the origin client connections to your web servers. When web requests are passed through proxies, load balancers, application delivery controllers, etc, the client no longer has a direct connection with the destination server and all traffic looks like it's coming from the last server in the chain. In the following diagram, Proxy2 is the last hop in the chain before the request hits the destination server. Relying on connection information alone, the server thinks that all connections come from Proxy2, not from the Client that initiated the connection. The only one in the chain here who knows who the client really is (as determined by it's client IP Address, is Proxy1. The problem is that application owners rely on source client information for many reasons ranging from analyzing client demographics to targeting Denial of Service attacks. That's where the X-Forwarded-For header comes in. It is non-RFC standard HTTP request header that is used for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through a proxy. The format of the header is: X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy, … X-Forwarded-For header logging is supported in Apache (with mod_proxy) but Microsoft IIS does not have a direct way to support the translation of the X-Forwarded-For value into the client ip (c-ip) header value used in its webserver logging. Back in September, 2005 I wrote an ISAPI filter that can be installed within IIS to perform this transition. This was primarily for F5 customers but I figured that I might as well release it into the wild as others would find value out of it. Recently folks have asked for 64 bit versions (especially with the release of Windows 2008 Server). This gave me the opportunity to brush up on my C skills. In addition to building targets for 64 bit windows, I went ahead and added a few new features that have been asked for. Proxy Chain Support The original implementation did not correctly parse the "client, proxy1, proxy2,…" format and assumed that there was a single IP address following the X-Forwarded-For header. I've added code to tokenize the values and strip out all but the first token in the comma delimited chain for inclusion in the logs. Header Name Override Others have asked to be able to change the header name that the filter looked for from "X-Forwarded-For" to some customized value. In some cases they were using the X-Forwarded-For header for another reason and wanted to use iRules to create a new header that was to be used in the logs. I implemented this by adding a configuration file option for the filter. The filter will look for a file named F5XForwardedFor.ini in the same directory as the filter with the following format: [SETTINGS] HEADER=Alternate-Header-Name The value of "Alternate-Header-Name" can be changed to whatever header you would like to use. Download I've updated the original distribution file so that folks hitting my previous blog post would get the updates. The following zip file includes 32 and 64 bit release versions of the F5XForwardedFor.dll that you can install under IIS6 or IIS7. Installation Follow these steps to install the filter. Download and unzip the F5XForwardedFor.zip distribution. Copy the F5XForwardedFor.dll file from the x86\Release or x64\Release directory (depending on your platform) into a target directory on your system. Let's say C:\ISAPIFilters. Ensure that the containing directory and the F5XForwardedFor.dll file have read permissions by the IIS process. It's easiest to just give full read access to everyone. Open the IIS Admin utility and navigate to the web server you would like to apply it to. For IIS6, Right click on your web server and select Properties. Then select the "ISAPI Filters" tab. From there click the "Add" button and enter "F5XForwardedFor" for the Name and the path to the file "c:\ISAPIFilters\F5XForwardedFor.dll" to the Executable field and click OK enough times to exit the property dialogs. At this point the filter should be working for you. You can go back into the property dialog to determine whether the filter is active or an error occurred. For II7, you'll want to select your website and then double click on the "ISAPI Filters" icon that shows up in the Features View. In the Actions Pane on the right select the "Add" link and enter "F5XForwardedFor" for the name and "C:\ISAPIFilters\F5XForwardedFor.dll" for the Executable. Click OK and you are set to go. I'd love to hear feedback on this and if there are any other feature request, I'm wide open to suggestions. The source code is included in the download distribution so if you make any changes yourself, let me know! Good luck and happy filtering! -Joe13KViews0likes14CommentsiRule Editor Updates
As you may have noticed today, when you fired up the iRule Editor, that a new version is available for download. I snuck in a couple of releases over the last couple of months and have been meaning on writing up some of the new features so looks like this is my chance. The version information, along with features/enhancements put into each release, is always available from within the F5 iRule Editor Help menu item from within the editor but for those of you to lazy to click the couple of links it takes to get to the "What's New" section of the help, I'll go over the major points here. Administrative Domains With BIG-IP v9.4, the concept of configuration "silos" was added to allow an administrator the ability to place sections of the configuration into "buckets" and assign control of those "buckets" to individual users. Basically allowing the admin to give each user control of only portions of the configuration. If you are running post v9.4, check out the new "Partition" file menu where you can view, and change if you are allowed, the current partition you are working in. Auto Indenting Thanks to one of our awesome DevCentral users for submitting the code changes to allow auto-indenting when the enter key is typed. This will save in a lot of wear-and-tear on your tab or space keys! Enhanced CPU Statistics Reporting This has been a long time coming. Way back, heck I can't even remember exactly how long, unRuleY posted a message to the forums indicating some calculations that can be done on the clock cycle statistics that are presented when the "timing" command is used within your iRule. Last week, Deb published a tech tip with an Excel spreadsheet that will do these calculations for you. I took this as the final kick-in-the-butt to get moving on Editor integration. Well, it's here. Right click on an iRule, select the "Statistics" tab, and you'll be presented with few new options. First, is the CPU Speed. Since this is not directly exposed via iControl, we had to