dns request
Hello ALL , I working on one project where I need to failover between Wide IP's across two geographical location . One Wide IP ( XYZ-APAC.production.com) sits in Australia which polls TWO DC's DC1 and Dc2 . The Other Wide IP ( ABC-AMER.production.com)sits in AMERICA which Also Polls two Dc's DC1 and DC2 . The requirement is to failover to the AMERICA Wide IP if all pools in AUSTRALIA goes DOWN ( or DC's goes DOWN ) and VICE- VERSA . I never developed an irule for DNS . reading through the documents , I found below irule BUT no sure if this will work with my requirement . when DNS_REQUEST { # Changed = = 0 to < 1 for CR100063 / SOL10137 if { [active_members pool_test] > 0 } { cname "XYZ-APAC.production.com" } else { cname "ABC-AMER.production.com" } } Can I please request to get some guidance on this ? Thanks574Views0likes1Comment