Decrypting BIG-IP Packet Captures without iRules
Dammit JRahm now you have ruined my entire weekend - I just had to get a Bash version working 🤣
I don't know how you do it but these ideas are awesome and I just love the challenge trying to keep up with your Python (some would might call it an addiction 😋).
The overall concept wasn't the difficult part, getting curl to consume the json payload was! I wasn't able to create a one-liner with the timeout + tcpdump parameters. Either curl complained about the "--f5" option inside the json body or the BigIP complained about it not being a proper formated json, so I gave up and put the body in a file instead. If you have an idea on how to make the right sequence of escaping, please let me know.
During my scritpting sessions I added the option to fetch a VS in another partition and some error catching around different scenarios. You could probably put more catching in there but I'm out of weekend 😆
I also played with the idea of extracting the VS' as a list and then make it a selection but if you have thousands of services this wouldn't scale well. So, I settled for some checking if the return value indead was an IP address.
# Utility functions. It takes two parameters, first is the text and the second is the default value.
# If no default value is supplied it will loop until something is entered.
function prompt_user {
read -p "${1} (default: [${2}]): " input
echo "${input:-${2}}"
function prompt_bigip_address {
read -p "BIG-IP address [default:]: " BIGIP
# Assign a default value if nothing is entered
# Make sure that the address is prefixed with https if only an IP address is entered
function prompt_credentials {
read -p "BIG-IP username [default: admin]: " USER
read -s -p "BIG-IP password: " PASS
echo ""
function get_token {
# Authenticate and get auth token
TOKEN=$(curl -skf -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"'$USER'","password":"'$PASS'","loginProviderName":"tmos"}' "$BIGIP/mgmt/shared/authn/login" | grep -oP '(?<="token":")[^"]+')
function delete_token {
# Delete token
curl -sk -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X DELETE "$BIGIP/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/$TOKEN"| jq -r '.|{"Deleted token": .token}'
function toggle_ssl_provider {
# Toggle the "sys db tcpdump.sslprovider" variable
local value=${1}
curl -sk -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/sys/db/tcpdump.sslprovider" -d '{"value": "'$value'"}'
function download_file {
# Download the pcap file from the filesystem "/share/images/encrypt_autocap_*.pcap"
local file="${1}" message="${2}"
curl -skf -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$BIGIP/mgmt/cm/autodeploy/software-image-downloads/$file" -o "$file"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "\t$message"
echo -e "\tDOWNLOAD FAILED!!!"
function delete_file {
# Delete the pcap file from the filesystem "/share/images/encrypt_autocap_*.pcap"
local file="${1}" message="${2}"
curl -skf -X POST -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/util/unix-rm" -d '{"command": "run", "utilCmdArgs": "/shared/images/'$file'"}'
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "\t$message"
echo -e "\tDELETE FAILED!!!"
# Main function
function main {
# Get user inputs
partition=$(prompt_user "Which partition: " "Common")
while [[ -z $vip_name ]]; do
vip_name=$(prompt_user "Virtual name" "")
duration=$(prompt_user "Duration in seconds for capture: " "30")
filters=$(prompt_user "Capture filters in addition to vip [ex. \"and (port 80 or port 443)\"]: ")
# Prep variables for execution
datestring=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
# Regular expression to match an IP address
# Get the IP of the virtual server
virtual_ip=$(curl -skf -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~$partition~$vip_name" | jq -r '.destination | split(":") | .[0]'|awk -F/ '{print $3}')
# Check if virtual IP is a valid IP address
if [[ ! $virtual_ip =~ $IP_REGEX ]]; then
echo "Error: virtual IP '$virtual_ip' is not a valid IP address - Did you spell the VS correctly?"
exit 1
# Build command execution string and dump it into a payload file as a json array to be read by curl
tcpdump_bash_string=(timeout -s SIGKILL $duration tcpdump -s0 -nni 0.0:nnnp --f5 ssl:v host $virtual_ip $filters -w /shared/images/$tcpdump_file_encrypt)
echo "{\"command\":\"run\",\"utilCmdArgs\":\"-c '${tcpdump_bash_string[@]}'\"}" > $payload
# Run tcpdump
echo -e "\tStarting tcpdump...please reproduce your issue now."
output=$(curl -sk -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/util/bash" -d @$payload)
#curl -skf -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-F5-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" "$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/util/bash" -d '{"command":"run","utilCmdArgs":"-c "'${tcpdump_bash_string[@]}'""}'
sleep 5
echo -e "\ttcpdump complete...continuing."
# Download tcpdump capture from BIG-IP
echo -e "\nDownloading tcpdump capture from BIG-IP..."
download_file $tcpdump_file_encrypt "\tDownload complete!"
# Delete tcpdump capture on BIG-IP
echo -e "\nDeleting tcpdump capture on BIG-IP..."
delete_file $tcpdump_file_encrypt "\tDeletion complete!"
# Extract session keys from tcpdump capture
echo -e "\nExtracting session keys from tcpdump capture..."
tshark -r $tcpdump_file_encrypt -Y f5ethtrailer.tls.keylog -Tfields -e f5ethtrailer.tls.keylog > $pms_file
echo -e "\tSession keys extracted!"
# Create a decrypted tcpdump capture from the encrypted capture + session keys file
echo -e "\nCreating decrypted tcpdump capture..."
editcap --inject-secrets tls,$pms_file $tcpdump_file_encrypt $tcpdump_file_decrypt
echo -e "\tDecrypted tcpdump capture created!"
echo -e "\nCleanup..."
rm -f $payload $pms_file
echo -e "\nComplete!"
I'm open to feedback and ideas. This concept of remote "tcpdumping" and decrypting is extremely useful and I can see a lot of applications for it.