10 TopicsIntroducing the New Docker Compose Installation Option for F5 NGINX Instance Manager
F5 NGINX Instance Manager (NIM) is a centralised management solution designed to simplify the administration and monitoring of F5 NGINX instances across various environments, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures. It provides a single interface to efficiently oversee multiple NGINX instances, making it particularly useful for organizations using NGINX at scale. We’re excited to introduce a new Docker Compose installation option for NGINX Instance Manager, designed to help you get up and running faster than ever before, in just a couple of steps. Key Features: Quick and Easy Installation: With just a couple of steps, you can pull and deploy NGINX Instance Manager on any Docker host, without having to manually configure multiple components. The image is available in our container registry, so once you have a valid license to access it, getting up and running is as simple as pulling the container. Fault-Tolerant and Resilient: This installation option is designed with fault tolerance in mind. Persistent storage ensures your data is safe even in the event of container restarts or crashes. Additionally, with a separate database container, your product’s data is isolated, adding an extra layer of resilience and making it easier to manage backups and restores. Seamless Upgrades: Upgrades are a breeze. You can update to the latest version of NGINX Instance Manager by simply updating the image tag in your Docker Compose file. This makes it easy to stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements without worrying about downtime or complex upgrade processes. Backup and Restore Options: To ensure your data is protected, this installation option comes with built-in backup and restore capabilities. Easily back up your data to a safe location and restore it in case of any issues. Environment Configuration Flexibility: The Docker Compose setup allows you to define custom environment variables, giving you full control over configuration settings such as log levels, timeout values, and more. Production-Ready: Designed for scalability and reliability, this installation method is ready for production environments. With proper resource allocation and tuning, you can deploy NGINX Instance Manager to handle heavy workloads while maintaining performance. The following steps walk you through how to deploy and manage NGINX Instance Manager using Docker Compose. What you need A working version ofDocker Your NGINX subscription’s JSON Web Token from MyF5 This pre-configureddocker-compose.yamlfile: Download docker-compose.yaml file. Step 1 - Set up Docker for NGINX container registry Log in to the Docker registry using the contents of the JSON Web Token file you downloaded fromMyF5 : docker login --username=<JWT_CONTENTS> --password=none Step 2 - Run “docker login” and then “docker compose up” in the directory where you downloaded docker-compose.yaml Note: You can optionally set the Administrator password for NGINX Instance Manager prior to running Docker Compose. ~$ docker login --username=<JWT_CONTENTS> --password=none ~$ echo "admin" > admin_password.txt ~$ docker compose up -d [+] Running 6/6 ✔ Network nim_clickhouse Created 0.1s ✔ Network nim_external_network Created 0.2s ✔ Network nim_default Created 0.2s ✔ Container nim-precheck-1 Started 0.8s ✔ Container nim-clickhouse-1 Healthy 6.7s ✔ Container nim-nim-1 Started 7.4s. Step 3 – Access NGINX Instance Manager Go to the NGINX Instance Manager UI on https://<<DOCKER_HOST>>:443 and license the product using the same JSON Web Token you downloaded from MyF5 earlier. Conclusion With this new setup, you can install and run NGINX Instance Manager on any Docker host in just 3 steps, dramatically reducing setup time and simplifying deployment. Whether you are working in a development environment or deploying to production, the Docker Compose-based solution ensures a seamless and reliable experience. For more information on using the docker compose option with NGINX Instance manager such as running a backup and restore, using secrets, and many more, please see the instructionshere.50Views1like0CommentsCreating a Docker Container to Run AS3 Declarations
This guide will take you through some very basic docker, Python, and F5 AS3 configuration to create a single-function container that will update a pre-determined BIG-IP using an AS3 declaration stored on Github. While it’s far from production ready, it might serve as a basis for more complex configurations, plus it illustrates nicely some technology you can use to automate BIG-IP configuration using AS3, Python and containers. I'm starting with a running BIG-IP - in this case a VE running on theGoogle Cloud Platform, with the AS3 wroker installed and provisioned, plus a couple of webservers listening on different ports. First we’re going to need a host running docker. Fire up an instance in on the platform of your choice – in this example I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on the Google Cloud platform – that’s purely from familiarity – anything that can run Docker will do. The install process is well documented but looks a bit like this: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg-agent \ software-properties-common $ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - $sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" $sudo apt-get update $ sudoapt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli It's worth adding your user to the docker group to avoid repeadly forgetting to type sudo (or is that just me?) $ sudo usermod -aGdocker$USER Next let's test it's all working: $ docker run hello-world Next let’s take a look at the AS3 declaration,as you might expect form me by now, it’s the most basic version – a simple HTTP app, with two pool members. The beauty of the AS3 model, of course, is that it doesn’t matter how complex your declaration is, the implementation is always the same. So you could take a much more involved declaration and just by changing the file the python script uses, get a more complex configuration. { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "persist": true, "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.0.0", "id": "urn:uuid:33045210-3ab8-4636-9b2a-c98d22ab915d", "label": "Sample 1", "remark": "Simple HTTP Service with Round-Robin Load Balancing", "Sample_01": { "class": "Tenant", "A1": { "class": "Application", "template": "http", "serviceMain": { "class": "Service_HTTP", "virtualAddresses": [ "" ], "pool": "web_pool" }, "web_pool": { "class": "Pool", "monitors": [ "http" ], "members": [ { "servicePort": 8080, "serverAddresses": [ "" ] }, { "servicePort": 8081, "serverAddresses": [ "" ] } ] } } } } } Now we need some python code to fire up our request. The code below