Configuring the BIG-IP as an SSH Jump Server using Smart Card Authentication and WebSSH Client
Based on the feedback I got when talking about this capability on social media, I figured I would write an article and expose everyone to what this solution actually looks like and how to deploy it. First off, I want to dig into the use case itself. While the use case for each organization could and is likely different, for a small group of us at F5 Networks had a requirement to smart card enable network devices. Well of course that statement alone comes with a lot of hesitation and questions from your network shop. One likely being "how the heck do you smart card enable something that doesn't support smart card authentication? Then if you can, how the heck to you configure putty to support smart cards without spending a billion dollars?" This is when you tell them, I'm glad you asked because you can't. However, with F5 being the magical software company it is we can enforce smart card authentication, OCSP validation, generate a one-time password (OTP) and present that to the device to authentication all while using your favorite browser. Sound impossible? I think not, so let's get to it!
Before getting to far ahead, I wanted to clarify, this is NOT a solution I developed but rather hoped to educate some folks on. The heavy lifting and development came from F5 all stars like Bill Church and Michael Coleman. So when you get done reading this article and want to thank someone, make sure to send them a note.
- LTM Licensed and Provisioned
- APM Licensed and Provisioned
- iRulesLX Provisioned
- 8Gb of Memory
Alright, now that I have provided you with what my use case is lets go ahead and begin the deployment. From a browser, go ahead and navigate to to download the offline privileged user access zip file that contains all necessary components and for the most part deploys this solution for you. Yes....once again, thank you Bill Church! Once downloaded, extract the file from the zip.
Copy Shell Executable to BIG-IP
If you are using a Windows box like myself, go ahead and either download or launch something like WinSCP so that you can transfer the shell executable to your BIG-IP. I simply transferred the .sh file to my /tmp directory as shown below. Once transferred, go ahead and close WinSCP.
Run the Script
Because we haven't deployed our WebSSH solution yet we are going to use putty to SSH to our BIG-IP and run the script. Once authenticated, navigate to the directory you stored the .sh file and run the command bash
You will first be presented with a set of instructions regarding questions you will be asked during the running of this script. Press any key continue.
As the instructions imply, you will be providing several IP addresses for the required virtual servers. Please note, the only IP that can NOT be shared is the IP for the WebSSH proxy.
- WebSSH IP:
- Radius Service IP:
- LDAP Service IP:
- LDAPS Service IP:
- Webtop IP:
Once you have provided all of the necessary IP addresses you will be presented with an option to create a CA for testing purposes. In this guide, we will select N for this option.
After all profiles, virtual servers and policies have been created you will be presented with a question of whether or not to configure the BIG-IP to test Radius by configuring remote user authentication for Radius. We will select N for this option.
If the script completes successfully, this will be the last item you are prompted for. In our case we had a successful deployment of the script so let's take a look at the objects that were created.
Virtual Servers
LX Workspaces
LX Plugins
Access Policy
Portal Access List
Webtop List
HTTP Basic Auth Profile
- While we could review each and every one of these, that is not the intent of this article. Now that the script has been deployed, let's begin by focusing on our defined use case which is smart card auth with a WebSSH client.
Configure SSL Client Profile
- To support client certificate-based authentication, we must also create a Client SSL Profile on the BIG-IP using the steps below.
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Profiles > SSL > Client > Create
- Name: WebtopSSLProfile
- Certificate Key Chain: Place a check mark under the custom field. Click Add to select the appropriate cert/key pair.
- Client Certificate: Leave it set to ignore as the APM ODCA will perform this function.
- Trusted Certificate Authorities: Select the CA or CA bundle certificate
- Advertised Certificate Authorities: Select the CA or CA bundle certificate
- All other settings can be left at their defaults.
- Click Finished
Create a LDAP Pool
- Navigate to Local Traffic >> Pools >> Click Create
- Name: LDAP_Pool
- Health Monitor: TCP
- Address: IP of your Directory Server
- Service Port: 389
- Click Add
- Click Finished
Configure BIG-IP LDAP Bypass User
When configuring the BIG-IP to use LDAP Authentication as you will see at the end of this article, you will need to include that user account in the ephemeral_LDAP_Bypass Data Group List.
- Navigate to Local Traffic >> iRules : Data Group List >> Click the ephemeral_LDAP_Bypass list that was created when deploying the PUA Offline Script.
