Detect and stop exfiltration attempts with F5 Distributed Cloud App Infrastructure Protection
Really an excellent article! Starting today, Threat Stack is excited to now be F5 Distributed Cloud App Infrastructure Protection (AIP), working as part of the F5 Distributed Cloud Services portfolio to provide best-in-class (you guessed it) application infrastructure protection and cybersecurity. After all, applications and APIs are only as secure as the infrastructure they run on!
Here is today's press release:
Here's an F5 YouTube video about application infrastructure protection:
If you're interested in the Distributed Cloud AIP product, bookmark the product page:
For a use case on how Distributed Cloud AIP provides infrastructure security and protection, here is a good page:
To learn how Distributed Cloud AIP helps organizations with audits and cybersecurity compliance, including HIPAA, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, SOC 2, and more:
Each of those pages has links to resources about infrastructure cybersecurity. Potential customers can also request more information here:
I hope these links give even more insight into an already excellent article. Thank you again, Valentin Tobi!