make some assumptions based on the platform that iControl reports you are running on. Click on "Guess" for the Editor to get that info from the BIG-IP and present what the platform guides for your system states that the CPU is running at. For an exact value, you can run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" from the BIG-IP command prompt and search for the CPU speed in MHz. Once you get the clock speed correct, you can view the following metric types CPU Cycles/Request - This is the raw number of clock cycles that the LocalLB::Rule::get_statistics() method returns. So, you can see the smallest (Minimum), Average and Largest (Maximum) number of clock cycles each iRule Event takes to execute. Run Time (ms)/Request - This is the number of milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) that the events take to execute per request. Again, the smallest, average, and largest requests are displayed. Percent CPU Usage/Request - This is the percentage of the CPU that each request took up per request. Max Concurrent Requests - By taking the inverse of the Percent CPU Usage/Request we come up with the max number of requests until maxing out the CPU. Keep in mind that this value assumes that the CPU is 100% dedicated to iRule processing which isn't the case. You'll want to assume a number smaller that this. Enjoy these new features and make sure to let me know what you think of the Editor and any and all new feature requests you would like to see added in the future. -Joe Reading: Confessions of a Economic Hitman Listening To: 155 by +44573Views0likes1Comment20 Lines or Less #8
What could you do with your code in 20 Lines or Less? That's the question I ask every week, and every week I go looking to find cool new examples that show just how flexible and powerful iRules can be without getting in over your head. For this week's 20LoL sampling I've dipped into my own private stash of iRule goodness. Some of these are oldies but goodies, one of them I actually just wrote yesterday as an example for Lori's Blog. As such the newly written example is the only one with a URI. The others will just have a description and the iRule source. I'm sure I'll be diving back into the Forums and CodeShare in the coming weeks as there just seems to be an endless stream of cool stuff to dig through out there, but I wanted to toss up a few of my own rules this week. Be gentle with comments, some of these are old as I said. ;) Content Scrubbing for Adobe Flash Exploit http://devcentral.f5.com/s/weblogs/macvittie/archive/2008/05/29/3309.aspx This iRule digs through the contents of the HTTP responses being sent out from your servers and looks for known exploit sites, then blocks those responses from going to your users. In this way it attempts to help protect them from the spread of the Adobe Flash exploit Lori's been talking about. when HTTP_RESPONSE { HTTP::collect } when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::payload]] { "*0novel.com*" - "*dota11.cn*" - "*wuqing17173.cn*" - "*woai117.cn*" - "*guccime.net*" - "*play0nlnie.com*" { HTTP::respond 200 content "The server is currently unable to serve the requested content. Please try again later." log local0. "Adobe Flash exploit infected Server IP: [IP::server_addr]." } } HTTP::release } IP Client Limiting via Array This iRule was written to deal with a very high-volume need for client limiting. By storing the IPs in an array and accessing them in the most optimized format I could come up with, this rule was able to stand up to some pretty impressive numbers. If memory serves it was somewhere near 200K connections per second with nearly 3 million concurrent connections. Not too shabby! when RULE_INIT { array set connections { } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [info exists ::connections([IP::client_addr])] } { if { [incr ::connections([IP::client_addr])] > 1000 } { reject } } else { set ::connections([IP::client_addr]) 1 } } when CLIENT_CLOSED { if { [incr ::connections([IP::client_addr]) -1] unset ::connections([IP::client_addr]) } } Selective HTTPS Redirect This is a slight variant on a popular concept. This iRule does a selective redirect to HTTPS by checking a given class to see if the incoming URI is one that should be served via HTTPS. The neat part here is that it also does a port check and a preventative else statement, meaning this iRule should be able to be deployed on a global virtual, serving all ports, where most examples like this require the traffic to be broken up into two VIPS, port 80 and port 443, to avoid infinite looping. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [TCP::local_port] == 80 } { log local0. "connecting on HTTP server" if { [matchclass [HTTP::uri] starts_with $::secure_uris] } { HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } } } So there you have it, another few examples of what can be done via iRules in less than 21 lines of code. This 20 LoL brought to you from my personal vault, so I hope you enjoy. As always, please let me know if you have any feedback, comments, questions, suggestions, musical recommendations or other pertinent information to share. See you next week. #Colin523Views0likes2Comments3-DNS grows up...
When I was a kid, I was known to everyone as "Joey". This worked for me in grade school, junior high, and even in high school. But sometime between Senior year in high school and College I lost the "y" from the end of my name and I just started going by "Joe". You may remember BIG-IP's younger sibling 3-DNS from the version 4.x days. Well, little 3-DNS has grown up as well. With a full migration to our TMOS Architecture, 3-DNS deserved a new moniker. So, without further ado, here's introducing: BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager A ton of information can be found on its website. For those who don't know what a Global Traffic Manager is, here's a blurb from our recent press release: The BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager (formerly known as F5’s 3-DNS® Controller) distributes end user application requests according to business policies and datacenter and network conditions to ensure the highest possible application availability and scalability. Oh, and not to be left in the dust, little cousin Link Controller did a little growing up and is fully integrated into TMOS as well. The BIG-IP Link Controller seamlessly monitors availability and performance of multiple WAN ISP (Internet Service Provider) connections by intelligently managing two-way traf?c ?ow to a site, providing fault tolerant and optimized Internet access. You can check out information about BIG-IP Link Controller at it's website. -Joe377Views0likes2Comments