HTTP 2.0 changes everything
#HTTP #ietf #webperf #infosec
Despite the hype and drama surrounding the HTTP 2.0 effort, the latest version of the ubiquitous HTTP protocol is not just a marketing term. It's a real, live IETF st...
Published Jul 10, 2014
Version 1.0Lori_MacVittie
Joined October 17, 2006
Joined October 17, 2006
Jul 11, 2014I am thankful that F5 is helping to drawing attention to 2.0. Vendor adoption (and F5 is usually quick on this) promotes mainstream use adoption.
Unfortunately, I believe the title to be misleading. Because 2.0 uses SPDY as it's foundation, the technical benefits are already available (i.e. 2.0 introduces much less than one would think in a "2.0" release and possibly much less in comparison between 1.0 & 1.1) In fact, many of the HTTP1.1 constructs such as headers, methods and such will continue to live on (arguably, if 1.1 multiplexing was easier to implement then there may have been no need for 2.0 at all... b/c most of the performance benefits come in request management & efficient use of existing tcp connections).
What would be beneficial is to have an article that conveys the performance difference between 1.1 SSL connections & 2.0 SSL. Or something that dares to compare cleartext 1.1 to encrypted 2.0 for various genres of data transfer (e.g. web portal content vs. pure file transfer / download performance).
best regards