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jjohnson's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 02, 2020

iControl REST API Policy Rules

Having some trouble getting rules added to an LTM policy using iControl REST API and PowerShell. Currently I am able to get the policy into Draft status, and I can add a rule... but I am getting stuck in the formatting for the rule actions and conditions. Does anyone know how these are supposed to be formatted?


The only examples and guidance I have been able to find don't show how to add any actions to the rules.

rules array_structure optional read/write

curl -sku admin:admin https://<host>/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~<TestPolicy>/rules \
  -X POST -H "Content-type:application/json" \
  -d '{"name":"<SampleRule>", "description":"sat1" }'


The above example shows how to create a rule and give it a description, but not how to add anything to it. Any help is appreciated.


Code I have used so far for creating the Draft and Rule:


$user = "admin"
$pass = "admin"
$url = "<my f5 url>"
$header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$user"+":"+"$pass"));}
$DraftBody = @{
    "createDraft" = $True
$RulesBody = @{
    "name" = "Test.API"
    "description" = "I am a test"
### Create a draft from a policy that already exists
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/$Policy -Method PATCH -Headers $Header -Body (ConvertTo-Json $DraftBody) -ContentType "application/json"
### Attempts at modifying/adding rules to the policy in draft
### Creating the rule with name Test.API and description "I am a test" works but have been unable to add actions
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules -Method POST -Headers $Header -Body (ConvertTo-Json $RulesBody) -ContentType 'application/json'


7 Replies

  • Hello,

    Far as I know you need to create a rule, then add actions and conditions on it.



    # Create a policy draft
    curl -kv -u admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy \
      -X POST -H "Content-type:application/json" \
      -d '{ "name": "/Common/Drafts/policy_vs_devcentral", "strategy": "first-match"}' | jq "."
    # Add a rule
    curl -kv -u "admin:admin" https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules \
      -X POST -H "Content-type:application/json" \
      -d '{"name": "ruleTest" }' | jq "."
    # Add conditions and actions to a rule
    curl -kv -u "admin:admin" -X PUT https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleTest \
        -H "Content-type: application/json" \
        -d @- << EOF | jq "."
            "actions": [ 
                "name": "0",
                "request": true,
                "forward": true,
                "pool": "/Common/pool_test"
            "conditions": [
                "request": true,
                "httpHost": true,
                "equals": true,
                "values": [

    A tip to easy know all parameters for a certain rule, you create a manually example then retrieve that actions and conditions to understand what parameters you need to fill.


    I manually created a rule "ruleRedirect" to redirect traffic when host equals "" and path equals "/" to a home page:

    So, I get conditions and actions from that rule name:

    curl -k -u "admin:admin" https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/conditions |jq "."
      "kind": "tm:ltm:policy:rules:conditions:conditionscollectionstate",
      "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/conditions?ver=",
      "items": [
          "kind": "tm:ltm:policy:rules:conditions:conditionsstate",
          "name": "0",
          "fullPath": "0",
          "generation": 2463,
          "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/conditions/0?ver=",
          "all": true,
          "caseInsensitive": true,
          "equals": true,
          "external": true,
          "httpHost": true,
          "index": 0,
          "present": true,
          "remote": true,
          "request": true,
          "values": [
          "kind": "tm:ltm:policy:rules:conditions:conditionsstate",
          "name": "1",
          "fullPath": "1",
          "generation": 2463,
          "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/conditions/1?ver=",
          "all": true,
          "caseInsensitive": true,
          "equals": true,
          "external": true,
          "httpUri": true,
          "index": 0,
          "present": true,
          "remote": true,
          "request": true,
          "values": [
    curl -k -u "admin:admin" https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/actions |jq "."
      "kind": "tm:ltm:policy:rules:actions:actionscollectionstate",
      "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/actions?ver=",
      "items": [
          "kind": "tm:ltm:policy:rules:actions:actionsstate",
          "name": "0",
          "fullPath": "0",
          "generation": 2463,
          "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~policy_vs_devcentral/rules/ruleRedirect/actions/0?ver=",
          "code": 0,
          "expirySecs": 0,
          "httpReply": true,
          "length": 0,
          "location": "",
          "offset": 0,
          "port": 0,
          "redirect": true,
          "request": true,
          "status": 0,
          "timeout": 0,
          "vlanId": 0