is absolutely a minimum viable set that’s been written for simplicity and clarity and does minimal error checking. There are more ways to improve it that lines of code in it, but it will get you started. #Python Code to run an as3 declaration # import requests import os from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # Get rid of annoying insecure requests waring from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # Declaration location GITDRC = '' IP = '' PORT = '8443' USER = os.environ['XUSER'] PASS = os.environ['XPASS'] URLBASE = 'https://' + IP + ':' + PORT TESTPATH = '/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/info' AS3PATH = '/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare' print("########### Fetching Declaration ###########") d = requests.get(GITDRC) # Check we have connectivity and AS3 is installed print('########### Checking that AS3 is running on ', IP ,' #########') url = URLBASE + TESTPATH r = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USER, PASS), verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: data = r.json() if data["version"]: print('AS3 version is ', data["version"]) print('########## Runnig Declaration #############') url = URLBASE + AS3PATH headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' } r =, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USER, PASS), verify=False, data=d.text, headers=headers) print('Status Code:', r.status_code,'\n', r.text) else: print('AS3 test to ',IP, 'failed: ', r.text) This simple python code will pull down an S3 declaration from GitHub using the 'requests' Python library, and the GITDRC variable, connect to a specific BIG-IP, test it’s running AS3 (see here for AS3 setup instructions), and then apply the declaration. It will give you some tracing output, but that’s about it. There are couple of things to note about IP’s, users, and passwords: IP = '' PORT = '8443' USER = os.environ['XUSER'] PASS = os.environ['XPASS' As you can see, I’ve set the IP and port statically and the username and passwords are pulled in from environment variables in the container. We’ll talk more about the environment variables below, but this is more a way to illustrate your options than design advice. Now we need to build a container to run it in. Containers are relatively easy to build with just a Dockerfile and a few more test files in a directory. Here's the docker file: FROM python:3 WORKDIR /usr/src/app ARG Username=admin ENV XUSER=$Username ARG Password=admin ENV XPASS=$Password # line bleow is not actually used - see comments - but oy probably is a better way ARG DecURL= ENV Declaration=$DecURL COPY requirements.txt ./ RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt COPY . . ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "./" ] You can see a couple of ARG and ENV statements , these simple set the environment variables that we’re (somewhat arbitrarily) using in the python script. Further more we’re going to override them in then build command later. It’s worth noting this isn’t a way to obfuscate passwords, they are exposed by a simple $ docker image history command that will expose all sorts of things about the build of the container, including the environment variables passes to it. This can be overcome by a multi-stage build – but proper secret management is something you should explore – and comment below if you’d like some examples. What’s this requirements.txt file mentioned in the Dockerfile it’s just a manifest to the install of the python package we need: # This file is used by pip to install required python packages # Usage: pip install -r requirements.txt # requests package requests==2.21.0 With our Dockerfile, requirements.txt and files in a directory we're ready to build a container - in this case I'm going to pass some environment variables into the build to be incorporated in the image - and replace the ones we have set in the Dockerfile: $ export XUSER=admin $ export XPASS=admin Build the container (the -t flag names and tags your container, more of which later): $ docker build -t runciblespoon/as3_python:A--build-arg Username=$XUSER --build-arg Password=$XPASS . The first time you do this there will be some lag as files for the python3 source containerare downloaded and cached, but once it has run you should be able to see your image: $ docker image list REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE runciblespoon/as3_python A 819dfeaad5eb About a minute ago 936MB python 3 954987809e63 42 hours ago 929MB hello-world latest fce289e99eb9 3 months ago 1.84kB Now we are ready to run the container maybe a good time for a 'nothing up my sleeve' moment - here is the state of the BIG-IP before hand Now let's run the container from our image.The -tty flag attached a pseudo terminal for output and --rm deletes the container afterwards: $ docker run --tty --rm runciblespoon/as3_python:A ########### Fetching Declaration ########### ########### Checking that AS3 is running on ######### AS3 version is 3.10.0 ########## Runing Declaration ############# Status Code: 200 {"results":[{"message":"success","lineCount":23,"code":200,"host":"localhost","tenant":"Sample_01","runTime":929}],"declaration":{"class":"ADC","schemaVersion":"3.0.0","id":"urn:uuid:33045210-3ab8-4636-9b2a-c98d22ab915d","label":"Sample 1","remark":"Simple HTTP Service with Round-Robin Load Balancing","Sample_01":{"class":"Tenant","A1":{"class":"Application","template":"http","serviceMain":{"class":"Service_HTTP","virtualAddresses":[""],"pool":"web_pool"},"web_pool":{"class":"Pool","monitors":["http"],"members":[{"servicePort":8080,"serverAddresses":[""]},{"servicePort":8081,"serverAddresses":[""]}]}}},"updateMode":"selective","controls":{"archiveTimestamp":"2019-04-26T18:40:56.861Z"}}} Success, by the looks of things. Let's check the BIG-IP: running our container has pulled down the AS3 declaration, and applied it to the BIG-IP. This same container can now be run repeatedly - and only the AS3 declaration stored in git (or anywhere else your container can get it from) needs to change. So now you have this container running locally you might want ot put it somewhere. Docker hub is a good choice and lets you create one private repository for free. Remember this container image has credentials, so keep it safe and private. Now the reason for the -t runciblespoon/as3_python:A flag earlier. My docker hub user is "runciblespoon" and my private repository is as3_python. So now all i need ot do is login to Docker Hub and push my image there: $ docker login $ docker push runciblespoon/as3_python:B Now I can go to any other host that runs Docker, login to Docker hub and run my container: $ docker login $ docker run --tty --rm runciblespoon/as3_python:A Unable to find image 'runciblespoon/as3_python:A' locally B: Pulling from runciblespoon/as3_python ... ########### Fetching Declaration ########### Docker will pull down my container form my private repo and run it, using the AS3 declaration I've specified. If I want to change my config, I just change the declaration and run it again. Hopefully this article gives you a starting point to develop your own containers, python scripts, or AS3 declarations, I'd be interested in what more you would like to see, please ask away in the comments section.1.5KViews0likes4CommentsWhat is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is a container-orchestration platform. Its goal is to abstract away the complexity to run containerised applications in terms of network, storage, scaling and more. It also provides a declarative REST API (which is extensible) in order to automate the process of application hosting and exposure. If that sounds confusing, think of it as the thing that abstracts your infrastructure. We no longer have to worry about servers but onlyhow to deploy our application to Kubernetes. This is how a Kubernetes cluster may look like: It is comprised of a cluster of physical servers or virtual machines known as nodes in Kubernetes world. We can add or remove nodes at will and Kubernetes can scale down or up to a staggering amount of up to 5,000 nodes! Master nodes vs Worker Nodes There are 2 kinds of nodes you should initially know about: master and worker nodes¹. ¹ OpenShift (an enterprise fork of Kubernetes) adds the notion of infrastructure node. Infrastructure nodes are meant to host shared services (e.g. router nodes, monitoring, etc). Master nodes manage the Kubernetes cluster using 4 main components: Schedulerschedules pods to worker nodes. Controller managermakes sure cluster's actual state = desired state. ETCDis where Kubernetes store its objects and metadata. API Servervalidates objects before they're stored inETCDand of course is the central point of contact for object creation, retrieval and to watch the state of objects and cluster in general. A popular tool to "talk" to API Server iskubectl. If you install Kubernetes, you would definitely usekubectl². ² Openshift has a similar tool called "oc" Worker nodescommunicate withMaster node's API Serverin the following manner: Kubeletruns on each worker node and watches API SERVER to continuously monitor for Pods that should be created, deleted or changed. When we first add a Node to Kubernetes cluster,Kubeletis the daemon that registers the Node resource to API Server. Kube-proxymakes sure client traffic is redirected to the correct pod networking-wise in an efficient manner. Redirection is accomplished by using either iptables rules orIPVSvirtual servers. Container runtimeis usually Docker. Pods and Containers: Where does a Kubernetes application reside? Not every application is compatible with Kubernetes environment. Developers have to create their application in a specific way with small replicable components (also known as micro-services) that are independent from other components. Such components are hosted inside of a Pod. Pods run in Worker nodes: Within pods we can find one or more containers and that's where our application (or small chunk of our application) resides. In Appendix section, I will explain why using pods instead of containers directly. Understanding Pod's scalability component Pods are supposed to be replicable so application is designed in such a way to enable horizontal (auto) scalability. That's one of the powers of Kubernetes! We have a cluster of nodes where chunks of our application (pods) can easily increase or decrease in numbers. This is also the reason why our pods should be coded in a way that allows them to be replicable. Imagine our application has a component calledshopping-trolleyand another one calledcheck-out: Ourshopping-trolleypods may eventually become too overloaded and we might need more replicas to cope with the additional traffic/load. Increasing/reducing the number of replicas is as easy as writing down the number of replicas or letting cloud providers auto-scale it for you. Cloud providers also allow us to increase replicas based on CPU cycles, memory, etc. Before the rise of container orchestrators like Kubernetes, we would have to scale out the whole application stack, unnecessarily overloading servers. Kubernetes also allows us to scale out only parts of the application that needs it, effectively reducing unnecessary overload on servers and costs. The other advantage is that we can upgrade part of our application with zero downtime without the overhead to re-deploy the whole application at once. Services: how traffic reaches Application within a Pod Scheduler spreads out pods throughout Kubernetes cluster. However, it is usually a good idea to group pod replicas behind a single entry-point for reachability purposes as a pod's IP may change. This is where a Kubernetes Servicescomes in: Services act as the single point of access for a groups of pods with fixedDNS name and port. The way Services work out which pod should belong to it is by the use of labels. There is a label selector on a service and pods with same label are grouped into the Service. Understanding the 3 ways Services can be exposed ClusterIP Services can be exposed internally when one group of pods want to communicate with another one. This is the default and is calledClusterIPtype. A private IP address reachable only within Kubernetes cluster is used as single point of access for the group of pods. NodePort Services can be exposed externally by using Node's public IP address and port as cluster's entry point for client's external traffic. This is calledNodePorttype. If we useNodePort, external clients would have to directly reach one of the nodes soNodePortmight not be suitable for most production environments. If we need to load balance traffic among nodes, the next type is the solution. LoadBalancer This is another layer on top ofNodePortthat load balances traffic in a round robin fashion to all nodes. However, theLoadBalancertype can only be tied to a single Service, i.e. if we have multiple Services,we would need oneLoadBalancerper Service which could become quite costly. If we want to use a single Public IP address to direct external traffic to the right service based on URL, the next type is the solution. Ingress Resource TheIngresstype reads the HTTP Host header and forwards connection to a Service based on the URL/PATH. An Ingress can point to multiple Services based on URL using a single Public IP address as entry point. This overcomes the limitation of oneLoadBalancerper Service onLoadBalancertype. Final Remarks Kubernetes is currently a well-established DevOps tool but it is a very extensive topic and is constantly evolving. For release update, please watch Kubernetes official blog. There are many Kubernetes objects that were not covered here but should be covered in a future article. Appendix: Why Pods? Why not using containers directly? Design The underlying Container technology is independent from Kubernetes. Pods act as a layer of abstraction on top of it. With that in mind, Kubernetes doesn't really have to adapt to different container technology (such as Docker, Rocket, etc) and avoids runtime lock-in, i.e. each container runtime has its own strength. Application Requirements Within pods, containers can potentially share resources more easily. For example, one container might run to perform a certain task and the other one to take care of authentication. Another example would be one container writing to a shared storage volume and another one reading from it to perform additional processing. Containers in the same pod share the same network and IPC namespaces.1.6KViews2likes1CommentExploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 2: Namespaces
