26 TopicsBackup and synchronization - In case of a file created in bash
Hi, Well, for one time, I think I will ask something basic. I just have a doubt about it. -When we work from the GUI, all save/sync are automatic, on a cluster F5. That's ok. -When we work in tmsh, we need to make a "tmsh save" to save what we did. Then the synchro copy the change to the second node. Ok. But... What if I create a file (in my case, a ssh key file) in bash ? If I create my file, of course, it will be saved (of course). But the F5 will synchronize it automatically to the second node ? I mean : it is not a configuration. So, how it works, in that case. I am in "manual with incremental sync", by the way (I suppose that too enter in consideration). Sorry, I must be very basic, as question. But the cluster has a role and a configuration a little bit apart. I do not want to make any mess on it, so I prefer ask stupid questions than to take any risk on it. Best regards, Christian30Views0likes3CommentsVMWare Backups of active VEs?
We collect nightly UCS files of all of our BIG-IP VEs. If we need to restore from UCS, it requires requesting the build of a new guest before we can apply the latest UCS backup (VMWare is managed by a different team). Most of our other organization VMs have snapshots taken that can be used for quick restoration in the case of failure. We do not have snapshots taken of our VEs because it is not recommended: K000093184: Since the Snapshot 'freezes' or 'pauses' TMM this prevents real-time access to the CPU. Due to this F5 does not support the Snapshot process being used on a BIG-IP. Other than restoring from UCS files, are there any other recommended automated backup procedures of ACTIVE VMWare BIG-IP VEs that full backups can be done from?Solved92Views0likes5CommentsBigIP UCS Backup script; looking for some guidance on design
Greetings, I've began to work on a bash script, intended to be ran locally on each F5 appliance via a cron task. The criteria for this script has been, Saves the UCS /w encryption using {Hostname}-YYYY-MM-DD.ucs naming format. Uploads the generated UCS file to a SFTP server SFTP native commands are a MUST, SCP will not work due to it's reliance on command shell/login. Rollover after X # of saved files in order to prevent storage exhaustion on the target SFTP Server I strongly doubt any form of deduplication will work with a encrypted UCS Sends an email notification if the backup failed I've so far written a script that addresses the first 3 criteria and have been waiting for those to go through their paces in testing before adding in notification logic. The commands and logic being used have gotten more complex, the further I've gotten into the script's development. This has lead to some concerns about whether this is the best approach given the nature of the F5 BigIP systems being a vendor appliance and worry that there's a large possibility commands may stop working correctly after a major x. version update, requiring an overhaul of a fairly complex script. I'm almost wondering if setting up an AWX/Tower host in our environment and then using the f5networks Ansible Module for the majority of the heavy lifting followed by some basic logic for file rotation, would be a better long term approach. Ansible would also be a bit more flexible in that I wouldn't have to hardcore values that diverge between individual hosts into the script itself. It's however not clear if the F5networks ansible module supports SFTP as I only see SCP referenced. Advice and insight is much appreciated! #!/bin/bash # F5 backup script based on # User-configurable Variables UCS_DIR="/var/ucs" REMOTE_USER="svc_f5backup" REMOTE_HOST="myhost.contoso.local" REMOTE_DIR="/data/f5/dev" SSH_KEY="/shared/scripts/f5-backup/mykeys/f5user" ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE='' # Blank out the value to not encrypt the UCS backup. LOG_FILE="/var/log/backupscript.log" MAX_FILES=45 # Maximum number of backup files to keep # Dynamic Variables (do not edit) HOSTNAME=$(/bin/hostname) DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) UCS_FILE="${UCS_DIR}/${HOSTNAME}-${DATE}.ucs" # Start logging echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - Starting backup script." >> ${LOG_FILE} # Save the UCS backup file if [ -n "${ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE}" ]; then echo "Running the UCS save operation (encrypted)." >> ${LOG_FILE} tmsh save /sys ucs ${UCS_FILE} passphrase "${ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE}" >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 else echo "Running the UCS save operation (not encrypted)." >> ${LOG_FILE} tmsh save /sys ucs ${UCS_FILE} >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 fi # Create a temporary batch file for SFTP commands BATCH_FILE=$(mktemp) echo "cd ${REMOTE_DIR}" > $BATCH_FILE echo "put ${UCS_FILE}" >> $BATCH_FILE echo "bye" >> $BATCH_FILE # Log that the transfer is starting echo "Starting SFTP transfer." >> ${LOG_FILE} # Execute SFTP command and capture the output transfer_command_output=$(sftp -b "$BATCH_FILE" -i "${SSH_KEY}" -oBatchMode=no "${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_HOST}" 2>&1) transfer_status=$? # Extract the "Transferred:" line transfer_summary=$(echo "$transfer_command_output" | grep "^Transferred: sent") if [ $transfer_status -eq 0 ]; then if [ -n "$transfer_summary" ]; then echo "UCS file copied to the SFTP server successfully (remote:${REMOTE_HOST}:${REMOTE_DIR}/${UCS_FILE}). $transfer_summary" >> ${LOG_FILE} else echo "UCS file copied to the SFTP server successfully (remote:${REMOTE_HOST}:${REMOTE_DIR}/${UCS_FILE}). Please check the log for details." >> ${LOG_FILE} fi else echo "$transfer_command_output" >> ${LOG_FILE} echo "UCS SFTP copy operation failed. Please read the log for details." >> ${LOG_FILE} rm -f $BATCH_FILE exit 1 fi # Clean up the temporary batch file rm -f $BATCH_FILE # Rollover backup files if the number exceeds MAX_FILES echo "Checking and maintaining the maximum number of backup files." >> ${LOG_FILE} # Create a list of files to delete sftp -i "${SSH_KEY}" -oBatchMode=no "${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_HOST}" <<EOF > file_list.txt cd ${REMOTE_DIR} ls -1 ${HOSTNAME}-*.ucs bye EOF # Filter out unwanted lines and sort the files alphanumerically grep -v 'sftp>' file_list.txt | grep -v '^cd ' | sort > filtered_file_list.txt # Determine files to delete files_to_delete=$(head -n -${MAX_FILES} filtered_file_list.txt) if [ -n "$files_to_delete" ]; then # Create a temporary batch file for SFTP cleanup commands CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE=$(mktemp) echo "cd ${REMOTE_DIR}" > $CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE for file in $files_to_delete; do echo "Deleting $file" >> ${LOG_FILE} echo "rm $file" >> $CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE done echo "bye" >> $CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE # Execute SFTP cleanup command and log the output cleanup_command_output=$(sftp -b "$CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE" -i "${SSH_KEY}" -oBatchMode=no "${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_HOST}" 2>&1) echo "$cleanup_command_output" >> ${LOG_FILE} # Clean up the temporary batch file rm -f $CLEANUP_BATCH_FILE else echo "No files to delete. Total files within limit." >> ${LOG_FILE} fi # Clean up the file lists rm -f file_list.txt filtered_file_list.txt # Delete the local copy of the UCS archive tmsh delete /sys ucs ${UCS_FILE} >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - Backup script completed." >> ${LOG_FILE}195Views0likes2CommentsF5 Archiver Ansible Playbook
Problem this snippet solves: Centralized scheduled archiving (backups) on F5 BIG-IP devices are a pain however, in the new world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Super-NetOps tools like Ansible can provide the answer. I have a playbook I have been working on to allow me to backup off box quickly, UCS files are saves to a folder names tmp under the local project folder, this can be changed by editing the following line in the f5Archiver.yml file: dest: "tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ date['stdout'] }}.ucs" The playbook can be run from a laptop on demand or via some scheduler (like cron ) or as part of a CI/CD pipelines. How to use this snippet: F5 Archiver Ansible Playbook Gitlab: StrataLabs: AnsibleF5Archiver Overview This Ansible playbook takes a list of F5 devices from a hosts file located within the inventory directory, creates a UCS archive and copies locally into the 'tmp' direcotry. Requirements This Ansible playbook requires the following: * ansible >= 2.5 * python module f5-sdk * F5 BIG-IP running TMOS >= 12 Usage Run using the ansible-playbook command using the inventory -i option to use the invertory directory instead of the default inventory host file. NOTE: F5 username and password are not set in the playbook and so need to be passed into the playbook as extra variables using the --extra-vars option, the variables are f5User for the username and f5Pwd for the password. The below examples use the default admin:admin . To check the playbook before using run the following commands ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --syntax-check ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml --check Once happy run the following to execute the playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "f5User=admin f5Pwd=admin" f5Archiver.yml Tested this on version: 12.11.8KViews2likes1CommentF5 Backup procedure over SCP using iCall
