Getting Started with the f5-common-python SDK
still getting the same error. Is there a way to check the dependencies for f5-sdk.
I followed this article while installing f5-sdk and suspecting may be there are depend packages which are not installed with "pip3 install f5-sdk".
I am using Centos* to install SDK and successfully able to SSH my LTM from Centos. LTM VM is connected to internet also.
Below are the steps which I followed:
1. Executed this command on Centos8 pip install f5-sdk
Got message successfully installed.
2. Excuted Python3 command and tried executed below commands:
>>> import requests
>>> requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
>>> from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot -----------------> after executing this command getting error which I has shared.
>>> # Basic Authentication
>>> b = ManagementRoot('ltm3.test.local', 'admin', 'admin')
>>> # Token Authentication
>>> b = ManagementRoot('ltm3.test.local', 'admin', 'admin', token=True)
>>> b.tmos_version
3. I am able to ssh my F5 LTM from CentOS ----> ssh admin@ ----> successfully logged in into the LTM
4. when I execute print(requests.get('')) getting error related to SSL cert.
5. I have one user for LTM i.e. admin/admin which is having Administrator priviledges and access to advanced shell also.
6. LTM is connected to internet also. ----> followed this article and in this it is mentioned:
"I disable the certificate security warnings on my test boxes, but the first two lines in the sample code below are not necessary if you are using valid certificates"
Ashish Solanki