F5 Certified Practice Exams
Thinking of taking the F5 Certified 101 or 201 exams but not sure if you are ready? Ease the anxiety by taking a F5 Practice Exam!
That’s what I did, and it sure helped.
If you remember, ba...
Published Dec 12, 2017
Version 1.0PSilva
Ret. Employee
Joined May 16, 2019
Ret. Employee
Joined May 16, 2019
May 19, 2018Nimbostratus
Thanks for the reply, you are correct I was using my e-mail. I will use my candidate ID. I know it can get confusing as with F5 is seams there are different logins for each piece such as logging into Dev Central, or F5 Support. But I appreciate your assistance and will make note of the proper logins.