BIG-IP Config Cleaner (iControl REST)

Problem this snippet solves:

Script to search for unused virtual servers or pool members in a config on a BIG-IP. Script uses iControl REST to interact with BIG-IP.

How to use this snippet:

./ usage: [-h] (--scan | --remove | --scanandremove) --bigip BIGIP --user USER [--file FILE] [--disabled0TotalConns] [--enabled0TotalConns] [--offline0TotalConns] [--offline0CurrentConns] [--vs0TotalConns] [--vsDisabled0TotalConns] [--vsEnabled0TotalConns] [--vsOffline0TotalConns] [--vsAvailable0TotalConns] [--noprompt] [--nosanity] [--ignoreIpMismatch]

Code :


# Author: Chad Jenison (c.jenison at
# Version 1.0
# Script that uses F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API to identify unused configuration elements (Virtual Servers, Pools, Pool Members) based on zero'd stats and state
# If scan output is sent to CSV file, that file can be manually reviewed, pool member lines removed and then can be read in as input for removal of items with --remove option
# --scanandremove option (with no human review other than prompting for confirmation of each member) should be used carefully

import argparse
import sys
import requests
import json
import getpass

def removeMember(memberUrlToDelete, memberName, poolName):
    if args.noprompt:
        req = bip.delete('%s/ltm/pool/%s' % (url_base, memberUrlToDelete))
        queryString = ('Remove Pool Member: %s from Pool: %s?' % (memberName, poolName))
       if query_yes_no(queryString, default="no"):
            req = bip.delete('%s/ltm/pool/%s' % (url_base, memberUrlToDelete))
            print ('Deleted Member: %s from pool: %s' % (memberName, poolName))
            print('Skipping Member: %s from Pool: %s' % (memberName, poolName))

def removeVirtual(virtualUrlToDelete, virtualName):
    if args.noprompt:
        req = bip.delete('%s/ltm/virtual/%s' % (url_base, virtualUrlToDelete))
        queryString = ('Remove Virtual Server: %s?' % (virtualName))
        if query_yes_no(queryString, default="no"):
            req = bip.delete('%s/ltm/virtual/%s' % (url_base, virtualUrlToDelete))
            print ('Deleted Virtual Server: %s' % (virtualName))
            print('Skipping Virtual Server: %s' % (virtualName))

def getManagementIp():
    managementIpAPI = bip.get('%s/sys/management-ip' % (url_base)).json()
    managementIpAndMask = managementIpAPI['items'][0]['name']
    discoveredManagementIp = managementIpAndMask[0:managementIpAndMask.find('/')]
    return discoveredManagementIp

# Taken from
def query_yes_no(question, default="no"):
    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False}
    if default == None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)
    while 1:
        sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
        choice = raw_input().lower() 
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid.keys():
            return valid[choice]
            sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' (or 'y' or 'n').\n")

#Setup command line arguments using Python argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tool to identify and remove orphaned or unused pool members from F5 BIG-IP Systems running TMOS 11.5 and higher', epilog='Use this tool with caution')
mode = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
mode.add_argument('--scan', action='store_true', help='scan for unused pool members and output to file')
mode.add_argument('--remove', action='store_true', help='remove unused pool members based on input file')
mode.add_argument('--scanandremove', action='store_true', help='scan for unused pool members and immediately remove')
parser.add_argument('--bigip', help='IP or hostname of BIG-IP Management or Self IP', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--user', help='username to use for authentication', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--file', help='filename in cwd CSV formatted; file is output filename if scanning; file is input filename if removing', default='bigip_config_cleaner.csv')
#Pool Member Selection Criteria
poolmemberselector = parser.add_argument_group(title='Criteria for Selecting Pool Members')
poolmemberselector.add_argument('--disabled0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select pool member for removal if it is disabled AND has 0 Total Conns')
poolmemberselector.add_argument('--enabled0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select pool member for removal if it is enabled AND has 0 Total Conns')
poolmemberselector.add_argument('--offline0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select pool member for removal if it is offline (due to health monitors) AND has 0 Total Conns')
poolmemberselector.add_argument('--offline0CurrentConns', action='store_true', help='select pool member for removal if it is offline (due to health monitors) AND has 0 Current Conns')
#Virtual Server Selection Criteria
virtualselector = parser.add_argument_group(title='Criteria for Selecting Unused Virtual Servers')
virtualselector.add_argument('--vs0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select virtual server for removal if it has 0 Total Conns; indepenent of status')
virtualselector.add_argument('--vsDisabled0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select virtual server for removal if it disabled AND has 0 Total Conns')
virtualselector.add_argument('--vsEnabled0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select virtual server for removal if it is enabled AND has 0 Total Conns')
virtualselector.add_argument('--vsOffline0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select virtual server for removal if it is unavailable AND has 0 Total Conns')
virtualselector.add_argument('--vsAvailable0TotalConns', action='store_true', help='select virtual server for removal if it is available AND has 0 Total Conns')
#Safety Checks
safety = parser.add_argument_group(title='Options for disabling Safety Checks')
safety.add_argument('--noprompt', action='store_true', help='do not prompt to confirm removal of each node')
safety.add_argument('--nosanity', action='store_true', help='do not check device for inactivity (0 total connections) or standby/offline status for traffic groups')
safety.add_argument('--ignoreIpMismatch', action='store_true', help='Used in conjunction with --remove option; do not prompt on mismatch between management IP of CSV file and target BIG-IP')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Double Confirm that they don't want prompting for deletion of each node; exit if they don't confirm
if args.noprompt:
    noPromptConfirm = query_yes_no('Deleting pool members without prompting is very risky; are you sure?', default="no")
    if not noPromptConfirm:

user = args.user
passwd = getpass.getpass("Password for " + user + ":")
bip = requests.session()
bip.auth = (user, passwd)
bip.verify = False
url_base = ('https://%s/mgmt/tm' % (args.bigip))

if args.scan or args.scanandremove:
    # Try to determine whether the BIG-IP is inactive for any Traffic Groups
    # First need to determine Management IP of device and based on that; device name
    #managementIpAPI = bip.get('%s/sys/management-ip' % (url_base)).json()
    #managementIpAndMask = managementIpAPI['items'][0]['name']
    #managementIp = managementIpAndMask[0:managementIpAndMask.find('/')]
    managementIp = getManagementIp()
    if not args.nosanity:
        devices = bip.get('%s/cm/device' % (url_base)).json()
        for device in devices['items']:
            if device['managementIp'] == managementIp:
                deviceFullPath = device['fullPath']
        # we have device name in deviceFullPath variable ; now check that it isn't Standby or Offline for any traffic groups
        trafficGroupStats = bip.get('%s/cm/traffic-group/stats' % (url_base)).json()
        for trafficGroup in trafficGroupStats['entries']:
            # print trafficGroupStats['entries'][trafficGroup]['nestedStats']['entries']['failoverState']['description']
            if trafficGroupStats['entries'][trafficGroup]['nestedStats']['entries']['deviceName']['description'] == deviceFullPath:
                trafficGroupFullPath = trafficGroupStats['entries'][trafficGroup]['nestedStats']['entries']['trafficGroup']['description']
                if trafficGroupStats['entries'][trafficGroup]['nestedStats']['entries']['failoverState']['description'] == "standby":
                    print ('This device is standby for traffic group %s' % (trafficGroupFullPath))
                    print ('Use option --nosanity to ignore this check')
                elif trafficGroupStats['entries'][trafficGroup]['nestedStats']['entries']['failoverState']['description'] == "offline":
                    print ('This device is offline for traffic group %s' % (trafficGroupFullPath))
                    print ('Use option --nosanity to ignore this check')
        # TODO: Validate Config Sync State is in Sync
        # Check if Config Sync State is In Sync (for sync-failover device group if one exists)
        # deviceGroups = bip.get('%s/cm/device-group/' % (url_base)).json()
        # for deviceGroup in deviceGroups['items']:
        #    if deviceGroup['type'] == 'sync-failover':
#syncFailoverDeviceGroupFullPath = deviceGroup['fullPath']
#syncFailoverDeviceGroupName = deviceGroup['name']
        #        syncFailoverStatus
        # Check for 0 Total Connections and Exit if True - Device Is Idle
        virtualStats = bip.get('%s/ltm/virtual/stats' % (url_base)).json()
        vsTotConns = 0
        for virtual in virtualStats['entries']:
            vsTotConns += virtualStats['entries'][virtual]['nestedStats']['entries']['clientside.curConns']['value']
        print ('Total VS Connections: %s' % (vsTotConns))
        if vsTotConns == 0:
            print ('Total Virtual Server Connections is 0; box appears to be inactive')
            print ('Use option --nosanity to ignore this check')
    # open file for output if applicable
    if args.scan:
       fileOut = open('%s' % (args.file), 'w')
       fileOut.write('##ManagementIP##,%s\n' % (managementIp))
    # look for stale/unused virtual servers
    if (args.vs0TotalConns or args.vsDisabled0TotalConns or args.vsEnabled0TotalConns or args.vsOffline0TotalConns or args.vsAvailable0TotalConns):
       virtuals = bip.get('%s/ltm/virtual' % (url_base)).json()
       for virtual in virtuals['items']:
           virtualUrl = virtual['fullPath'].replace("/", "~", 2)
           virtualStats = bip.get('%s/ltm/virtual/%s/stats' % (url_base, virtualUrl)).json()
           if (args.vs0TotalConns and virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'] == 0) or (args.vsDisabled0TotalConns and virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'] == 0 and virtualStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'] == 'disabled') or (args.vsEnabled0TotalConns and  virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'] == 0 and virtualStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'] == 'enabled') or (args.vsOffline0TotalConns and virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'] == 0 and virtualStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description'] == 'offline') or (args.vsAvailable0TotalConns and virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'] == 0 and virtualStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description'] == 'available'):
               #We have a stale Virtual Server
               print ('Stale Virtual Server: %s' % (virtual['fullPath']))
               if args.scan:
                   fileOut.write('VirtualServerFullPath,%s,VirtualName,%s,CurrentConns,%s,TotalConns,%s,EnabledState,%s,AvailabilityState,%s\n' % (virtualUrl, virtual['name'], virtualStats['entries']['clientside.curConns']['value'], virtualStats['entries']['clientside.totConns']['value'], virtualStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'], virtualStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description']))
                   removeVirtual(virtualUrl, virtual['name'])
    if (args.offline0CurrentConns or args.offline0TotalConns or args.disabled0TotalConns or args.enabled0TotalConns):
        # Get list of pools and then walk pools and members to identify candidates for removal
        pools = bip.get('%s/ltm/pool' % (url_base)).json()
        for pool in pools['items']:
            poolUrl = pool['fullPath'].replace("/", "~", 2)
            members = bip.get('%s/ltm/pool/%s/members' % (url_base, poolUrl)).json()
            #print ('Pool: %s' % (pool['name']))
            #print ('poolUrl: %s' % (poolUrl))
            #print pool['name']
            #print pool['fullPath']
            #print members
            for member in members['items']:
                name = member['name']
                memberFullPath = member['fullPath'].replace("/", "~", 2)
                memberFullPathUrlFragment = memberFullPath.replace("%", "%25", 1)
                memberUrl = ('%s/members/%s' % (poolUrl, memberFullPathUrlFragment))
                memberStats = bip.get('%s/ltm/pool/%s/stats' % (url_base, memberUrl)).json()
                if (args.offline0CurrentConns and memberStats['entries']['serverside.curConns']['value'] == 0 and memberStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description'] == 'offline') or (args.offline0TotalConns and memberStats['entries']['serverside.totConns']['value'] == 0 and memberStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description'] == 'offline') or (args.disabled0TotalConns and memberStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'] == 'disabled' and memberStats['entries']['serverside.totConns']['value'] == 0) or (args.enabled0TotalConns and memberStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'] == 'enabled' and memberStats['entries']['serverside.totConns']['value'] == 0):
                    if args.scan:
                        fileOut.write('PoolFullPath,%s,MemberFullPath,%s,CurrentConns,%s,TotalConns,%s,EnabledState,%s,AvailabilityState,%s\n' % (poolUrl, memberUrl, memberStats['entries']['serverside.curConns']['value'], memberStats['entries']['serverside.totConns']['value'], memberStats['entries']['status.enabledState']['description'], memberStats['entries']['status.availabilityState']['description']))
                        removeMember(memberUrl, name, pool['name'])