Problem this snippet solves: Purpose: You should consider using this procedure under the following condition. * You want to transfer BIG-IP Backup to the remote SCP Server on a specific frequency, without entering the password each time to transfer the file. Prerequisites: You must meet the following prerequisite to use this procedure. * You have administrator access to the BIG-IP Configuration utility and Command Line Access. * You have a user account on SCP Server with file transfer privileges. Description BIG-IP offers feature to transfer files over a remote SCP Server. Secure Copy (SCP) is the preferred means of transferring files to or from an F5 device. SCP securely transfers files between hosts using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for authentication and encryption. Unlike FTP, SCP provides an option to preserve the original date stamp on the file during file transfers. You can use SCP to transfer files between an F5 device and a remote host using either command line SCP or Windows-based SCP. We can automate the authentication process by export the public key from BIG-IP to SCP Server. By doing this, SCP Server will establish trust relationship with BIG-IP, and will not prompt for the password every-time we transfer files from BIG-IP to SCP Server. To achieve this, we need to have a user account on SCP Server, which has file transfer privileges. In this document, we will be using Linux based SCP Server. Once the transfer of files through the SCP works successfully. We can prepare the script done in iCall (as written following) and put it to run in the required interval. Login to SCP Server 1.Create a user account with permission to accept files from remote location, we will be using f5_user as user account, or you can use root user account (default user account on every Linux system). 2.It is good to have organized directory structure to receive F5 Backup. We will be creating 2 directories on our SCP Server as following. /F5Backup is the directory to receive F5 backup on a configured frequency (weekly, monthly, yearly etc). /authorized_key is temporary directory where will be sending the public key from F5 to SCP. 3.To create a directory in any Linux machine, you can use following command, mkdir /root/…path Eg. mkdir /home/f5_user/tmp/F5Backup/ 4.Create another directory to copy F5's public RSA key. mkdir /home/f5_user/tmp/authorized_keys Login to BIG-IP CLI Login to F5 CLI Generate RSA key by executing following. ssh-keygen -t rsa The RSA key will authenticate BIG-IP when it communicates with SCP Server. It would ask you to enter name and password, ignore the prompt by pressing ENTER. It will generate the Public / Private key under the directory /root/.ssh/id_rsa Verify the generated key by executing the following command. cat /root/.ssh/ This should show you the public key, you have generated using above command. Send this public key to your Linux SCP Server. (We will be using SCP command to transfer the file from F5 to Linux Server). scp f5_user@ It will prompt for the password, enter the password for the f5_user user. In case if you are using other user account than f5_user, which has file transfer permission granted, you can replace f5_user with that user account, and keep the rest of the command as it is. Back to SCP Server Check if the Public key sent from F5 is received successfully under /tmp/authorized_keys or not. cat /f5_user/tmp/authorized_keys Note, in case if you have used other user account than "f5_user", replace the "f5_user" with the username you are using. Copy the key to right location, in order to authorize SCP connection from F5. cat /f5_user/tmp/mykey >> /f5_user/.ssh/authorized_keys If "authorized_keys" directory isn't exist, create a one by using mkdir command as mentioned earlier in the document. Verify the key is successfully placed under /f5_user/.ssh/authorized_keys or not. cat /f5_user/.ssh/authorized_keys Once the key successfully placed to the right location, it is time to test the connectivity from F5 to SCP Server. Switch back to F5 F5's CLI, scp filetest f5_user@ filetest 100% 5 0.0KB/s 00:00 If you have notices, this time it won’t ask for the password. In case if it still prompts, means you haven’t place the RSA key to the right place. The objective to place the RSA key under the user directory/.ssh/authorized_key. Once the connectivity is tested successfully, we can try to send F5’s UCS file over SCP to the remote server by the same method. Here, we can use the following script to generate the BIG-IP Backup and send it to the remote server. F5 CLI, type the following to type the script as following. Create a script with the command "tmsh create sys icall script <script name>" and then edit with vi and insert the content below.