Minimalistic LDAP proxy (via Simple-Bind) with Base-DN rewrite

Problem this snippet solves:

The outlined iRule can be used to access independent LDAP instances behind a single Virtual Server using a single Base-DN.

The iRule, will forward LDAP requests to an additional LDAP pool, if the Simple-Bind user account name matches the


The iRule would then translate the original Base-DN to the Base-DN matching the additional LDAP instance.

Note1: The iRule doesn't adjust ASN.1/BER structures. So the original and changed Base-DN MUST have the same length. You may have to add SPACE paddings to allign the lenght of the Base-DNs.

Note2: The iRule wouldn't change the traffic for the default LDAP instance. The traffic is passed through after the Simple-Bind request is completed.

Note3: The iRule would translates just the LDAP requests destined to the Base-DN of the additional LDAP instance. The retrived results could then be accessed using their original DNs.

Cheers, Kai

How to use this snippet:

  • Setup a standard Virtual Server for TCP:386.
  • Apply SNAT and TCP profiles as needed.
  • Assign the default LDAP instance as default_pool.
  • Tweak the RULE_INIT event to match your environment.

Code :

when RULE_INIT {

# Minimalistic LDAP proxy (via Simple-Bind) with Base-DN rewrite

# Configuration of the other LDAP instance username prefix/suffixes
set static::other_domains [list "itacs\\" ""];# List of lower case domain strings

# Configuration of the other LDAP instance pool name
set static::other_ldap_poolname OTHER_LDAP_POOL_NAME;# Value of the other pool name

# Configuration of the Base-DN translation strings
# Important: The Base-DNs MUST have the same lenght.
#            You have to pad SPACES to match the length
binary scan "OU=xyz,DC=your-domain,DC=tld" H* temp(dn_default) ;# This is the default Base-DN
binary scan "OU=f5-team, DC=itacs,  DC=de" H* temp(dn_other);# This is the other Base-DN. Pad SPACES to match the length

set static::other_base_dn_map [list $temp(dn_default) $temp(dn_other)]
unset -nocomplain temp

# TCP session init
set session_binding_ldap 1
set session_other_active 0
# Collecting TCP data
if { $session_binding_ldap } then {
# Searching for simple Bind request to the other LDAP instance 
set session_binding_ldap 0
foreach temp(domain_string) $static::other_domains {
if { [string tolower [TCP::payload]] contains $temp(domain_string) } then {
# Forwarding the request to the other LDAP instance 
set session_other_active 1
pool $static::other_ldap_poolname
log -noname local0.debug "LDAP simple bind request for other LDAP instance detected. Forwarding the connection to pool [LB::server pool]"
if { $session_other_active == 0 } then {
# Forwarding the request to the default LDAP instance
log -noname local0.debug "LDAP request for default LDAP instance detected. Forwarding the connection to pool [LB::server pool]"
# Releasing TCP data
unset -nocomplain temp
if { $session_other_active } then {
# Translating Base-DNs for the other LDAP instance
binary scan [TCP::payload] H* temp(hex_tcp_payload)
set temp(new_tcp_payload) [binary format H* [string map $static::other_base_dn_map $temp(hex_tcp_payload)]]
TCP::payload replace 0 [string length [TCP::payload]] $temp(new_tcp_payload)
# Releasing TCP data
# Collecting further TCP data
unset -nocomplain temp

Tested this on version:

Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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