Forum Discussion

eesun_276598's avatar
Aug 28, 2016

When do we need overwrite in F5 while we want to Sync

When we want to Sync, we have option, which is "Overwrite". Any expert can tell when do we need overwrite in F5 while we want to Sync? Thank you


2 Replies

  • Overwrite is rip-and-replace. Config from device-B is replaced with config from device-A when you are overwriting from A to B. As for the why, it depends on your needs.


  • Hi Eesun,


    you must set the "Overwrite configuration" option, if other devices in your device group are running configurations with newer timestamps. Without setting the "Overwrite configuration" option, the units with newer configurations will just stick to their existing configuration.


    Note: The outlined usecase above may happen if you've changed the configuration on multiple units at the same time and you want to keep the configuration with the older timestamp.


    Cheers, Kai