iRules Style Guide
This article (formatted here in collaboration with and from the notes of F5er Jim_Deucker) features an opinionated way to write iRules, which is an extension to the Tcl language. Tcl has its own st...
Updated May 20, 2024
Version 4.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Joined September 02, 2019
Joined January 20, 2005
Jan 10, 2023Hi Jason,
let me answer programmatically....
set feeling_today [list "just woke up" "need a coffe" "better" "Awesome, no traffic jam!"]
foreach x { another big irule coding project } {
set HTTP_RESPONSE "The string with more than 65535 characters cannot be stored in a message."
if { $HTTP_RESPONSE contains "65535 characters" } then {
lappend feeling_today "Frutstration"
set options [expr { int( rand() * 3) }]
switch -exact -- $options {
"0" {
set idea "How about to remove useful comments, so that I can not read my own code in 1 year from now..."
lappend feeling_today "Not gonna do this..."
"1" {
set idea "How about to shrink variable names, so that nobody except me understands the code..."
lappend feeling_today "Not gonna do this..."
"2" {
set idea "How about to split the iRule in two files and somehow glue them together?"
lappend feeling_today "Life Question: Why is F5 forcing me this?"
default {
set solution "A wonder happens and F5 increases the maximum iRule size!"
lappend feeling_today "Still frustation because \$options values are just in the range of 0-2...."
lappend feeling_today "Getting angry..."
64k is not a technical limitation - its just a "whatever" decission made in the past. So whats needs to be done that you help me to convince F5 Devs to increase the maximum iRule size?
And please dont tell me to question my life choices. I already did and still continue to code iRules... 😂
Cheers, Kai