79 TopicsF5 - AS3 - BIGIQ / BIGIP SchemaVersion Missunderstanding
Dear community, I was wondering about the AS3 version currently used in order to deploy my AS3 on my BIG-IP target through BIG-IQ. BIG-IQ should install this current AS3 version on F5 BIG-IP target when deploying AS3 declaration. Checking on my BIG-IQ, 3.44.0 curl -sk -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "https://$BIGIQ/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/info" {"version":"3.44.0","release":"3","schemaCurrent":"3.44.0","schemaMinimum":"3.0.0"} Checking on my F5 BIG-IP, v 3.44.0 #pwd /var/config/rest/iapps/f5-appsvcs # cat version 3.44.0-3 My current AS3 declaration (I'm manually forcing schemaVersion) through BIG-IQ : { "class": "AS3", "action": "patch", "schemaVersion": "3.44.0", "patchBody": [ { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.44.0", "target": { "address": "X.X.X.X" }, "op": "add", "path": "/Automation/APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446", "value": { "class": "Application", "remark": "REFERENCE : NULL_REFERENCE_20241109215237", "schemaOverlay": "AS3-F5-HTTPS-PASSTHROUGH-lb-template-big-iq", .... etc } Application Deployment logs from my BIG-IQ : At the bottom : "schemaVersion": "3.12.0" I don't understand why it's using this older schemaVersion, it should use the current 3.44.0. Is there any policy on BIG-IQ that can enforce this weird behavior ? { "id": "autogen_a4c95a0f-13e3-4078-92c3-3a8e6ea6f10c", "class": "ADC", "controls": { "class": "Controls", "userAgent": "BIG-IQ/8.3 Configured by API" }, "Automation": { "class": "Tenant", "APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446": { "class": "Application", "remark": "REFERENCE : NULL_REFERENCE_20241109215237", "template": "tcp", "serviceMain": { "pool": "/Automation/APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446/HTTPS_443_pool", "class": "Service_TCP", "enable": true, "profileTCP": { "use": "/Automation/APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446/HTTPS_443_tcp_profile" }, "virtualPort": 446, "virtualAddresses": [ "" ], "persistenceMethods": [ "source-address" ], "profileAnalyticsTcp": { "use": "/Automation/APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446/Analytics_TCP_Profile" } }, "HTTPS_443_pool": { "class": "Pool", "members": [ { "adminState": "enable", "shareNodes": true, "servicePort": 443, "serverAddresses": [ "" ] } ], "monitors": [ { "use": "/Automation/APP_TEST_1.2.12.140_446/HTTPS_443_monitor" } ], "loadBalancingMode": "least-connections-member" }, "HTTPS_443_monitor": { "send": "GET /\r\n", "class": "Monitor", "receive": "none", "targetPort": 443, "monitorType": "http", "adaptiveWindow": 180, "adaptiveLimitMilliseconds": 1000, "adaptiveDivergencePercentage": 100 }, "Analytics_TCP_Profile": { "class": "Analytics_TCP_Profile", "collectCity": false, "collectRegion": true, "collectCountry": true, "collectNexthop": false, "collectPostCode": false, "collectContinent": true, "collectRemoteHostIp": false, "collectedByClientSide": true, "collectedByServerSide": true, "collectRemoteHostSubnet": true }, "HTTPS_443_tcp_profile": { "class": "TCP_Profile", "synMaxRetrans": 3, "finWaitTimeout": 5 } } }, "updateMode": "selective", "schemaVersion": "3.12.0" } Thanks in advance for your help !29Views0likes0CommentsBIG-IP Next Automation: AS3 Basics
I need a little Mr. Miyagi right now to grab my face and intently look me in the eye and give me a "Concentrate! Focus power!" For those of you youngins' who don't know who that is, he's the OG Karate Kid mentor. Anyway, I have a thousand things I want to say about AS3 but in this article, I'll attempt to cut this down to a narrow BIG-IP Next-specific context to get you started. It helps that last December I did a five-part streaming series on AS3 in the BIG-IP classic context. If you haven't seen that, you have my blessing to stop right now, take some time to digest AS3 conceptually and practice against workloads and configurations in BIG-IP classic that you know and understand, before returning here to embrace all the newness of BIG-IP Next. AS3 is FOUNDATIONAL in BIG-IP Next In classic BIG-IP, you could edit the bigip.conf file directly, use tmsh commands, or iControlREST commands to imperatively create/modify/delete BIG-IP objects. With the exception of system configuration and shared configuration objects, this is not the case with BIG-IP Next. All application configuration is AS3 at its lowest state level. This doesn't mean you have to work primarily in AS3 configuration. If you utilize the migration utility in Central Manager, it will generate the AS3 necessary to get your apps up and running. Another option is to use the built-in http FAST template (we'll cover FAST in later articles) to build out an application from scratch in the GUI. But if you use features outside the purview of that template, or you need to edit your migration