Related Articles: Exploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 1: Creating, Listing and Deleting Pods Exploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 3: Python Client API Quick Intro Using kubectl command is pretty useful: When you execute the above command, kubectl sends a GET request to /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods: Kubernetes master node replies with a JSON file containing all pods (along with their info) that belong to namespace 'default'. In this article, I'm going to explain what Kubernetes namespaces are by showing you real HTTP traffic reaching Kubernetes master node. I've removed the TLS complexity by using proxy so we can just focus on HTTP headers only. Understanding namespaces Initially, I'd say just memorise that /api/v1 is like the root directory of Kubernetes master node's API where client is going to retrieve all sorts of information. Have you noticed thenamespacesin /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods? defaultjust happens to be the namespace that our pods listed here belong to. Think of namespaces for Kubernetes as virtual Kubernetes clusters just like Virtual Machines (VMs) for OS. We can have identical objects with same name that belong to different namespaces and therefore are isolated from each other from the point of view of the API. Creating a new custom namespace I can create a new namespace like this usingkubectlcommand: I can then create the same identical pods from default namespace inrodrigo's namespace. Let's see what happened under the hood when I typed the above command. When we create a new namespace, kubectl sends an HTTP POST request Kubernetes master node: pcap: creating-rodrigo-namespace.pcap Thekubectlclient then sends a JSON file like this in the POST request: Then, Kubernetes Master responds withHTTP 201 Createdmessage and another JSON file with all newly creatednamespace's info: I've described some of the JSON info that came back from API just out of curiosity. Note that many different objects are 'namespaced', i.e. they belong to a namespace. Others like nodes are namespace-independent. I used pods as an example here to explain namespaces as pods are most popular and well-known object in Kubernetes world. Keeping 2 identical pods in 2 namespaces Let me create a new NGINX pod in the new namespace: Ops! We need to specify that we're creating the same pod in the new namespace we've just created, otherwise it defaults to default namespace where thenginxpod already exists: It now worked. Let's list only pods from rodrigo's namespace only with kubectl: When we capture the above request on Wireshark, we now see that our GET request to Kubernetes Master now usesrodrigo's namespace so we're now listing only pods fromrodrigonamespace only: We also have this same exact pod using same name indefaultnamespace. Remember? Deleting my custom namespace Now, let's delete our pod: And that's the API call under the hood (an HTTP DELETE request to complete path of namespace - just like we're deleting a folder): pcap: deleting-namespace.pcap Listing pods from all namespaces If you're curious about how the URL would look like when we list pods from all namespaces with kubectl: The answer is this: This request will list all pods from all namespaces. Troubleshooting Namespaces Remember I mentioned thefinalizerattribute? When I was creating this article and I tried to delete the my custom namespace (rodrigo), it got stuck in Terminating state: Initially I thought it was just Google Cloud slowness but 40 minutes? That's a lot. So I suspected it could be because offinalizeattribute and googled it sofound that it was a bugand here's the solution: Retrieve namespace's JSON declaration to temporary file: Deletekuberneteskeyword fromfinalizersattribute: Now send a PUT request to API and the JSON file above: Then, when I looked back it was finally gone:965Views1like0CommentsExploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 1: Creating, Listing and Deleting Pods
Related Articles: Exploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 2: Namespaces Exploring Kubernetes API using Wireshark part 3: Python Client API Quick Intro This article answers the following question: What happens when we create, list and delete pods under the hood? More specifically on the wire. I used these 3 commands: I'll show you on Wireshark the communication between kubectl client and master node (API) for each of the above commands. I used a proxy so we don't have to worry about TLS layer and focus on HTTP only. Creating NGINX pod pcap:creating_pod.pcap (use http filter on Wireshark) Here's our YAML file: Here's how we create this pod: Here's what we see on Wireshark: Behind the scenes, kubectl command sent an HTTP POST with our YAML file converted to JSON but notice the same thing was sent (kind, apiVersion, metadata, spec): You can even expand it if you want to but I didn't to keep it short. Then, Kubernetes master (API) responds with HTTP 201 Created to confirm our pod has been created: Notice that master node replies with similar data with the additional status column because after pod is created it's supposed to have a status too. Listing Pods pcap:listing_pods.pcap (use http filter on Wireshark) When we list pods, kubectl just sends a HTTP GET request instead of POST because we don't need to submit any data apart from headers: This is the full GET request: And here's the HTTP 200 OK with JSON file that contains all information about all pods from default's namespace: I just wanted to emphasise that when you list a pod the resource type that comes back isPodListand when we created our pod it was justPod. Remember? The other thing I'd like to point out is that all of your pods' information should be listed underitems. Allkubectldoes is to display some of the API's info in a humanly readable way. Deleting NGINX pod pcap:deleting_pod.pcap (use http filter on Wireshark) Behind the scenes, we're just sending an HTTP DELETE to Kubernetes master: Also notice that the pod's name is also included in the URI: /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nginx← this is pods' name HTTP DELETEjust likeHTTP GETis pretty straightforward: Our master node replies with HTTP 200 OK as well as some json file with all the info about the pod, including about it's termination: It's also good to emphasise here that when our pod is deleted, master node returns JSON file with all information available about the pod. I highlighted some interesting info. For example, resource type is now just Pod (not PodList when we're just listing our pods).4.6KViews3likes0CommentsContainers: plug-and-play code in DevOps world - part 2