</p> </script> How to use this snippet: sys icall script auto_backup { app-service none definition { #Delete backup files exec rm -f /shared/tmp/*.ucs #Set Current Date/Time for Filename set cdate [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y%m%d"] #Set source repository set localpath "/var/local/ucs/" #Set destination repository set destinationpath "/home/teste/f5_backups" #Set remote host set host "" #set remote user set user "f5_user" #Set device hostname set hostname [exec uname -n | cut -d "." -f1] #Set source repository cd $localpath #Delete files created more than 45 Days. catch { exec find "/var/local/ucs/" -type f -mtime +45 | grep -v .conf | xargs rm -f {} ; } #Delete UCS file if it exists catch { tmsh::delete sys ucs $hostname } #Export UCS tmsh::save sys ucs $hostname #Set temporary path set tmpdir "/shared/tmp/" append filename $hostname "_" $cdate #Copy UCS to temporary path exec cp $localpath$hostname.ucs $tmpdir$filename.ucs #Set Remote path append destination $user "@" $host ":" $destinationpath #Set source path append source $tmpdir $hostname "_" $cdate ".ucs" #Send the files via SCP. Prerequisite: The public key of BIG-IP must be registered in the file "authorized_keys" of the remote server if { [catch { exec scp -c aes128-ctr $source $destination > /dev/null 2> aux }] } { exec logger -p "Backup upload failed." } else { exec logger -p "The backup has been successfully sent to $destination." } exec rm -f aux } description none events none `</pre> } **Create the iCall Handler** I run the backup once a day; however, the periodicity can be adjusted according to the need of each one. In this example, I set the first-occurrence, the interval (once a day), and the script to call: <pre>`sys icall handler periodic auto_backup { first-occurrence 2019-03-27:05:01:00 interval 86400 script auto_backup } I know there are other scripts available in the community (much more sophisticated), the idea is just to share a simple and functional model. Remember that each one must adapt in the best way to meet your need. Code : 92596 Tested this on version: 12.14.2KViews3likes3CommentsAPI Calls to F5 limited to 1024 KB download
Hi, I am interacting with the F5 API in order to download ASM policies for the purpose of automating the backups. The process works fine however policies larger than 1024 KB are cut off at this size of 1024 KB. Initially I suspected that there was a default limit on the curl request however I have not been able to find information on how to increase this with the curl request. Is this a limitation on the F5 API or the Curl request? wget is not an option as this is not natively supported on the F5 virtual appliance. My script lives on the appliance, downloads the relevant policies and then pushes them to a SMB share. The only issue is that the ASM policies that are larger than 1024 KB are being cut off at 1024 KB. The API calls are as per the documentation here: specifically: GET https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/policies POST https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy GET https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/$asmPolicy Excluding the processing in my script the API calls I make are shown below: I expect the issue resides in the download api call. Is there a switch I can add to increase this limit? curl -ku 'username:password' -X GET https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/policies | jq '.items[] | "pol_name:" + .name + ";api_id:" + .id' >> $wdir/asmDetails.txt curl -ku 'username:password' -X POST https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"filename":"'$asmPolicy'","policyReference":{"link":"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/'$asmIDs'"}}' curl -ku 'username:password' -X GET https://x.x.x.x/mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/$asmPolicy > $wdir/asmBackup/"$folderName"/$number-$asmPolicy-$hostname-"$dateStamp".xml Thanks1.5KViews0likes16CommentsOrchestrated Infrastructure Security - BIG-IQ
The F5 Beacon capabilities referenced in this article hosted on F5 Cloud Services are planning a migration to a new SaaS Platform - Check out the latesthere. Introduction This article is part of a series on implementing Orchestrated Infrastructure Security. It includes High Availability, Central Management with BIG-IQ, Application Visibility with Beacon and the protection of critical assets using F5 Advanced WAF and Protocol Inspection (IPS) with AFM.It is also assumed that BIG-IQ is deployed, and basic network connectivity is working. If you need help setting up BIG-IQ for the first time, refer to the Dev/Central article series Implementing SSL Orchestrator here.That article covers SSL Orchestrator but the procedure to add Advanced WAF and AFM to BIG-IQ is the same. This article focuses on configuring BIG-IQ version 7.1.0 to manage F5 Advanced WAF, AFM and SSL Orchestrator.It covers