output, you'll need to work in the AS3 configuration declaration, even if just a little bit. Apples to Apples It's a fun card game, no? My family takes it to snarky absurd levels of sarcasm, to the point that when we play with "outsiders" we get lots of blank looks and stares as we're all rolling on the floor laughing. Oh well, to each his own. But we're here to talk about AS3, right? Well, in BIG-IP Next, there is a compatibility API for AS3, such that you can take a declaration from BIG-IP classic and as long as the features within that declaration are supported, it should "just work" via the Central Manager API. That's pretty cool, right? Let's start with a basic application declaration from the recent video posted by Mark_Dittmerexploring the API differences between classic and Next. { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.0.0", "id": "generated-for-testing", "Tenant_1": { "class": "Tenant", "App_1": { "class": "Application", "Service_1": { "class": "Service_HTTP", "virtualAddresses": [ "" ], "virtualPort": 80, "pool": "Pool_1" }, "Pool_1": { "class": "Pool", "members": [ { "servicePort": 80, "serverAddresses": [ "", "" ] } ] } } } } A simple VIP with a pool with two pool members. A toy config to be sure, but it is useful here to show the format (JSON) of an AS3 declaration and some of the schema as well. With the compatibility API, this same declaration can be posted to a classic BIG-IP like this: POST https://<BIG-IP IP Address>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare Or a BIG-IP Next instance like this: POST https://<Central Manager IP Address>/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/declare?target_address=<BIG-IP Next instance IP Address> For those already embracing AS3, this compatibility API in BIG-IP Next should make the transition easier. AS3 Workflow in BIG-IP Next With BIG-IP classic, you had to install the AS3 package (technically an iControl LX, or sometimes referenced as an iApps v2 package) onto each BIG-IP system you wanted to use the AS3 declarative configuration model on. Each BIG-IP was an island, and the configuration management of the overall system of BIG-IPs was reliant on an external system for source of truth. With BIG-IP Next, the Central Manager API has native AS3 support so there are no packages to install to prepare the environment. Also, Central Manager is the centralized AS3 interface for all Next instances. This has several benefits: A singular and centralized source of truth for your configuration management No external package management requirements Tremendous improvement in API performance management since most of the heavy lifting is offloaded from the instances and onto Central Manager and the control-plane functionality that remains on the instance is intentionally designed for API-first operations The general application deployment workflow introduced exclusively for Next, which I'll reference as the documents API, is twofold: Create an application service First, you create the application service on Central Manager. You can use the same JSON declaration from the section above here, only the API endpoint is different: POST https://<Central Manager IP Address>/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/documents A successful transaction will result in an application service document on Central Manager. A couple notes on this at time of writing: Documents created through the API are not validated against the journeys migration tool that is available for use in the Central Manager GUI. Documents are not schema validated at the attribute level of classes, so whereas a class used in classic might be supported in Next, some of the attributes might not be. This means that whereas the document creation process can appear successful, the deployment will fail if classes and/or class attributes supported in classic BIG-IP are present in the AS3 declarations when an attempt to apply to an instance occurs. Deploy the application service Assuming, however, all your AS3 work is accurate to the Next-supported schema, you post the specified document by ID to the target BIG-IP Next instance, here as a JSON payload versus a query parameter on the compatibility API shown earlier. POST https://<Central Manager IP Address>/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/documents/<Document ID>/deployments { "target": "<BIG-IP Next Instance IP Address>" } At this point, your service should be available to receive traffic on the instance it was deployed on. Next Up... Now that we have the theory in place, join me next time where we'll take a look at working with a couple application services through both approaches. Resources CM App Services Management AS3 Schema AS3 User Guide (classic, but useful) AS3 Reference Guide (classic, but useful) AS3 Foundations (streaming series)1.2KViews0likes4CommentsAdvanced WAF v16.0 - Declarative API
