Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Michel, There currently is no access to the serial number in the 4.2x product line. Access to the serial number was introduced in 4.5PTF05 in the following method:

     String get_serial_number(); 

  • Which contains the serial number?



    I'd like to pull all of these in to a central (and backed up) location.



    It would be a real shame if I have to go after it with scp...
  • Michel, historically we have issued new SDK's with major product releases. Since few new features have been added since 4.5PTF03, we have not planned on a new SDK until the next product release. I believe you have mentioned you are maintaining the 4.2 product line. If you have moved to 4.5 and need an updated list of features available after 4.5PTF03, let me know and if need be we can provide you the documentation for what has been added.


