iRules Recipe 4: Static Maintenance Page
The Problem
You wish to provide a static maintenance splash page when all members of a pool serving a Virtual Server are currently down or disabled.
The Configuration
# cat /var/tmp/splash-...
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0VernonWells
Joined August 23, 2012
Nov 22, 2016Nimbostratus
I am trying to implement this recipe but I'm having syntax issues with the code you have under the "Elaboration" section (send other things like images). Specifically, I am getting syntax error related to:
set attr [class lookup [HTTP::path]] <- error: [wrong args][class lookup [HTTP::path]]
HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get [getfield $attr 1 ,]] Content-Type [getfield $attr 2,] <- error: [wrong args][getfield $attr 1,], error: [wrong args][getfield $attr 2,]
For the 'getfield' errors, I believe it should be this instead:
HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get [getfield $attr , 1]] Content-Type [getfield $attr , 2]
Can you confirm the syntax you've provided for both items I've listed above?