Since v15.1 (in draft), F5® BIG-IP® Advanced WAF™ canimport Declarative WAF policy in JSON format. The F5® BIG-IP® Advanced Web Application Firewall (Advanced WAF) security policies can be deployed using the declarative JSON format, facilitating easy integration into a CI/CD pipeline. The declarative policies are extracted from a source control system, for example Git, and imported into the BIG-IP. Using the provided declarative policy templates, you can modify the necessary parameters, save the JSON file, and import the updated security policy into your BIG-IP devices. The declarative policy copies the content of the template and adds the adjustments and modifications on to it. The templates therefore allow you to concentrate only on the specific settings that need to be adapted for the specific application that the policy protects. ThisDeclarative WAF JSON policyis similar toNGINX App Protect policy. You can find more information on theDeclarative Policyhere : NAP : Adv. WAF : Audience This guide is written for IT professionals who need to automate their WAF policy and are familiar with Advanced WAF configuration. These IT professionals can fill a variety of roles: SecOps deploying and maintaining WAF policy in Advanced WAF DevOps deploying applications in modern environment and willing to integrate Advanced WAF in their CI/CD pipeline F5 partners who sell technology or create implementation documentation This article covershow to PUSH/PULL a declarative WAF policy in Advanced WAF: With Postman With AS3 Table of contents Upload Policy in BIG-IP Check the import Apply the policy OpenAPI Spec File import AS3 declaration CI/CD integration Find the Policy-ID Update an existing policy Video demonstration First of all, you need aJSON WAF policy, as below : { "policy": { "name": "policy-api-arcadia", "description": "Arcadia API", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" }, "enforcementMode": "blocking", "server-technologies": [ { "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB" } ], "signature-settings": { "signatureStaging": false }, "policy-builder": { "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false } } } 1. Upload Policy in BIG-IP There are 2 options to upload a JSON file into the BIG-IP: 1.1 Either youPUSHthe file into the BIG-IP and you IMPORT IT OR 1.2 the BIG-IPPULLthe file froma repository (and the IMPORT is included)<- BEST option 1.1PUSH JSON file into the BIG-IP The call is below. As you can notice, it requires a 'Content-Range' header. And the value is 0-(filesize-1)/filesize. In the example below, the file size is 662 bytes. This is not easy to integrate in a CICD pipeline, so we created the PULL method instead of the PUSH (in v16.0) curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Range: 0-661/662' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary '@/C:/Users/user/Desktop/policy-api.json' At this stage,the policy is still a file​​​​​​​in the BIG-IP file system. We need toimportit into Adv. WAF. To do so, the next call is required. This call import the file "policy-api.json" uploaded previously. AnCREATEthe policy /Common/policy-api-arcadia curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{ "filename":"policy-api.json", "policy": { "fullPath":"/Common/policy-api-arcadia" } }' 1.2PULL JSON file from a repository Here, theJSON file is hosted somewhere(in Gitlab or Github ...). And theBIG-IP will pull it. The call is below. As you can notice, the call refers to the remote repo and the body is a JSON payload. Just change the link value with your JSON policy URL. With one call, the policy isPULLEDandIMPORTED. curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{ "fileReference": { "link": "" } }' Asecond versionof this call exists, and refer to the fullPath of the policy.This will allow you to update the policy, from a second version of the JSON file, easily.One call for the creation and the update. As you can notice below, we add the"policy":"fullPath" directive. The value of the "fullPath" is thepartitionand thename of the policyset in the JSON policy file. This method is VERY USEFUL for CI/CD integrations. curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{ "fileReference": { "link": "" }, "policy": { "fullPath":"/Common/policy-api-arcadia" } }' 2. Check the IMPORT Check if the IMPORT worked. To do so, run the next call. curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ You should see a 200 OK, with the content below (truncated in this example). Please notice the"status":"COMPLETED". { "kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:import-policy-taskcollectionstate", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy?ver=16.0.0", "totalItems": 11, "items": [ { "isBase64": false, "executionStartTime": "2020-07-21T15:50:22Z", "status": "COMPLETED", "lastUpdateMicros": 1.595346627e+15, "getPolicyAttributesOnly": false, ... ​ From now, your policy is imported and created in the BIG-IP. You can assign it to a VS as usual (Imperative Call or AS3 Call).But in the next session, I will show you how to create a Service with AS3 including the WAF policy. 