    Now I know that to create a redirection rule this is the json body to push:

            "conditions": [
                "name": "0",
                "request": true,
                "httpHost": true,
                "equals": true,
                "values": [
                "name": "1",
                "request": true,
                "httpUri": true,
                "equals": true,
                "values": [
             } ],
            "actions": [
                "name": "0",
                "request": true,
                "httpReply": true,
                "redirect": true,
                "location": ""
             } ]

    I hope this helps.




  • This does help a lot... still encountering some issues though... for the Boolean values if I send them as true of false I either get:


    Invoke-RestMethod : {"code":400,"message":"Found unexpected json boolean at configuration item /ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~TEST_POLICY_AUTOMATION/rules/Testing/conditions/equals. The json boolean is 



    Invoke-RestMethod : {"code":400,"message":"Found unexpected json string at configuration item /ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~TEST_POLICY_AUTOMATION/rules/Testing/conditions/equals. The json string is 

    This is the JSON I am using in my script, basing it off what you sent as a test


    $ActionsBody = [ordered]@{
        actions =  @{
            name = "0"
            request = $true
            forward = $true
            pool = '/Common/pool_test'
          conditions =@{
              name = "0"
              request = "true"
              httpHost = "true"
              equals = "true"
              values = ""
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules/Testing -Method PUT -Headers $Header -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ActionsBody) -ContentType 'application/json'


    • cjunior's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      If I'm not wrong, PS writes True and False as first letter capitalized.

      Try converting to a lower case string output and do not surround it with quotes.

      This way works for you?

      $ActionsBody = [ordered]@{
          actions =  @{
              name = "0"
              request = $true
              forward = $true
              pool = '/Common/pool_test'
            conditions =@{
                name = "0"
                request = $true
                httpHost = $true
                equals = $true
                values = ""
      $ActionsBody |ConvertTo-Json


  • This is what I get now... Everything seems correct...

    PS > $jsonBody = $ActionsBody | ConvertTo-Json
    PS > $jsonBody
        "conditions":  {
                           "name":  "0",
                           "request":  true,
                           "httpHost":  true,
                           "equals":  true,
                           "values":  ""
    PS > Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules/Testing -Method PUT -Headers $Header -Body $jsonBody -ContentType 'application/json'
    Invoke-RestMethod : {"code":400,"message":"Found unexpected json string at configuration item /ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~TEST_POLICY_AUTOMATION/rules/Testing/conditions/name. The json string is


    • cjunior's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      This way looks good for me:

      $ActionsBody = [ordered]@{
          actions =  @{
              name = "0"
              request = $true
              forward = $true
              pool = '/Common/pool_test'
            conditions =@{
                name = "0"
                request = $true
                httpHost = $true
                equals = $true
                values = ""
      Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules/Testing -Method PUT -Headers $Header -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ActionsBody) -ContentType 'application/json'
  • Alright... got it working!! Thank you for the assistance. I may be reaching out again before this is done 🙂

    Here's what I did to get it working...

    $ActionsBody = @"
        "actions": [ 
            "name": "0",
            "request": true,
            "forward": true,
            "pool": "/Common/pool_test"
        "conditions": [
            "request": true,
            "httpHost": true,
            "equals": true,
            "values": [
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules/Testing -Method PUT -Headers $Header -Body $ActionsBody -ContentType 'application/json'
    • cjunior's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      Yes, now I test it right.

      We forgot that array collections: 😕

      $ActionsBody = @{
            actions =  @( @{
              name = "0"
              request = $true
              forward = $true
              pool = "/Common/pool_teste"
            } )
            conditions = @( @{
                name = "0"
                request = $true
                httpHost = $true
                equals = $true
                values = @("")
              } )
      Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://$url/mgmt/tm/ltm/policy/~Common~Drafts~$Policy/rules/Testing -Method PUT -Headers $Header -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ActionsBody -Depth 3) -ContentType 'application/json'