Enhanced DNS Services: For Administrators, Managers and Marketers
Last week at F5 we were pleased to reveal our enhanced DNS services package. We’ve been working hard to make sure that these updates offer more security, resilience and elasticity in their approach. Our BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager now enables users to scale up DNS capability significantly, which directly improves query response rates. End-to-end DNSSEC protection now handles real-time signing for authoritative server requests and high performance client validation. Protection against DDOS attacks has never been stronger.
DNS management is no longer simply a concern of the web services team, the speed at which web pages can be delivered has a real impact not only on the user experience, but also on search. Two years ago Google revealed that page delivery time is one of the key factors within its own algorithm that directly affects the search engine ranking position of a website. Slower pages get punished and put down the rankings, faster sites get promoted.
It’s indicative of one of the many ways that enhanced service delivery models can have a direct impact on a business’s marketing and sales. The shift from IT being something that facilitates productivity, resilience and communication is now seeing its impact on commercial and client-facing interests too. Streamline your web assets and see how you could make use of enhanced DNS for real business advantage.