HTTP Brute Force Mitigation Playbook: Appendix
This is the HTTP Brute Force Mitigation Playbook: Appendix where some the sample configurations are located.
Mitigation: TLS Fingerprint
To use the TLS Fingerprint iRules, create separate iRules in the Configuration Utility for iRule 1 - FingerprintTLS proc and iRule 2 - the rate limiting iRule.
Apply TLS Fingerprint Rate Limiting iRule to a Virtual Server that needs to be protected.
See "Mitigation: TLS Fingerprint" section in Chapter 3 - BIG-IP LTM Mitigation Options for HTTP Brute Force Attacks for sample internal and external Data Groups configuration.
External Data Group fingerprint_db
Internal Data Group malicious_fingerprintdb
In edit mode, String and Value are exposed
## iRule #1 - FingerprintTLS-proc
## iRule #1 - FingerprintTLS-proc # from Library-Rule in # ## TLS Fingerprint Procedure ################# ## ## Author: Kevin Stewart, 12/2016 ## Derived from Lee Brotherston's "tls-fingerprinting" project @ ## Purpose: to identify the user agent based on unique characteristics of the TLS ClientHello message ## Input: ## Full TCP payload collected in CLIENT_DATA event of a TLS handshake ClientHello message ## Record length (rlen) ## TLS outer version (outer) ## TLS inner version (inner) ## Client IP ## Server IP ############################################## proc fingerprintTLS { payload rlen outer inner clientip serverip } { ## The first 43 bytes of a ClientHello message are the record type, TLS versions, some length values and the ## handshake type. We should already know this stuff from the calling iRule. We're also going to be walking the ## packet, so the field_offset variable will be used to track where we are. set field_offset 43 ## The first value in the payload after the offset is the session ID, which may be empty. Grab the session ID length ## value and move the field_offset variable that many bytes forward to skip it. binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}c sessID_len set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 1 + ${sessID_len}}] ## The next value in the payload is the ciphersuite list length (how big the ciphersuite list is. We need the binary ## and hex values of this data. binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}S cipherList_len binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}H4 cipherList_len_hex set cipherList_len_hex_text ${cipherList_len_hex} ## Now that we have the ciphersuite list length, let's offset the field_offset variable to skip over the length (2) bytes ## and go get the ciphersuite list. Multiple by 2 to get the number of appropriate hex characters. set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 2}] set cipherList_len_hex [expr {${cipherList_len} * 2}] binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}H${cipherList_len_hex} cipherlist ## Next is the compression method length and compression method. First move field_offset to skip past the ciphersuite ## list, then grab the compression method length. Then move field_offset past the length (2) bytes and grab the ## compression method value. Finally, move field_offset past the compression method bytes. set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + ${cipherList_len}}] binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}c compression_len #set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + ${compression_len}}] set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 1}] binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}H[expr {${compression_len} * 2}] compression_type set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + ${compression_len}}] ## We should be in the extensions section now, so we're going to just run through the remaining data and ## pick out the extensions as we go. But first let's make sure there's more record data left, based on ## the current field_offset vs. rlen. if { [expr {${field_offset} < ${rlen}}] } { ## There's extension data, so let's go get it. Skip the first 2 bytes that are the extensions length set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 2}] ## Make a variable to store the extension types we find set extensions_list "" ## Pad rlen by 1 byte set rlen [expr {${rlen} + 1}] while { [expr {${field_offset} <= ${rlen}}] } { ## Grab the first 2 bytes to determine the extension type binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}H4 ext ## Store the extension in the extensions_list variable append extensions_list ${ext} ## Increment field_offset past the 2 bytes of the extension type set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 2}] ## Grab the 2 bytes of extension lenth binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}S ext_len ## Increment field_offset past the 2 bytes of the extension length set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + 2}] ## Look for specific extension types in case these need to increment the field_offset (and because we need their values) switch $ext { "000b" { ## ec_point_format - there's another 1 byte after length ## Grab the extension data binary scan ${payload} @[expr {${field_offset} + 1}]H[expr {(${ext_len} - 1) * 2}] ext_data set ec_point_format ${ext_data} } "000a" { ## elliptic_curves - there's another 2 bytes after length ## Grab the extension data binary scan ${payload} @[expr {${field_offset} + 2}]H[expr {(${ext_len} - 2) * 2}] ext_data set elliptic_curves ${ext_data} } "000d" { ## sig_alg - there's another 2 bytes after length ## Grab the extension data binary scan ${payload} @[expr {${field_offset} + 2}]H[expr {(${ext_len} - 2) * 2}] ext_data set sig_alg ${ext_data} } default { ## Grab the otherwise unknown extension data binary scan ${payload} @${field_offset}H[expr {${ext_len} * 2}] ext_data } } ## Increment the field_offset past the extension data length. Repeat this loop until we reach rlen (the end of the payload) set field_offset [expr {${field_offset} + ${ext_len}}] } } ## Now let's compile all of that data. set cipl [string toupper ${cipherList_len_hex_text}] set ciph [string toupper ${cipherlist}] set coml ${compression_len} set comp [string toupper ${compression_type}] if { ( [info exists extensions_list] ) and ( ${extensions_list} ne "" ) } { set exte [string toupper ${extensions_list}] } else { set exte "@@@@" } if { ( [info exists