- String: CN=admin,CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=lab
- Click Update
Configuring a LDAP AAA Resource
- Navigate to Access >> Authentication >> LDAP and select Create
- Name: LyonWebtopLDAP
- Server Connection: Direct
- Base Port: 389
- Admin DN: CN=admin,CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=lab
- Leave all other settings at their defaults and select Finished
Configure APM HTTP Basic SSO Profile
- Navigate to Access >> Single-Sign-On >> HTTP Basic > Click Create
- Name: ephemeral_auth_clientcert-ephemeral-basic
- Username Source: session.ldap.last.attr.sAMAccountName
- Password Source: session.custom.ephemeral.last.password
- Click Finished
Configure APM Portal Access List for BIG-IP Shell
While the script run at the beginning of this article does indeed create a portal access list with resources, we will go ahead and create one in order to show a bit more of the solution and its inner workings.
- Navigate to Access >> Connectivity / VPN >> Portal Access >> Click Portal Access List
- Click Create
- Name: LyonsPortalAccess
- Link Type: Application URI
- Application URI: https://IPofWebSSHVS:2222/ssh/host/mgmtIP
- Caption: BIG-IP Shell
- Click Create
- Click Add to create a resource item.
- Link Type: Paths
- Destination: IP Address of your WebSSH virtual server
- Paths: /*
- Scheme: https
- Port: 2222
- SSO Configuration: ephemeral_auth_clientcert-ephemeral-basic
- Click Finished
Configuring APM Access Policy to Support Smart Card Authentication
- Navigate to Access >> Profiles / Policies: Access Profiles (Per-Session Policies)
- From here we are going to use the prebuilt policy as our template by selecting Copy.
- Provided a Copied Profile Name and select Copy.
- You will be returned to the previous screen automatically.
- Select Edit in the same row as the profile you created above.
This policy was created for demo purposes only though it also provides a very good starting point for configuring our own policy to support smart card authentication.
- From the page shown in the screenshot above, select the X above the Logon Page to remove it from our visual policy editor.
- Leave the defaults and select Delete.
- Once removed, select the + between USG Warning Banner and Admin Access.
- Select the Authentication tab and add On-Demand Cert Auth
- Click Add Item
When prompted to select the Auth Mode, select Require from the drop down menu and click Save.
- Once you have been returned to the visual policy editor, select the + between On-Demand Cert Auth and Admin Access following the Successful branch.
- From the Assignment tab, select Variable Assign and click Add Item
- When redirected to the page to configure variables as shown below, select Add new entry.
- When redirected, select change on line item 1.
We will configure the following variables based on F5 solution article K17063 found at
- In the Custom Variable section, type session.logon.last.username.
- In the Custom Expression section, type the following.
set upn [mcget {session.logon.last.upn}]; # if $upn contains @ symbol, extract the username, otherwise return $upn as-is. if { $upn contains "@" } { # Use string first to find index of the @ symbol, then return everything in-front of the @. return [string range $upn 0 [expr { [string first "@" $upn] - 1 } ] ]; } else { # Assume UPN only contains a username return $upn; }
- Click Finished
- Once again click Add new entry and select change.
- In the Custom Variable section, type session.logon.last.upn.
- In the Custom Expression section, type the following.
- Click Finished
set x509e_fields [split [mcget {session.ssl.cert.x509extension}] "\n"]; # For each element in the list: foreach field $x509e_fields { # If the element contains UPN: if { $field contains "othername:UPN" } { ## set start of UPN variable set start [expr {[string first " # Return the UPN, by finding the index of opening and closing brackets, then use string range to get everything between. return [string range $field $start [expr { [string first ">" $field $start] - 1 } ] ]; } } # Otherwise return UPN Not Found: return "UPN-NOT-FOUND";
- Click Save
- Navigating back to the visual policy editor, select the + between Variable Assign and Admin Access
- From the Authentication tab, select LDAP Query and click Add Item.
When redirected to the LDAP Query Properties page, configure the following.
- From the drop down menu select the LDAP AAA Server created in previous steps.
- SearchDN: CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=lab
- SearchFilter: userPrincipalName=%{session.logon.last.upn}
- Click Add new entry and add memberOf
- Click Add new entry and add sAMAccountName
- Select the Branch Rules tab
- Remove the text User Group Membership
- Type LDAP Query Passed
- Click change following the branch rule expression
- Click the X as shown below to remove the existing expression.
