Time to Get Prepping for the F5 Certification 201 Exam
Less than a month after gaining some cred (and relief) from passing the F5 Certification 101 exam, the DevCentral team is now embarking on our 201-TMOS Administration journey. The 201-TMOS Admini...
Published Aug 30, 2016
Version 1.0PSilva
Ret. Employee
Joined May 16, 2019
Ret. Employee
Joined May 16, 2019
Feb 18, 2017Just Eric Mitchel guide and video nuggets will not be enough for this exam. I had lot of questions from health monitors w.r.t interval time, tcp half open packet, SNAT and every parameters in health monitor which you would never use in your daily life as f5 admin. I would suggest reading 201 TMOS study guide as well.