Forum Discussion

patrickmamaid_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 05, 2008

number of tcp connections on a pool member

Does anyone know how to get the number of tcp connections on a pool member using iControl in java?


i'm lost in the API trying to find out

5 Replies

  • use LocalLB.PoolMember.get_statistics() for the given pool member and look through the returned statistics for the STATISTIC_SERVER_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS statistic.



    I wrote a tech tip on graceful server shutdowns that query the current connections for a specific pool member. It's written in PowerShell but you should be able to extract the logic for use in Java.




    Click here




    Look for the Disable-Member code snippet.



    Hope this helps...



  • hey Joe i'm kinda stuck trying to convert this line in java

    $MemberStatisticsA = (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPoolMember.get_statistics( (, $pool_name), $MemberDefAofA);

    I tried to use:

    iControl.LocalLBPoolMember lb;   

    but when I tested lb.get_statistics, it does not exist.

    I tried using this one here:

    iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberStatistics ms;   

    but that method does not have any input parameters

    and it returns a LocalLBPoolMemberMemberStatisticEntry[] array

  • The lb.get_statistics() method should exist. Did you pass in the correct parameters (a 1-D array of pool names, and a 2-D array of pool members for each pool in the first parameter)?



    Your second example is referencing a structure (LocalLBPoolMemberMemberStatistics). The getStatistics() is a local member accessor. The structure is what is returned from the get_statsitics() method.



    I'll whip you up some java code in the morning.



  • Oops, forgot that Axis1 has no direct conversion from the PortType class. You'll need to create local variables for the *PortType classes to make the method calls.



    Here's some code that will take a bigip, it's credentials, as well as a pool name and then enumerate through all pool members for their statistics and print it all to the console.



    public void GetPoolMemberStats(String bigip, String username, String password, String pool_name) 
       throws RemoteException, java.lang.Exception { 
       iControl.Interfaces interfaces = new iControl.Interfaces(); 
       if (interfaces.initialize(bigip, (long)443, username, password) ) { 
         String [] pool_list = new String[] {pool_name}; 
         iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberPortType t = interfaces.getLocalLBPoolMember(); 
         iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberStatistics [] memberStatsA = 
         for(int i=0; i     { 
           System.out.println("Pool " + pool_list[ i ]); 
           iControl.LocalLBPoolMemberMemberStatisticEntry [] statEntryA = memberStatsA[ i ].getStatistics(); 
           for(int j=0; j       { 
             iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition memberDef = statEntryA[j].getMember(); 
             System.out.println("+ " + memberDef.getAddress() + 
             iControl.CommonStatistic[] statisticsA =  
             for(int k=0; k         { 
               iControl.CommonStatisticType type = statisticsA[k].getType(); 
               iControl.CommonULong64 ul64 = statisticsA[k].getValue(); 
               long value = (long)(ul64.getHigh()<<32) + (long)ul64.getLow(); 
               System.out.println("    " + type.toString() + " -> " + value); 



    If you need to request a specific pool member, you can go this route and just filter out the other ones, or you could call the get_statistics() method instead of the get_all_statistics() method and pass in a second parameter that is a 2-d array with the first dimension for each requested pool, and a second dimension for the list of pool members for each respective pool.



    Hope this helps and please post if you get stuck again.


