F5 Certified Practice Exams
Thinking of taking the F5 Certified 101 or 201 exams but not sure if you are ready? Ease the anxiety by taking a F5 Practice Exam!
That’s what I did, and it sure helped.
If you remember, back in August I attempted the 201-TMOS Administrator exam and successfully failed, missing by a few questions. I’ve been wanting to try again and had an opportunity last week but I hadn’t studied since that initial attempt at Agility. If I failed again, I’d have to wait another 45 days to give it another go.
So instead, I decided to take a practice exam.
Practice exams provide candidates with an accurate prediction of their performance for the live, production exams. Other than the section-level score reports, they are not intended to be used for study or learning purposes. Their entire value is based on their similarity to the production exams and their validity in predicting your performance. If you think you’re getting a sneak peek to real questions, think again. They use entirely different questions on the live exams, so unless you actually learn the underlying knowledge, 'knowing' the practice questions is completely useless and becomes waste of time.
The Practice Exams are designed to mimic the real tests with 80 questions timed to 90 minutes. There are exhibits to consider, you can flag questions to review and you get instant feedback on your results. You can complete on your own device and you can ‘alt-tab’ to look up the answers if you so desire. Not that you should – defeats the purpose. While you do not get an actual score, you do get an indication if you Passed or Failed and insight (Below/Borderline/Meets) on how you did on the sections.
As you can see, 4 months of not studying doomed my fate. The 201 is no fly-by and really requires daily hands on experience. If I had done well, I could have taken the real exam the following day. This way, I know exactly where I need to focus and what I need to do to finally pass the 201.
They don't allow unlimited access to the practice exams and recommend using the practice exams no more than two, at most three, times as part of your preparation. Once you become familiar with the questions, the practice exam loses its value.
Practice exams are delivered via their Zoomorphix Exam Studio system and only available to registered candidates. They have 101 and 201 rehearsals with 301a, 302 and 303 practice exams coming soon.
If you’re preparing for a @F5Certified exam, you can review some of the F5 Certification study materials that are available.
Good luck!
- Daniel_BovayNimbostratus
the URL https://portal-v5.examstudio.com/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f%3fid%3d20882&id=20882 seem not to work
I will try the mail: support@mail.education.f5.com 😀
the answer is:
On Certiverse.com Practice exam 101 and 201 are available 😁
- PSilvaRet. Employee
Thanks KCrest !! Also some more info from F5 Certification:
Here is the correct url https://portal-v5.examstudio.com/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f%3fid%3d20882&id=20882
Here's more information on ESO https://education.f5.com/hc/en-us/articles/8469962897307-How-do-I-reset-my-Exam-Studio-Online-ESO-Password-
Just as a side note the F5 exams are great and the new 401 was a nice challenge but the exams need to be on newer versions like 14.1/15.1/16.1 as some are on versions that are end of life.
- KCrestEmployee
rahimcs027 The F5 Certified team can help you with ExamStudio access. This email address might work better: support@mail.education.f5.com 🙂
- rahimcs027Nimbostratus
Thanks for the advise. I have requested for Access Permission.
Let See..
- uniqngAltostratus
rahimcs027 - try to send an email to support@zoomorphix.zohosupport.com requesting access and provide them with your F5 candidate ID
Any plans to release 401 and 402 practice exams?
- rahimcs027Nimbostratus
How Can i get access to https://portal-v5.examstudio.com/
Somebody please guide me.
To bad that for 401 there is still no practice exam 😞
- Curious1Cirrus
I have found all of the 300 level practice exams to be most helpful. Now completing my 401 study and just noticed there is no 401 exam available. Any plans to release this soon?