Lightboard Lessons: Introducing the F5 Advanced WAF
The F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides a powerful set of security features that will keep your Web Applications safe from attack. Many WAFs offer a basic level of protection from att...
Published May 03, 2018
Version 1.0ltwagnon
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
Jan 23, 2019Many thanks John for your clear answer.
The last question is that if we've provisioned ASM, so is it recommended to provision the Advanced-WAF module beside ASM? If YES, so could we conclude that Advanced-WAF is considered as the complementry module for ASM?
In fact, could we say that Advanced-WAF has all the prior features of ASM, in addition of some new specific features (DataSafe, Proactive BOT Defense, ...)?
Many thanks in advance, John