elliptic_curves] ) and ( ${elliptic_curves} ne "" ) } { set ecur [string toupper ${elliptic_curves}] } else { set ecur "@@@@" } if { ( [info exists sig_alg] ) and ( ${sig_alg} ne "" ) } { set siga [string toupper ${sig_alg}] } else { set siga "@@@@" } if { ( [info exists ec_point_format] ) and ( ${ec_point_format} ne "" ) } { set ecfp [string toupper ${ec_point_format}] } else { set ecfp "@@@@" } ## Initialize the match variable set match "" ## Now let's build the fingerprint string and search the database set fingerprint_str "${outer}+${inner}+${cipl}+${ciph}+${coml}+${comp}+${exte}+${ecur}+${siga}+${ecfp}" ## Un-comment this line to display the fingerprint string in the LTM log for troubleshooting #log local0. "${clientip}-${serverip}: fingerprint_str = ${fingerprint_str}" if { [class match ${fingerprint_str} equals fingerprint_db] } { ## Direct match set match [class match -value ${fingerprint_str} equals fingerprint_db] } elseif { not ( ${ciph} starts_with "C0" ) and not ( ${ciph} starts_with "00" ) } { ## Hmm.. there's no direct match, which could either mean a database entry doesn't exist, or Chrome (and Opera) are adding ## special values to the cipherlist, extensions list and elliptic curves list. ## ex. 9A9A, 5A5A, EAEA, BABA, etc. at the beginning of the cipherlist ## Let's strip out these anomalous values and try the match again. ## Substract 2 bytes from cipherlist length set cipl [format %04x [expr {{[expr 0x${cipl}] - 2}}]] ## Subtract 2 bytes from the front of the cipher list set ciph [string range ${ciph} 4 end] ## Subtract 2 bytes from the front of the extensions list set exte [string range ${exte} 4 end] ## There might be an additional random set in the string that needs to be removed (pattern is "(.)A\1A") regsub {(.)A\1A} ${exte} "" exte ## If the above regsub doesn't work, try the following: #regsub {(\wA)\1} ${exte} "" exte ## Subtract 2 bytes from the front of the elliptic curves list set ecur [string range ${ecur} 4 end] ## Rebuild the fingerprint string set fingerprint_str "${outer}+${inner}+${cipl}+${ciph}+${coml}+${comp}+${exte}+${ecur}+${siga}+${ecfp}" if { [class match ${fingerprint_str} equals fingerprint_db] } { ## Guess match set match [class match -value ${fingerprint_str} equals fingerprint_db] log local0. "guessing fingerprint ${fingerprint_str}" } else { ## No match set match "${fingerprint_str}" #set match "" log local0. "no matched fingerprint ${match}" } } else { set match "${fingerprint_str}" #log local0. "no matched fingerprint ${fingerprint_str}" } ## Return the matching user agent string return ${match} }
##irule #2 - FingerprintTLS-irule apply to VS
##irule #2 - FingerprintTLS-irule apply to VS ## define variables for rate limiting when RULE_INIT { # Default rate to limit requests set static::maxRate 15 # Default rate to set static::warnRate 12 # During this many seconds set static::timeout 1 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { ## Collect the TCP payload TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { ## Get the TLS packet type and versions if { ! [info exists rlen] } { binary scan [TCP::payload] cH4ScH6H4 rtype outer_sslver rlen hs_type rilen inner_sslver if { ( ${rtype} == 22 ) and ( ${hs_type} == 1 ) } { ## This is a TLS ClientHello message (22 = TLS handshake, 1 = ClientHello) ## Call the fingerprintTLS proc from the FingerprintTLS-proc iRule to set the TLS fingerprint value with record length, outer and inner SSL version info, source and destination IP address details as input set fingerprint [call FingerprintTLS-proc::fingerprintTLS [TCP::payload] ${rlen} ${outer_sslver} ${inner_sslver} [IP::client_addr] [IP::local_addr]] ### Do Something here ### # set matched ${fingerprint} #log local0. "fingerprint is ${fingerprint}" # if { [class match $matched equals malicious_fingerprint] } { # log local0. "fingerprint is $matched dropped" # drop # } ########################### #rate limit logic #check if fingerprint matches an expected fingerprint if { [class match ${fingerprint} equals fingerprint_db] } { event disable all } elseif {![class match ${fingerprint} equals fingerprint_db] && [class match ${fingerprint} equals malicious_fingerprintdb]} { #check if fingerprint matches a known malicious fingerprint set malicious_fingerprint [class match -value ${fingerprint} equals malicious_fingerprintdb] drop log local0. "known malicious fingerprint matched $malicious_fingerprint" } else { set suspicious_fingerprint ${fingerprint} #rate limit fingerprint # Increment and Get the current request count bucket #set epoch [clock seconds] #monitor an unrecognized fingerprint and rate limit it set currentCount [table incr -mustexist "Count_[IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint}"] if { $currentCount eq "" } { # Initialize a new request count bucket table set "Count_[IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint}" 1 indef $static::timeout set currentCount 1 } # Actually check fingerprint for being over limit if { $currentCount >= $static::maxRate } { log local0. "ERROR: fingerprint:[IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint} exceeded ${static::maxRate} requests per second. Rejecting request. Current requests: ${currentCount}." event disable all drop } if { $currentCount > $static::warnRate } { #log local0. "WARNING: fingerprint:[IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint} exceeded ${static::warnRate} requests per second. Will reject at ${static::maxRate}. Current requests: ${currentCount}." } log local0. "fingerprint:[IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint}: currentCount: ${currentCount}" } } } ### Do Something here ### # Collect the rest of the record if necessary if { [TCP::payload length] < $rlen } { TCP::collect $rlen } ## Release the paylaod TCP::release } #client_data close bracket when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $currentCount > $static::warnRate } { log local0. "WARNING: suspicious_fingerprint: [IP::client_addr]_${suspicious_fingerprint}: User-Agent:[HTTP::header User-Agent] exceeded ${static::warnRate} requests per second. Will reject at ${static::maxRate}. Current requests: ${currentCount}." } }
Published Apr 28, 2020
Version 1.0ArvinF
Joined May 23, 2019
Joined May 23, 2019
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