F5 Certified Practice Exams
No - they will be the same.
Many people are confused by our practice exams because they are used to the way other programs do them. Our practice exams should not be used as a way to "study" directly, but as a valid assessment of your preparedness for the official exam. Practice exam results will be highly predictive of your production exam performance. In addition, we do provide section-level feedback on where to study to improve. HOWEVER, you should never study the questions in the exam, you need to study the material related to the section. It is not about the questions, but the knowledge the questions are designed to measure.
This also why we never recommend taking the practice exam more than two or three times. By the second or third time, your results are more predictive of how well you know the exam, than they are how well you know the underlying knowledge.
So - the value of the practice exam is in simulating the production exam in format, time, and difficulty as the production exam, not in having a bunch of questions to "study"; however, this value does decrease with every practice exam attempt.