Related articles: DevOps Explained to the Layman Containers: plug-and-play code in DevOps world - part 1 Quick Intro Inpart 1, I explained containers at a very high level and mentioned that Docker was the most popular container platform. I also added that containers are tiny isolated environments within the same Linux host using the same Linux kernel and it is so lightweight that it packs only the libraries and dependencies just enough to get your application running. This is good because even for very distinct applications that require a certain Linux distro to run or different libraries, there should be no problem at all. If you're a Linux guy like me you'd probably want to know that the mostpopular container platform (docker) usesdockerdas the front-line daemon: root@albuquerque-docker:~# ps aux | grep dockerd root 753 0.1 0.4 1865588 74692 ? Ssl Mar19 4:39 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock This is what we're going to do here: Running my hello world app in traditional way (just a simple hello world!) Containerising my hello world app! (how to pack your application into a Docker image!) Quick note about image layers (brief note about Docker image layers!) Running our containerised app (we run the same hello worldapp but now within aDocker container) Uploading my app to online Registry and Retrieving it(we now upload our app to DockerHub so we can pull it from anywhere) How do we manage multiple container images (what do we do if our application is so big that we've got lots of containers?) Running my hello world app in traditional way There is no mystery running an application (or a component of an application) in the traditional way. We've got our physical or virtual machine with an OS installed and you just run it: root@albuquerque-docker:~# cat #!/usr/bin/python3 print('hello, Rodrigo!') root@albuquerque-docker:~# ./ hello, Rodrigo! Containerising my hello world app! Here I'm going to show you how you can containerise your application and it's best if you follow along with me. First,install Docker. Once installed the command you'll use is alwaysdocker <something>ok? In DevOps world things are usually done in a declarative manner, i.e. you tell docker what you want to do and you don't worry much about the how. With that in mind, by default we can tell Docker in its default configuration file (Dockerfile) about the application you'd like it to pack (pack = creatingan image): root@albuquerque-docker:~# cat Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install python3 -y ADD / CMD [ "./" ] root@albuquerque-docker:~# FROM: tell docker what is your base image (don't worry, it automatically downloads the image fromDockerhubif your image is not locally installed) RUN: Any command typed in here is executed and becomes part of base image ADD: copies source file ( to a directory you pick inside your container (/ in this case here) CMD: Any command typed in here is executed after container is already running So, in above configuration we're telling Docker to build an image to do the following: Install ubuntu Linux as our base image (this is not the whole OS, just the bare minimum) Update and upgrade all packages installed and install python3 Add our script from current directory to / directory inside the container Run it Exit, because the only task it had (running our script) has been completed Now we execute this command to build the image based on ourDockerfile: Note: notice I didn't specify Dockerfile in my command below. That's because it's the default filename so I just omitted it. root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker build -t hello-world-rodrigo . Sending build context to Docker daemon 607MB Step 1/4 : FROM ubuntu:latest ---> 94e814e2efa8 Step 2/4 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install python3 -y ---> Running in a63919569292 Get:1 bionic-security InRelease [88.7 kB] . . <omitted for brevity> . Reading state information... Calculating upgrade... The following packages will be upgraded: apt libapt-pkg5.0 libseccomp2 libsystemd0 libudev1 5 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 2268 kB of archives. After this operation, 15.4 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 bionic-updates/main amd64 libudev1 amd64 237-3ubuntu10.15 [54.2 kB] Get:2 bionic-updates/main amd64 libapt-pkg5.0 amd64 1.6.10 [805 kB] Get:3 bionic-updates/main amd64 libseccomp2 amd64 2.3.1-2.1ubuntu4.1 [39.1 kB] Get:4 bionic-updates/main amd64 apt amd64 1.6.10 [1165 kB] Get:5 bionic-updates/main amd64 libsystemd0 amd64 237-3ubuntu10.15 [205 kB] debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed Fetched 2268 kB in 3s (862 kB/s) (Reading database ... 4039 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../libudev1_237-3ubuntu10.15_amd64.deb ... . . <omitted for brevity> . Suggested packages: python3-doc python3-tk python3-venv python3.6-venv python3.6-doc binutils binfmt-support readline-doc The following NEW packages will be installed: file libexpat1 libmagic-mgc libmagic1 libmpdec2 libpython3-stdlib libpython3.6-minimal libpython3.6-stdlib libreadline7 libsqlite3-0 libssl1.1 mime-support python3 python3-minimal python3.6 python3.6-minimal readline-common xz-utils 0 upgraded, 18 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 6477 kB of archives. After this operation, 33.5 MB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 bionic-updates/main amd64 libssl1.1 amd64 1.1.0g-2ubuntu4.3 [1130 kB] . . <omitted for brevity> . Setting up libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.6.7-1~18.04) ... Setting up python3 (3.6.7-1~18.04) ... running python rtupdate hooks for python3.6... running python post-rtupdate hooks for python3.6... Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ... Removing intermediate container a63919569292 ---> 6d564b46521d Step 3/4 : ADD / ---> a936bffc4f17 Step 4/4 : CMD [ "./" ] ---> Running in bea77d51f830 Removing intermediate container bea77d51f830 ---> e6e4f99ed9f3 Successfully built e6e4f99ed9f3 Successfully tagged hello-world-rodrigo:latest That's it. You've now packed your application into a docker image! We can now list our images to confirm our image is there: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world-rodrigo latest e6e4f99ed9f3 2 minutes ago 155MB ubuntu latest 94e814e2efa8 2 minutes ago 88.9MB root@albuquerque-docker:~# Note that Ubuntu image was also installed as it is the base image where our app runs. Quick note about image Layers Notice that Docker uses layers to be more efficient and they're reused among containers in the same Host: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker inspect hello-world-rodrigo | grep Layers -A 8 "Layers": [ "sha256:762d8e1a60542b83df67c13ec0d75517e5104dee84d8aa7fe5401113f89854d9", "sha256:e45cfbc98a505924878945fdb23138b8be5d2fbe8836c6a5ab1ac31afd28aa69", "sha256:d60e01b37e74f12aa90456c74e161f3a3e7c690b056c2974407c9e1f4c51d25b", "sha256:b57c79f4a9f3f7e87b38c17ab61a55428d3391e417acaa5f2f761c0e7e3af409", "sha256:51bedea20e25171f7a6fb32fdba24cce322be0d1a68eab7e149f5a7ee320290d", "sha256:b4cfcee2534584d181cbedbf25a5e9daa742a6306c207aec31fc3a8197606565" ] }, You can think of layers roughly like first layer is bare bones base OS for example, then second one would be a subsequent modification (e.g. installing python3), and so on. The idea is to share layers (read-only) with different containers so we don't need to create a copy of the same layer. Just make sure you understand that what we're sharing here is a read-only image. Anything you write on top of that, docker creates another layer! That's the magic! Running our Containerised App Lastly, we run our image with our hello world app: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker run hello-world-rodrigo hello, Rodrigo! root@albuquerque-docker:~# As I said before, our container exited and that's because the only task assigned to the container was to run our script so by default it exits. We can confirm there is no container running: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES root@albuquerque-docker:~# If you want to run it in daemon mode there is an option called -d but you're only supposed to run this option if you're really going to run a daemon. Let me useNGINXbecause our hello-world image is not suitable for daemon mode: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker run -d nginx Unable to find image 'nginx:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/nginx f7e2b70d04ae: Pull complete 08dd01e3f3ac: Pull complete d9ef3a1eb792: Pull complete Digest: sha256:98efe605f61725fd817ea69521b0eeb32bef007af0e3d0aeb6258c6e6fe7fc1a Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest c97d363a1cc2bf578d62e57ec677bca69f27746974b9d5a49dccffd17dd75a1c Yes, you can run docker run command and it will download the image and run the container for you. Let's just confirm our container didn't exit and it is still there: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c97d363a1cc2 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds 80/tcp amazing_lalande Let's confirm we can reach NGINX inside the container. First we check container's locally assigned IP address: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker inspect c97d363a1cc2 | grep IPAdd "SecondaryIPAddresses": null, "IPAddress": "", "IPAddress": "", Now we confirm we have NGINX running inside a docker container: root@albuquerque-docker:~# curl <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href=""></a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> At the moment, my NGINX server is not reachable outside of my host machine ( is the external IP address of our container's host machine). rodrigo@ubuntu:~$ curl curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused To solve this, just add -p flag like this: -p <port host will listen for external connections>:<port our container is listening> Let's delete our our NGINX container first: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c97d363a1cc2 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes 80/tcp amazing_lalande root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker rm c97d363a1cc2 Error response from daemon: You cannot remove a running container c97d363a1cc2bf578d62e57ec677bca69f27746974b9d5a49dccffd17dd75a1c. Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker stop c97d363a1cc2 c97d363a1cc2 root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker rm c97d363a1cc2 c97d363a1cc2 root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx a8b0454bae36e52f3bdafe4d21eea2f257895c9ea7ca93542b760d7ef89bdd7f root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a8b0454bae36 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 7 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>80/tcp thirsty_poitras Now, let me reach it from an external host: rodrigo@ubuntu:~$ curl <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href=""></a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html> Uploading my App to online Registry and Retrieving it You can also upload your containerised application to an online registry such asdockerhubwith docker push command. We first need to create an accountdockerhuband then a repository: Because my username isdigofarias, my hello-world-rodrigo imagewill actually have to be named locally as digofarias/hello-world-rodrigo. Let's list our images: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu latest 94e814e2efa8 8 minutes ago 88.9MB hello-world-rodrigo latest e6e4f99ed9f3 8 minutes ago 155MB If I upload the image this way, it won't work so I need to rename it todigofarias/hello-world-rodrigolike this: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker tag hello-world-rodrigo:latest digofarias/hello-world-rodrigo:latest root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world-rodrigo latest e6e4f99ed9f3 9 minutes ago 155MB digofarias/hello-world-rodrigo latest e6e4f99ed9f3 9 minutes ago 155MB We can now login to our newly created account: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one. Username: digofarias Password: ********** WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/rodrigo/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See Login Succeeded Lastly, we push our code toDockerHub: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker push digofarias/hello-world-rodrigo The push refers to repository [] b4cfcee25345: Pushed 51bedea20e25: Pushed b57c79f4a9f3: Pushed d60e01b37e74: Pushed e45cfbc98a50: Pushed 762d8e1a6054: Pushed latest: digest: sha256:b69a5fd119c8e9171665231a0c1b40ebe98fd79457ede93f45d63ec1b17e60b8 size: 1569 If you go to any other machine connected to the Internet with Docker installed you can run my hello-world app: root@albuquerque-docker:~# docker run digofarias/hello-world-rodrigo hello, Rodrigo! You don't need to worry about dependencies or anything else. If it worked properly in your machine, it should