3. APPLY the policy As you may know, a WAF policy needs to be applied after each change. This is the call. curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{"policy":{"fullPath":"/Common/policy-api-arcadia"}}' 4. OpenAPI spec file IMPORT As you know,Adv. WAF supports OpenAPI spec (2.0 and 3.0). Now, with the declarative WAF, we can import the OAS file as well. The BEST solution, is toPULL the OAS filefrom a repo. And in most of the customer' projects, it will be the case. In the example below, the OAS file is hosted in SwaggerHub(Github for Swagger files). But the file could reside in a private Gitlab repo for instance. The URL of the projectis : The URL of the OAS file is : This swagger file (OpenAPI 3.0 Spec file) includes all the application URL and parameters. What's more, it includes the documentation (for NGINX APIm Dev Portal). Now, it ispretty easy to create a WAF JSON Policy with API Security template, referring to the OAS file. Below, you can notice thenew section "open-api-files"with the link reference to SwaggerHub. And thenew templatePOLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY. Now, when I upload / import and apply the policy, Adv. WAF will download the OAS file from SwaggerHub and create the policy based on API_Security template. { "policy": { "name": "policy-api-arcadia", "description": "Arcadia API", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" }, "enforcementMode": "blocking", "server-technologies": [ { "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB" } ], "signature-settings": { "signatureStaging": false }, "policy-builder": { "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false }, "open-api-files": [ { "link": "" } ] } } 5. AS3 declaration Now, it is time to learn how we cando all of these steps in one call with AS3(3.18 minimum). The documentation is here : With thisAS3 declaration, we: Import the WAF policy from a external repo Import the Swagger file (if the WAF policy refers to an OAS file) from an external repo Create the service { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "persist": true, "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.2.0", "id": "Prod_API_AS3", "API-Prod": { "class": "Tenant", "defaultRouteDomain": 0, "API": { "class": "Application", "template": "generic", "VS_API": { "class": "Service_HTTPS", "remark": "Accepts HTTPS/TLS connections on port 443", "virtualAddresses": [""], "redirect80": false, "pool": "pool_NGINX_API_AS3", "policyWAF": { "use": "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy" }, "securityLogProfiles": [{ "bigip": "/Common/Log all requests" }], "profileTCP": { "egress": "wan", "ingress": { "use": "TCP_Profile" } }, "profileHTTP": { "use": "custom_http_profile" }, "serverTLS": { "bigip": "/Common/arcadia_client_ssl" } }, "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy": { "class": "WAF_Policy", "url": "", "ignoreChanges": true }, "pool_NGINX_API_AS3": { "class": "Pool", "monitors": ["http"], "members": [{ "servicePort": 8080, "serverAddresses": [""] }] }, "custom_http_profile": { "class": "HTTP_Profile", "xForwardedFor": true }, "TCP_Profile": { "class": "TCP_Profile", "idleTimeout": 60 } } } } } 6. CI/CID integration As you can notice, it is very easy to create a service with a WAF policy pulled from an external repo. So, it is easy to integrate these calls (or the AS3 call) into a CI/CD pipeline. Below, an Ansible playbook example. This playbook run the AS3 call above. That's it :) --- ​ - hosts: bigip connection: local gather_facts: false vars: my_admin: "admin" my_password: "admin" bigip: "" ​ tasks: - name: Deploy AS3 WebApp uri: url: "https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare" method: POST headers: "Content-Type": "application/json" "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" body: "{{ lookup('file','as3.json') }}" body_format: json validate_certs: no status_code: 200 7. FIND the Policy-ID When the policy is created, a Policy-ID is assigned. By default, this ID doesn't appearanywhere. Neither in the GUI, nor in the response after the creation. You have to calculate it or ask for it. This ID is required for several actions in a CI/CD pipeline. 7.1 Calculate the Policy-ID Wecreated this python script to calculate the Policy-ID. It is an hash from the Policy name (including the partition). For the previous created policy named"/Common/policy-api-arcadia",the policy ID is"Ar5wrwmFRroUYsMA6DuxlQ" Paste this python codein a newwaf-policy-id.pyfile, and run the commandpython "/Common/policy-api-arcadia" Outcome will beThe Policy-ID for /Common/policy-api-arcadia is: Ar5wrwmFRroUYsMA6DuxlQ #!