- Click Add Expression
- From the Agent Sel drop down menu select LDAP Query
- From the Condition drop down menu select LDAP Query Passed
- Click Add Expression
- Click Finished
- Click Save
- From the Admin Access Macro click Advanced Resource Assign
- Click Add/Delete
- Select the Portal Access tab, remove the check box from the sample_pua_policy-webssh_portal and place a check box in the portal access resource created in the previous steps.
- Click Update
- Click Save
- In the top left hand corner of the VPE, click Apply Access Policy
You have now completed the VPE portion of the access policy.
Configure the PUA Webtop Virtual Server
- Navigate to Local Traffic >> Virtual Servers >> click pua_webtop
- Scroll until you locate SSL profile (Client) and assign the SSL profile created in the previous steps.
- Scroll until you reach the Access Policy portion of the VS.
- From the Access Profile drop down select the profile created in the previous step.
- Click Update.
- Click the Resources tab.
- From the Default Pool drop down menu, select the Pool created earlier in this document.
- Click Update.
Configure BIG-IP Authentication
- Navigate to System >> Users >> Authentication
- From the Users Authentication page click Change
- From the User Directory drop down menu select Remote - LDAP
- Host: IP of LDAP Virtual Server
- Remote Directory Tree: DC=demo, DC=lab
- Scope: Sub
- Bind DN: CN=admin,CN=Users,DC=demo,DC=lab
- Check the box next to Check Member Attribute in Group
- Login LDAP Attribute: sAMAccountName
- Click Finished
Configuring Remote Role Groups
Navigate to System > Users > Select Remote Role Groups
- Click Create
- Group Name: BIGIPAdmins
- Line Order: 1
- Attribute String:memberOF=CN=BIGIPadmins,OU=Groups,DC=demo,DC=lab Note: Use the full DN of the active directory security group you are defining with a preceeding 'memberOF='.
- Assigned Role: Administrator
- Partition Access: All
- Terminal Access: tmsh
Validation Testing
For my validation testing, I created a DNS record for webtop.demo.lab pointing to my webtop virtual server.
- From a web browser navigate to webtop.demo.lab.
- Click OK, Proceed to Application
- Select your user certificate when prompted and click OK
- From the Webtop, select the portal access resource you created in previous steps.
If authentication is successful, you will be presented with a webSSH session as shown below.
While this wraps up an overview of deploying and accessing F5's WebSSH capability with integrated smart card authentication, I would like to continue this into a series which includes other network devices or applications, end point checks, restricting access to the management interface and more. If this benefits at least one of you out there this was well worth it for me. Until next time.
Hi Steve,
This looks awesome. One thing, is the code block for the customized variable assign "session.logon.last.upn" supposed to have newlines?
Another thing, could we modify the URL to use different IPs to reach other hosts?
- Steve_LyonsRet. Employee
Sorry for the delayed response. I am not tracking your question 100% though I will still try and add some more color. So the custom variable assign does have new lines. As shown in the article I will use the "Add New Entry" for the UPN simply to extract it so we can perform the LDAP query against it later in order to gather the sAMAccountName. When I am normally doing variable assign for smart card auth and the UPN @ is different than the domains realm I often add the variable session.logon.last.domain though in this case it really is not needed. With that, adding custom variables are awesome because it allows you to make so many more access based decisions based on them.
In regards to the URL and different IP's, absolutely. In my example I simply used the BIG-IP because unfortunately I don't have a ton of other vendor equipment in my lab environment. There is even a document out there which I may write an article on to import a large number of devices to authenticate versus manually inputting each one. The thing to remember though when using other equipment is that if using LDAP or LDAPS you will need to point the device to the BIG-IP VS or the TACACS server to the BIG-IP as the LDAP server. Also, I didn't really get into it though if you notice there is a Radius Server VS created by the script. This also allows the BIG-IP to act as a radius server with authentication, authorization and accounting capabilities your normal radius server does not have.
There really is so much you can do with this solution so I will do my best to continue writing how to articles to expose the broader community to them. Hope this helps.
- scott_bilyeu
Was just starting to look at this and my use case would be to communicate through the f5 to other ssh devices in the url. You seem to indicate that is possible however for Authentication wondering if it is possible to send a Kerb token. Not really sure I understand how using the f5 as am ldap/radius proxy provides this.
- Steve_LyonsRet. Employee
Hi Scott. So the real intent of this solution was to support those that may not support smart card or Kerberos. With that, I don't see why configuring Kerberos SSO would be an issue. Create your own access policy with Kerberos SSO that still uses the WebSSH client. I will see if I can set this up in my lab and share.
- el34han
All the screenshots disappeared. Is it possible to get them back?