if args.remove:
    fileIn = open('%s' % (args.file), 'r')
    for line in fileIn:
        #Deal with each line of file
        #treat first line of file specially, it contains management IP of device that was scanned to produce CSV file
if line.startswith('##ManagementIP##'):
    fileManagementIp = line.split(',')[1].strip()
            # obtain management IP from Device
            managementIp = getManagementIp()
            if fileManagementIp != managementIp and not ignoreIpMismatch:
                queryString = ('Input File obtained from device with management IP: %s, but target device has management IP: %s ; Do you want to proceed?' % (fileManagementIp, managementIp))
                if not query_yes_no(queryString, default="no"):
                    print 'Exiting Due to Mismatch of IPs'
        elif line.startswith('PoolFullPath'):
            # Deal with Pool member line in CSV format (URI Formatted "fullPath" is the critical info we need)
            poolPath = line.split(',')[1]
            memberPath = line.split(',')[3]
            removeMember (memberPath, memberPath, poolPath)
        elif line.startswith('VirtualServerFullPath'):
            virtualPath = line.split(',')[1]
            virtualName = line.split(',')[3]
            removeVirtual(virtualPath, virtualName)

if args.scan:
    print ('Output written to file: %s' % (args.file))
if args.remove:

Tested this on version:

Published Feb 12, 2018
Version 1.0

Was this article helpful?

1 Comment

  • Hi Chad,


    Have you also devellop a script to identify orphan object (pools, nodes, profiles,..) that have been created in the past but not used anymore in any configuration ?


    Our F5 are getting messed config like this, years after years of configurations. I would like to clean then regularly with the help of a script.


    Thanks !