/usr/bin/python ​ from hashlib import md5 import base64 import sys pname = sys.argv[1] print 'The Policy-ID for', sys.argv[1], 'is:', base64.b64encode(md5(pname.encode()).digest()).replace("=", "") 7.2 Retrieve the Policy-ID and fullPath with a REST API call Make this call below, and you will see in the response, all the policy creations. Find yours and collect thePolicyReference directive.The Policy-ID is in the link value "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/Ar5wrwmFRroUYsMA6DuxlQ?ver=16.0.0" You can see as well, at the end of the definition, the "fileReference"referring to the JSON file pulled by the BIG-IP. And please notice the"fullPath", required if you want to update your policy curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Content-Range: 0-601/601' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ { "isBase64": false, "executionStartTime": "2020-07-22T11:23:42Z", "status": "COMPLETED", "lastUpdateMicros": 1.595417027e+15, "getPolicyAttributesOnly": false, "kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:import-policy-taskstate", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/B45J0ySjSJ9y9fsPZ2JNvA?ver=16.0.0", "filename": "", "policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/Ar5wrwmFRroUYsMA6DuxlQ?ver=16.0.0", "fullPath": "/Common/policy-api-arcadia" }, "endTime": "2020-07-22T11:23:47Z", "startTime": "2020-07-22T11:23:42Z", "id": "B45J0ySjSJ9y9fsPZ2JNvA", "retainInheritanceSettings": false, "result": { "policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/Ar5wrwmFRroUYsMA6DuxlQ?ver=16.0.0", "fullPath": "/Common/policy-api-arcadia" }, "message": "The operation was completed successfully. The security policy name is '/Common/policy-api-arcadia'. " }, "fileReference": { "link": "" } }, 8 UPDATE an existing policy It is pretty easy to update the WAF policy from a new JSON file version. To do so, collect from the previous call7.2 Retrieve the Policy-ID and fullPath with a REST API callthe"Policy" and"fullPath"directive. This is the path of the Policy in the BIG-IP. Then run the call below, same as1.2 PULL JSON file from a repository,​​​​​​​but add thePolicy and fullPath directives Don't forget to APPLY this new version of the policy3. APPLY the policy curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{ "fileReference": { "link": "" }, "policy": { "fullPath":"/Common/policy-api-arcadia" } }' TIP : this call, above, can be used in place of the FIRST call when we created the policy "1.2PULL JSON file from a repository". But be careful, the fullPath is the name set in the JSON policy file. The 2 values need to match: "name": "policy-api-arcadia" in the JSON Policy file pulled by the BIG-IP "policy":"fullPath" in the POST call 9 Video demonstration In order to help you to understand how it looks with the BIG-IP, I created this video covering 4 topics explained in this article : The JSON WAF policy Pull the policy from a remote repository Update the WAF policy with a new version of the declarative JSON file Deploy a full service with AS3 and Declarative WAF policy At the end of this video, you will be able to adapt the REST Declarative API calls to your infrastructure, in order to deploy protected services with your CI/CD pipelines. Direct link to the video on DevCentral YouTube channel : Advanced WAF policy lifecycle in a CI/CD pipeline
The purpose of this article is to show the configuration used to deploy a declarative Advanced WAF policy to a BIG-IP and automatically configure it to protect an API workload by consuming an OpenAPI file describing the application. For this experiment, a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline was used to deploy an API workload to Kubernetes, configure a declarative Adv. WAF policy to a BIG-IP device and tuning it by incorporating learning suggestions exported from the BIG-IP. Lastly, the F5 WAF tester tool was used to determine and improve the defensive posture of the Adv. WAF policy. Deploying the declarative Advanced WAF policy through a CI/CD pipeline To deploy the Adv. WAF policy, the Gitlab CI/CD pipeline is calling an Ansible playbook that will in turn deploy an AS3 application referencing the Adv.WAF policy from a separate JSON file. This allows the application definition and WAF policy to be managed by 2 different groups, for example NetOps and SecOps, supporting separation of duties. The following Ansible playbook was used; --- - hosts: bigip connection: local gather_facts: false vars: my_admin: "xxxx" my_password: "xxxx" bigip: "xxxx" tasks: - name: Deploy AS3 API AWAF policy uri: url: "https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare" method: POST headers: "Content-Type": "application/json" "Authorization": "Basic xxxxxxxxxx body: "{{ lookup('file','as3_waf_openapi.json') }}" body_format: json validate_certs: no status_code: 200 The Advanced WAF policy 'as3_waf_openapi.json' was specified as follows: { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "persist": true, "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.2.0", "id": "Prod_API_AS3", "API-Prod": { "class": "Tenant", "defaultRouteDomain": 0, "arcadia": { "class": "Application", "template": "generic", "VS_API": { "class": "Service_HTTPS", "remark": "Accepts HTTPS/TLS connections on port 443", "virtualAddresses": ["xxxxx"], "redirect80": false, "pool": "pool_NGINX_API", "policyWAF": { "use": "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy" }, "securityLogProfiles": [{ "bigip": "/Common/Log all requests" }], "profileTCP": { "egress": "wan", "ingress": { "use": "TCP_Profile" } }, "profileHTTP": { "use": "custom_http_profile" }, "serverTLS": { "bigip": "/Common/arcadia_client_ssl" } }, "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy": { "class": "WAF_Policy", "url": "http://xxxx/root/awaf_openapi/-/raw/master/WAF/ansible/bigip/policy-api.json", "ignoreChanges": true }, "pool_NGINX_API": { "class": "Pool", "monitors": ["http"], "members": [{ "servicePort": 8080, "serverAddresses": ["xxxx"] }] }, "custom_http_profile": { "class": "HTTP_Profile", "xForwardedFor": true }, "TCP_Profile": { "class": "TCP_Profile", "idleTimeout": 60 } } } } } The AS3 declaration will provision a separate Administrative Partition ('API-Prod') containing a Virtual Server ('VS_API'), an Adv. WAF policy ('Arcadia_WAF_API_policy') and a pool ('pool_NGINX_API'). The Adv.WAF policy being referenced ('policy-api.json') is stored in the same Gitlab repository but can be downloaded from a separate location. { "policy": { "name": "policy-api-arcadia", "description": "Arcadia API", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" }, "enforcementMode": "transparent", "server-technologies": [ { "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB" } ], "signature-settings": { "signatureStaging": false }, "policy-builder": { "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false }, "open-api-files": [ { "link": "http://xxxx/root/awaf_openapi/-/raw/master/App/openapi3-arcadia.yaml" } ] }, "modifications": [ ] } The declarative Adv.WAF policy is referencing in turn the OpenAPI file ('openapi3-arcadia.yaml') that describes the application being protected. Executing the Ansible playbook results in the AS3 application being deployed, along with the Adv.WAF policy that is automatically configured according to the OpenAPI file. Handling learning suggestions in a CI/CD pipeline The next step in the CI/CD pipeline used for this experiment was to send legitimate traffic using the API and collect the learning suggestions generated by the Adv.WAF policy, which will allow a simple way to customize the WAF policy further for the specific application being protected. The following Ansible playbook was used to retrieve the learning suggestions: --- - hosts: bigip connection: local gather_facts: true vars: my_admin: "xxxx" my_password: "xxxx" bigip: "xxxxx" tasks: - name: Get all Policy_key/IDs for WAF policies uri: url: 'https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$select=name,id' method: GET headers: "Authorization": "Basic xxxxxxxxxxx" validate_certs: no status_code: 200 return_content: yes register: waf_policies - name: Extract Policy_key/ID of Arcadia_WAF_API_policy set_fact: Arcadia_WAF_API_policy_ID="{{ }}" loop: "{{ (waf_policies.content|from_json)['items'] }}" when: == "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy" - name: Export learning suggestions uri: url: "https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-suggestions" method: POST headers: "Content-Type": "application/json" "Authorization": "Basic xxxxxxxxxxx" body: "{ \"inline\": \"true\", \"policyReference\": { \"link\": \"https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/{{ Arcadia_WAF_API_policy_ID }}/\" } }" body_format: json validate_certs: no status_code: - 200 - 201 - 202 - name: Get learning suggestions uri: url: "https://{{ bigip }}/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-suggestions" method: GET headers: "Authorization": "Basic xxxxxxxxx" validate_certs: no status_code: 200 register: result - name: Print learning suggestions debug: var=result A sample learning suggestions output is shown below: "json": { "items": [ { "endTime": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "id": "ZQDaRVecGeqHwAW1LDzZTQ", "inline": true, "kind": "tm:asm:tasks:export-suggestions:export-suggestions-taskstate", "lastUpdateMicros": 1599953296000000.0, "result": { "suggestions": [ { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable Evasion Technique", "entity": { "description": "Directory traversals" }, "entityChanges": { "enabled": true }, "entityType": "evasion" }, { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable HTTP Check", "entity": { "description": "Check maximum number of parameters" }, "entityChanges": { "enabled": true }, "entityType": "http-protocol" }, { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable HTTP Check", "entity": { "description": "No Host header in HTTP/1.1 request" }, "entityChanges": { "enabled": true }, "entityType": "http-protocol" }, { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable enforcement of policy violation", "entity": { "name": "VIOL_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH" }, "entityChanges": { "alarm": true, "block": true }, "entityType": "violation" } Incorporating the learning suggestions in the Adv.WAF policy can be done by simple copy&pasting the self-contained learning suggestions blocks into the "modifications" list of the Adv.WAF policy: { "policy": { "name": "policy-api-arcadia", "description": "Arcadia API", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" }, "enforcementMode": "transparent", "server-technologies": [ { "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB" } ], "signature-settings": { "signatureStaging": false }, "policy-builder": { "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false }, "open-api-files": [ { "link": "http://xxxxxx/root/awaf_openapi/-/raw/master/App/openapi3-arcadia.yaml" } ] }, "modifications": [ { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable Evasion Technique", "entity": { "description": "Directory traversals" }, "entityChanges": { "enabled": true }, "entityType": "evasion" } ] } Enhancing Advanced WAF policy posture by using the F5 WAF tester The F5 WAF tester is a tool that generates known attacks and checks the response of the WAF policy. For example, running the F5 WAF tester against a policy that has a "transparent" enforcement mode will cause the tests to fail as the attacks will not be blocked. The F5 WAF tester can suggest possible enhancement of the policy, in this case the change of the enforcement mode. An abbreviated sample output of the F5 WAF Tester: ................................................................ "100000023": { "CVE": "", "attack_type": "Server Side Request Forgery", "name": "SSRF attempt (AWS Metadata Server)", "results": { "parameter": { "expected_result": { "type": "signature", "value": "200018040" }, "pass": false, "reason": "ASM Policy is not in blocking mode", "support_id": "" } }, "system": "All systems" }, "100000024": { "CVE": "", "attack_type": "Server Side Request Forgery", "name": "SSRF attempt - Local network IP range 10.x.x.x", "results": { "request": { "expected_result": { "type": "signature", "value": "200020201" }, "pass": false, "reason": "ASM Policy is not in blocking mode", "support_id": "" } }, "system": "All systems" } }, "summary": { "fail": 48, "pass": 0 } Changing the enforcement mode from "transparent" to "blocking" can easily be done by editing the same Adv. WAF policy file: { "policy": { "name": "policy-api-arcadia", "description": "Arcadia API", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" }, "enforcementMode": "blocking", "server-technologies": [ { "serverTechnologyName": "MySQL" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "Unix/Linux" }, { "serverTechnologyName": "MongoDB" } ], "signature-settings": { "signatureStaging": false }, "policy-builder": { "learnOnlyFromNonBotTraffic": false }, "open-api-files": [ { "link": "http://xxxxx/root/awaf_openapi/-/raw/master/App/openapi3-arcadia.yaml" } ] }, "modifications": [ { "action": "add-or-update", "description": "Enable Evasion Technique", "entity": { "description": "Directory traversals" }, "entityChanges": { "enabled": true }, "entityType": "evasion" } ] } A successful run will will be achieved when all the attacks will be blocked. ......................................... "100000023": { "CVE": "", "attack_type": "Server Side Request Forgery", "name": "SSRF attempt (AWS Metadata Server)", "results": { "parameter": { "expected_result": { "type": "signature", "value": "200018040" }, "pass": true, "reason": "", "support_id": "17540898289451273964" } }, "system": "All systems" }, "100000024": { "CVE": "", "attack_type": "Server Side Request Forgery", "name": "SSRF attempt - Local network IP range 10.x.x.x", "results": { "request": { "expected_result": { "type": "signature", "value": "200020201" }, "pass": true, "reason": "", "support_id": "17540898289451274344" } }, "system": "All systems" } }, "summary": { "fail": 0, "pass": 48 } Conclusion By adding the Advanced WAF policy into a CI/CD pipeline, the WAF policy can be integrated in the lifecycle of the application it is protecting, allowing for continuous testing and improvement of the security posture before it is deployed to production. The flexible model of AS3 and declarative Advanced WAF allows the separation of roles and responsibilities between NetOps and SecOps, while providing an easy way for tuning the policy to the specifics of the application being protected. Links UDF lab environment link. Short instructional video link.2.2KViews3likes2CommentsAS3 no new LTS Version?
