Security Month on DevCentral: Challenge #1
Here is how I did :
The description said the text was encrypted with the one-time-pad encryption method, using the plaintext message of the DES Challenge II-1 as pad : "The secret message is: Many hands make light work." (Google is your friend). Removing all the non-letter chars : "thesecretmessageismanyhandsmakelightwork".
Ok but the ciphertext is 15 chars long and the pad is 40 chars long. The decryption routine must be done with a pad as long as the ciphertext. So I decided to script (Python is my friend) a code which tries to decrypt the ciphertext using a substring (15 chars long) of the pad :
- Try 1 : 'thesecretmessag'
- Try 2 : 'hesecretmessage'
- Try 3 : 'esecretmessagei'
- etc ...
On each attempt, the script displays the decrypted text and ask for continuation.
As the decryption routing itself, I used the most simple one :
- Each letter is changed on its position on the alphabet (A=0, B=1, C=3 ...)
- decrypted[x] = alphab_index[ciphertext[i]] - alphab_index[pad[i]] % 26
Here is the script I wrote :
import sys
import string
key = "thesecretmessageismanyhandsmakelightwork"
ciphertxt = "wlzuipkvtxvguky"
Return the position in the alphabet
def alph_index(letter):
return string.lowercase.index(letter)
Loop with a sliding window over "key" (length must be the same as ciphertxt)
for shift in range(0, len(key) - len(ciphertxt)):
key_tmp = key[shift:shift+len(ciphertxt)] sliding window used as decryption key
i = 0
res = ""
print "\nTrying to decrypt with key '{}'".format(key_tmp)
Decryption routing with the current key
while i < len(ciphertxt):
tmp = (alph_index(ciphertxt[i]) - alph_index(key_tmp[i])) % 26
c = string.lowercase[tmp]
res += c
i += 1
Show the decrypted text to the user, asking or continuation
loop = raw_input("Result = '{}'. Does this look good ? (y/n)".format(res))
if loop != "n":
print "\nWell done :)\n"
And here is the result :
Trying to decrypt with key 'thesecretmessag'
Result = 'devcentralrocks'. Does this look good ? (y/n)
Well done :)