Forum Discussion

Andreia's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jan 10, 2023

iRule - Authorization Bearer / Basic

Hi everyone! I'm trying to "translate" a postman request to an iRule, however, I need help because I have no idea how to handle this in an iRule. When the request is of type BasicAuth, origin servi...
  • PeteWhite's avatar
    Jan 10, 2023

    HTTP_REQUEST is in the request which goes to the backend server, HTTP_RESPONSE is for the response from the server to the client. To correct your iRule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [HTTP::header Authorization] contains "Basic" } {
        log local0.debug "Basic: [HTTP::header Authorization]"
        HTTP::insert X-HUB-BASIC "[HTTP::header Authorization]"
      } elseif { [HTTP::header Authorization] contains "Bearer" } {
        log local0.debug "Bearer: [HTTP::header Authorization]"
        HTTP::insert X-HUB-Bearer "[HTTP::header Authorization]"