also work anywhere else as the environment inside the container should be the same. In real world, you'd probably be uploading just a component of your code and your real application could be comprised of lots of containers that can potentially communicate with each other via an API. How do we manage multiple container images? Remember that in the real-world we might need to create multiple components (each inside of its container) and we'll have an ecosystem of containers that eventually make up our application or service. As I said inpart 1, in order to manage this ecosystem we typically use a container orchestrator. Currently there are a couple of them like Docker swarm but Kubernetes is the most popular one. Kubernetes is a topic for a whole new article or many articles but you typically declare the container images to a Kubernetes deployment file and it downloads, installs, run and monitors the whole ecosystem (i.e. your application) for you. Just remember that a container is typically just one component of your application that communicates with other components/containers via an API.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsContainers: plug-and-play code in DevOps world - part 1
Related articles: DevOps Explained to the Layman Containers: plug-and-play code in DevOps world - part 2 Quick Intro In myprevious articleI mentioned that breaking down your code into smallplug-and-playcomponents is a best practice in a DevOps solution and that is called Microservices Architecture. It makes your application less prone to errors, scalable, resilient and it's very easy to replace one component for another one or for a different version. In the real world, Microservices Architecture became very popular because of Containers. As a result, we're going to talk about containers. For the uninitiated, please know that currently the most popular container platform is called Docker and you'll learn more about it in part 2 (another article). In part 1 (this article), I'm going to very briefly explain the following: What was the problem before Containers? How Containers solve them (here you understand what containers are briefly and what they do) Where do Containers fit into DevOps solution? Hang on! What if my application has too many containers? (yes, that's the question I get from people smarter than me after I explain how containers work) What was the problem before Containers? Before containers we had mostly software that were deployed in a monolithic way, i.e. ina larger chunkof code. Changes If you had to deploy changes you'd have to repackage all the components: Changes can be due to a bug found later on, a new feature, etc. The bottom line is that whatever change is needed it might not be straightforward. Per-Component Scalability If you need more memory, CPU or scale a specific component of your application you can probably keep adding more memory, CPU, etc, to your box/VM The other option would be to add a BIG-IP and scale your monolithic application: However, this option may require changes in your code that is not always possible from a developer's point of view. Also, what if you don't need to scale the whole application but just a single component? Deployment Environment I'd say this is more of an advantage of containers rather than a disadvantage of monolithic environment. Without containers, chances are that your development environment might be slightly different to staging or deployment environment: Even if the OS is the same, but maybe libraries are different or OS version is different and unexpected things might happen during testing or deployment phase. How Containers solve the above problems For the uninitiated, think of containers as a Linux trick to isolate a specific component of your application using the same Linux kernel without the need to use Virtual Machines. It contains the component of your application you've just created and all dependencies and libraries it needs to run. An application (in containers world) is typically comprised of one or (more frequently the case) many containers, and sometimes a LOT of containers. The most popular container platform at the moment is called Docker. Let's revisit how containers solve the problems pointed out earlier but keep this in mind: 1 component for 1 container (typically) Each container/component can (and usually do) speak to other components/containers! E.g. your shopping basket component might need to speak to the authentication container of your e-commerce website Changes Say you're a developer and you corrected a bug in Component 1 (C1) code and you'd like to replace C1 for a newer version: All you need to do is to repackage and restart C1 only and leave the other components untouched: You can replace all C1 components or just a few of them in case you'd like to check how new code behaves. You can then configure the API Gateway or Load balancer to round robin only a handful of requests to newer version of the code, for example, until you're super confident. Per-Component Scalability What if we need to scale Component 4 (C4) in the below picture? Just add one or more components when you need it. In the example below, we've added another C4 instance to Server 3's Guest OS: If you no longer need 3 containers, you can remove the additional container. Scalability is literally plug-and-play! Deployment Environment The magic in the containerisation process is that you not only pack your application. You pack its environment as well: This means that the environment (component-wise) you've been creating and testing your component should be the same you deploy to production! This is a tremendous advantage over monolithic applications as it's less prone to errors due to differences in OS version, libraries, etc. Where do Containers fit into DevOps Solution? In a DevOps solution, we use an agile methodology developers are typically encouraged to create small chunks of code anyway like this: They then merge them to main application at least once a day or typically many times a day. If the code is isolated into a single container, it is easier to troubleshoot or to find a bug. It also encourages the developers themselves to think (and to see) the application broken down into organised chunks of functional components. Maintenance is also cleaner and you can focus on a particular service/container for example. This is so much cleaner and so plug-and-play! Hang on! What if my application has too many containers? That's right. You can create hundreds or thousands of components and pack each of them into a container. Are you going to manually deploy all these components? How to do deploy all these components that make up your application and still efficiently utilise the available resources in an efficient manner? What if one container fails out of the blue? You probably need some form of health check to maintain a minimum number of containers running too, right? What if you suddenly need more resources and your containers are not enough? Are you going to manually add containers? That's where Kubernetes comes in! The most popular container orchestration solution. The next article (part 2) I will introduce Docker in a more technical perspective.1.4KViews0likes1CommentF5 in Container Environments: BIG-IP and Beyond