management of BIG-IP running version and SSL Orchestrator version 7.4.9, and version 16.0.0 with AFM and Advanced WAF. Please forgive me for using SSL and TLS interchangeably in this article. This article is divided into the following high level sections: Import BIG-IP Devices into BIG-IQ Service Import Error Resolution Schedule regular backups of BIG-IP devices Push backups to BIG-IP device Import BIG-IP Devices into BIG-IQ From the BIG-IQ GUI go to Devices > BIG-IP Devices.This is where you add new devices to be managed by BIG-IQ.You should add the two SSL Orchestrator’s using the Dev/Central article above.Click Add Device(s) to add Advanced WAF and AFM devices. Select the option to Add BIG-IP device(s) and automatically discover and import services.Then click Add Devices. Enter the IP Addresses of the Devices you want to add, and in this example (use the Plus sign to add another IP address field).These are the two AFM devices.Enter the username and password to access these devices.Under Services check the box for Network Security (AFM) then scroll down. Check the box to enable Statistics Collection.You can configure a Zone and/or Cluster Display Name if desired.Click Save and Close. Your screen should look like the following.Click Add Devices so we can add the two Advanced WAFs. Enter the IP Addresses of the Devices you want to add, and in this example (use the Plus sign to add another IP address field).These are the two Advanced WAF devices.Enter the username and password to access these devices.Under Services check the box for Web Application Security (ASM) then scroll down. Check the box to enable Statistics Collection.You can configure a Zone and/or Cluster Display Name if desired.Click Save and Close. Click Discover and Import. You should see a Progress screen.Click Close. When complete, your screen should look similar to the following.= Service Import Error Resolution Some devices had errors during Import.Click the first one to resolve it. There was a conflict importing SSM.Check the box to create a snapshot of the configuration then click Import. The following items were changed on the BIG-IP.You can choose to import these into the BIG-IQ by selecting Set all BIG-IP.Click Continue. A dialog screen will present you with more information about what you’re doing.Click Resolve. Click Import to complete the import process.You may want to create a Snapshot of the configuration by checking the box. The BIG-IP Devices screen should look like this.The Advanced WAF device has been successfully imported.Repeat this process for any devices with an import error. When all Devices are successfully imported the screen should look like this. Schedule regular backups of BIG-IP Devices Now is a good time to schedule regular Backups.Check the box next to Status to select all the BIG-IPs.Click the down Arrow next to More and select Schedule Backup. Give the Backup a name, Backup_all in this example.There are several options here that you may wish to enable.For Local Retention Policy, it’s not a bad idea to keep multiple backups, 3 in this example.The Start Date and time can be adjusted to suit your needs. The Devices should automatically be selected.You can optionally enable the Archiving of Backups to an external SCP or SFTP server.Click Save & Close. Push backups to BIG-IP Device At some point you may need to restore one of your BIG-IP devices from a backup.To do this select the Devices tab > Back Up & Restore > Backup Files. From here you can view the different backup files.You can also Compare, Download, Restore or Delete backup files.Select the backup you would like to restore then click Restore. You will be presented with a confirmation message warning you that the configuration of the device is about to be overwritten from the backup.Click Restore to proceed. While the device is being restored you will see the following. Select BIG-IP Devices to check the status of the device when the restore is complete. Summary In this article you learned how to import BIG-IP devices into BIG-IQ, import the BIG-IP Services and schedule regular backups of the BIG-IP devices. Next Steps Click Next to proceed to the next article in the series.596Views1like0Commentsplatform migration carry over Geolocation data file and ASM signature data file
I am working on platform migration from i5600 to i7600 by backing up UCS file and restoring it back to the i7600. I am wondering if geolocation data file, ASM signature, and bot signature will be updated as well. Recently I restore UCS file but see the Geolocation data file is 2020 which is last year and causing customer complain. When I did the geoip_lookup, it points to /usr/share/GeoIP/v2/F5GeoIP.dat which mean that there is no Geolocation data file under /shared/GeoIP/v2/F5GeoIP.dat and use the default location. What is the best way for me to compare the settings and configuration before and after the platform migration. I thought that UCS backup and restore should cover all the settings but I still missing Geolocation data file.682Views0likes0CommentsF5 Automated Backups - The Right Way
