3 Topicsredirect error 500 with context
Good, I am trying to create an irule in F5 that after a 500 error in one url redirects me to another but keeping all the uri. For example: https://portafirmas.es/portafirmas/informeFirma?idRequest=121231&idDocument=sdasdas Redirect to https://portafirmasng.es//pfirmaNG/downloadReport?idRequest=121231&idDocument=sdasdas So far I have these ideas but none of them fulfill my purpose. when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP :: uri] } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {([HTTP :: status] eq "500")} { HTTP :: redirect "https: //portafirmasng.justicia.junta-andalucia.es$uri" } } But I don't get the result I want.462Views0likes1Commentredirect error 500 with context
Good, I am trying to create an irule in F5 that after a 500 error in one url redirects me to another but keeping all the uri. For example: https://portafirmas.es/portafirmas/informeFirma?idRequest=121231&idDocument=sdasdas Redirect to https://portafirmasng.es/pfirmaNG/informeFirma?idRequest=121231&idDocument=sdasdas So far I have these ideas but none of them fulfill my purpose. when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP :: uri] } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {([HTTP :: status] eq "500")} { HTTP :: redirect "https: //portafirmasng.justicia.junta-andalucia.es$uri" } } But I don't get the result I want.289Views0likes1CommentUsing an iRule to respond with a 500 Internal Server Error message
Hi, We have a customer error page setup to serve a nice neat error page when various violations are triggered however the JSON applications don't like this as they are not expecting html. What I would like to do is implement an iRule based on any identifiable data such as a header, to respond with a 500 error. For the moment I am just working on the main idea of serving the 500 rather than the custom error however what I have is not working. If someone can review what I have below and let me know why this is ignored and the custom error continues to load, that would be awesome. Thank you. when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {[HTTP::header value Connection] contains "close"}{ HTTP::respond 500 content "Internal Server Error" } }896Views0likes9Comments