Container systems like Docker are cool. From some tinkerer like me who loves to be able to create a working webserver with a single command and have it run anywhere, to serious compute projects using Docker integrated with tools like Jenkins and GitHub allowing developers to write code then build, test and deploy it automatically while they get on with the next revision, Docker has become a an overnight (OK, well, three year) success story. But the magic word there is integrated. Because what turns a cool container technology from an interesting tool to a central part of your IT infrastructure is the ability to take the value it brings (in this case light weight, fast, run anywhere execution environments) and make it work effectively with other parts of the environment. To become a credible platform for enterprise IT, we need tools to orchestrate the lifecycle of containers and to manage features such as high availability and scheduling. Luckily we’re now well supplied with tools like Mesos Marathon, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and a host of others. You also need rest of the infrastructure to be as agile and integrated as the container management system. When you have the ability to spin up applications on demand, in seconds, you want the systems that manage application traffic to be part of the process, tightly coupled with the systems that are creating the applications and services. Which is where F5 comes in. We are committed to building services that integrate with the tools that you use to manage the rest of your environment, so that you can rely on F5 to be protecting, accelerating and managing your application traffic with the same flexibility and agility that you need elsewhere. Our vision is of an architecture where F5 components subscribe to events from container management systems, then create the right application delivery services in the right place to service traffic to the new containers. This might be something simple, such as just adding a new container to an existing pool. It might mean creating a whole new configuration for a new application or service, with the right levels of security and control. It might even mean deploying a whole new platform to perform these services. Maybe it will deploy a BIG-IP Virtual Edition with all the features and functions you expect from F5. But perhaps we need something new. A lighter weight platform that can deal well with East-West traffic in a micro services environment – while a BIG-IP is managing the North-South client traffic and defending the perimeter? f you think this sounds interesting, then I’d encourage you to watch this space. If you think it sounds really interesting and you will be at Dockercon in Seattle during the week of June 20th you should head to an evening panel discussion hosted by our friends at Skytap on June 21 where F5’er Shawn Wormke will be able to tell you (a little) more.401Views0likes0CommentsConnecting Docker to BIG-IP
The following is an example of using BIG-IP to automate the routing of HTTP and DNS requests for containers across a Docker cluster. The process for connecting Docker to BIG-IP will involve exporting the list of containers that are running on a Docker host and enabling a process to route HTTP and DNS requests to the appropriate Docker container. How it works A Python script is used as the orchestration agent in this example, but other languages and/or tools could be used as an alternative. Here's an overview of the flow using the different actors: Python Script: Hello Docker, please tell me all the names of containers and ip:port services that they are offering. Docker API: Sure, here’s a list of the information that you requested. Python Script: I’ve compiled a list of the pool and members for you BIG-IP, please update your services. BIG-IP API: Thank you. I’ve updated my configuration. Client: I’d like to access BIG-IP Virtual Server: Sure, let me find that container…. Here you go. The details of how it works are below and the code can be found on DevCentral codeshare. Routing To enable the BIG-IP to be able to connect directly to individual Docker containers and to allow Docker containers to communicate between hosts we create separate private network ranges on each Docker host and create static routes to each host. By using the BIG-IP as the default gateway or setting static routes from the Docker host we can then enable containers to communicate across different hosts. Python Script The python script interacts with the Docker and BIG-IP APIs to: 1. Grab a list of Docker containers that will be in BIG-IP pools 2. Create/Update/Delete BIG-IP LTM pools that are related to a Docker cluster 3. Update data groups to be used by LTM for service/container discovery GTM Wide-IP When a client requests a DNS name the GTM Wide-IP answers the request and sends it to the appropriate virtual server. HTTP iRule The HTTP iRule uses the information to map requests to Docker containers. A naming convention is used to map names. For example requests for “” would be load balanced to containers named “www-1”, “www-2”, etc…. It will also alternately route requests for to the individual container as well. DNS iRule By default Docker will update the /etc/hosts file of a container to route DNS requests to the correct container. When dealing with a cluster of Docker hosts the Python script will export the DNS information to the BIG-IP and allow DNS queries that span multiple hosts. The DNS iRule maps container names to container IP addresses. This assumes that there’s routing in place to allow containers to communicate to each other and that the BIG-IP is either the primary or delegated DNS source. Results Using the previous steps results in an environment where changes to the Docker hosts can be rapidly deployed to the BIG-IP and the BIG-IP can adjust to loss/changes of individual containers or hosts. Utilizing a second data center the example could be expanded to include failover between separate data center and/or cloud environments. This example focused on HTTP and DNS, but it could be expanded to other protocols/services by modifying the script/configurations. Connecting to the pool name “www” and the container name “www-3”. Performing DNS lookups on service and container names. Connecting from container on host “docker1” to container on host “docker2” via BIG-IP.1.5KViews0likes4Comments