Hi all, Often I've been scouring the devcentral fora and codeshares to find that one piece of handywork that will drastically simplify my automated backup needs on F5 devices. Based on the works of Jason Rahm in his post "Third Time's the Charm: BIG-IP Backups Simplified with iCall" on the 26th of June 2013, I went ahead and created my own iApp that pretty much provides the answers for all my backup-needs. Here's a feature list of this iApp: It allows you to choose between both UCS or SCF as backup-types. (whilst providing ample warnings about SCF not being a very good restore-option due to the incompleteness in some cases) It allows you to provide a passphrase for the UCS archives (the standard GUI also does this, so the iApp should too) It allows you to not include the private keys (same thing: standard GUI does it, so the iApp does it too) It allows you to set a Backup Schedule for every X minutes/hours/days/weeks/months or a custom selection of days in the week It allows you to set the exact time, minute of the hour, day of the week or day of the month when the backup should be performed (depending on the usefulness with regards to the schedule type) It allows you to transfer the backup files to external devices using 4 different protocols, next to providing local storage on the device itself SCP (username/private key without password) SFTP (username/private key without password) FTP (username/password) SMB (using smbclient, with username/password) Local Storage (/var/local/ucs or /var/local/scf) It stores all passwords and private keys in a secure fashion: encrypted by the master key of the unit (f5mku), rendering it safe to store the backups, including the credentials off-box It has a configurable automatic pruning function for the Local Storage option, so the disk doesn't fill up (i.e. keep last X backup files) It allows you to configure the filename using the date/time wildcards from the tcl [clock] command, as well as providing a variable to include the hostname It requires only the WebGUI to establish the configuration you desire It allows you to disable the processes for automated backup, without you having to remove the Application Service or losing any previously entered settings For the external shellscripts it automatically generates, the credentials are stored in encrypted form (using the master key) It allows you to no longer be required to make modifications on the linux command line to get your automated backups running after an RMA or restore operation It cleans up after itself, which means there are no extraneous shellscripts or status files lingering around after the scripts execute I wasn't able to upload the iApp template to this article, so I threw it on pastebin: Enjoy! Thomas Schockaert9.2KViews0likes79CommentsAnsible F5 Backup
I've trawled the internet and Dev/Central to find a suitable Ansible playbook to do the following. Backup and F5 with the same filename so that I can push to our Gitlab for version control. The Ansible modules seem to either generate a random filename which isn't reusable in a playbook, if I specify source then the current UCS does not get overwritten, if I copy to the local filesystem with the same target name the module appends date and time to the file which will not give any consistency to GItlab. This is so far what I have come up with, the code is in its most basic form for testing only. - name: Clean the local backup directory path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_fileglob: - "/ansible//dailybackups/*" connection: local - name: Clean the previous UCS file from F5 bigip_ucs: state: absent ucs: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.ucs" provider: server: user: admin password: admin validate_certs: no delegate_to: localhost - name: Save the running configuration of the BIG-IP bigip_ucs_fetch: backup: yes src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.ucs" dest: /ansible/dailybackups/{{ inventory_hostname }}.ucs provider: server: user: admin password: admin validate_certs: no delegate_to: localhost So to perform a repeatable function I am forced to delete the file from the local file system to be copied to, erase the current UCS file on the F5 which is used as the backup, and then backup the F5 and pull the file to the local file system. Surely there is a slicker way of doing what can be done on a Cisco device in 4 lines. (NB) I have excluded the Git function, these 3 plays are merely to pull a consistent named UCS file and store to the local filesystem.656Views0likes0Comments