The AS3 Support Cycle Document states that end of support for the latest LTS Version 3.46.2 is 31-Oct-2024 and that the next LTS release is on 30-Sep-2024. However the Release 3.53.0 from 30-Sep-2024 is not present in the AS3 Documentation. So my Question now is if there will be another minor Version like 3.46.1 which then will be the LTS Variant? And if so when will it be released?Solved34Views0likes1CommentCreating External Monitors via AS3
I am trying to create an external monitor via AS3 using a script that exists as part of a gitlab project. See: F5 provides an examplehere. exert: "mNewExternalMonitorFile": { "class": "Monitor", "monitorType": "external", "interval": 5, "upInterval": 0, "timeUntilUp": 0, "timeout": 16, "expand": false, "script": { "url": "" }, "environmentVariables": { "USER": "example" } } I am able to do this exact thing with the url portion replaced with a local resource. However, I need to be able to provide authentication/authorization details to the resource. There are other resources in AS3 that use the propertyResource_URL. Unfortunately I can't use this because of the way Monitor_External is configured. Alternatively, is there a way for me to point to the local BigIP "/shared" directory and pull the script from there?13Views0likes0CommentsAS3 w/ certificates and renewals..
So, I found myself in a little bit of a quandary with the use AS3 declarations to deploy our F5 configurations for our services. So to create a virtual server with SSL certificate and profiles, and the nine-yards, you need to have as part of your AS3 declaration: SSL certificate (key and cert), that populate the profile, that then populates the profile section within the virtual server. So far so good... Now, the certificate has a TTL (if you will), and needs to be renewed. In the past, I had a Python script that goes through the F5 using REST API to find expiring certificates and get new certs and updates the configuration. That worked just fine, and I have adapted that to be used on our new F5s using partitions/tenants, and it works. Unfortunately is also breaks the one source of truth (AS3), so if I go make a change to an AS3 declaration to make pool member or other configuration changes, and I then redeploy the AS3 declaration, then the OLD certificate if put back into play (which could be expired) and the service goes down. Has not happened yet, because this FUBAR situation popped into my head. ..and that is my quandary... How do I redeploy configurations and have it ignore the certificate and profile stanzas in AS3 declaration - so it does not redeploy an old and possibly expired certificate? One may think .. well update the declaration with the updated certificate. Not as easy as one may think. I would have to do this for any declaration that I want to modify, not a easy task.. log-into the F5, fetch the new PEMdata for the certificate and key, update the declaration, and then deploy it. In some AS3 declarations, I am defining multiple environments for a service, and there might be up to 5 different certificate/key pairs that I would need to update prior to redeploying .. ugh! I am in a pickle. Thoughts? The only solution that I have been able to conjure up in my head is additional automation and scripting that would automatically update the AS3 declarations when a certificate is renewed, which makes sense .. just have no idea how to go about this just yet. Hoping there are other alternatives?!Solved214Views0likes6CommentsHTTP Host Header replacement using AS3
I am using L7 policy within AS3 to manage my sites. I have a requirement where I need to modify the Host header before forwarding the request to the pool. I know this is easy in the GUI in the action section where I can just use replace HTTP Host. However, I do not see an action "replace" for the "Policy_Action_HTTP_Header" in the AS3 schema. Has anybody done this header replacement using AS3 ? Note : I would rather not to use "tcl:.." & am looking native L7 syntax. Any help would be greatly appreciated.85Views0likes2CommentsAS3 GSLB_Pool - How to add members?
I am using AS3 to deploy LTM and DNS configs to a pair of standalone BIG-IPs in a DNS Sync Group. Everything works and I can add a virtual server to a GSLB_Pool if that virtual server is defined in this AS3 declaration. However, I need to add a virtual server to the pool that is in the other BIG-IP, configured as a server in a second data center. Auto discovery is configured but AS3 won't accept the second pool member saying that the object doesn't exist. See the snippet below. Obviously I haven't posted the whole thing but the red section is what fails. vs_prod_dc1 is defined in this declaration (redacted) but vs_prod_dc2 is defined in another declaration because it's for a different BIG-IP. What am I missing here? "DC1": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "DC2": { "class": "GSLB_Data_Center" }, "F5-A": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC1" }, "devices": [ { "address": "" } ], "virtualServerDiscoveryMode": "enabled-no-delete" }, "F5-B": { "class": "GSLB_Server", "dataCenter": { "use": "DC2" }, "devices": [ { "address": "" } ], "virtualServerDiscoveryMode": "enabled-no-delete" } "dns_pool_prod": { "class": "GSLB_Pool", "resourceRecordType": "A", "members": [ { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/F5-A" }, "virtualServer": { "use": "vs_prod_dc1" } }, { "server": { "use": "/Common/Shared/F5-B" }, "virtualServer": { "use": "vs_prod_dc2" } } ] }50Views0likes2Comments