Forum Discussion

Billy_chuang_16's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Feb 14, 2006

RTSP and SDP command

Hi, Guys



Is there any SDP command information ? There is no descirption and example how the SDP command use. Attached the TCPDUMP screen capture that shown the highlighted IP address like to be rewrite to BIGIP VIP address by iRule, since the streaming server post itself real ip to client, it caused the client can not send a SDP report to VIP.



Best Regards



5 Replies

  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    We're continually working to expand the documentation in the Wiki, and hopefully we'll have some further information regarding the SDP commands for you to browse soon.



    Until then, if there's a more specific question you have, we can try to answer that here.





  • Billy_chuang_16's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi, Colin



    Actually, my customer need to rewrite the SDP message, as you see the diagram I posted, the circled header/message was what the real server sent to client, it caused the Streaming Client send SDP report the real IP server instead of BIGIP virtual Server IP address. The goal we have to achieve is, iRule can inspect the server return SDP data and then rewrite that specific SDP "owner address". Could you give me a example how the RTSP/SDP irule command and syntax ? Thanks



    Best Regards


  • Hello:



    I am trying to acheive this same thing. Our SIP server is behind the F5 and receiving INVITE requests. When our SIP server sends the 200-OK, the SDP c= line contains the local/private IP-address of the SIP server. This SDP c= line needs to be re-written to the F5 Virtual Server IP-address, such that the other side can route the RTP stream to F5.



    Please advise how to do this.







  • Patrick_Chang_7's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    With SIP, you are in more luck since there are SIP specific functions (if you have upgraded to the 9.4.X code branch). Check out the SIP portion of the Wiki.
  • you may try this



    when SIP_RESPONSE {


    log local0. "[SDP::media conn 0]"


    SDP::media conn 0 "IN IP4"


    log local0. "[SDP::media conn 0]"





    if you have multiple SIP server, one thing to think about is will you want to do 1:1 mapping for each server or 1 vip mapped to all server IPs. in the later case, I recommend to use non-overlapped media port for all media servers so that you can apply simple iRule on media-VIP to direct traffic based on destination port.