Config Backup for F5 Review
Eric Flores, author of Config Backup for F5, will be joining John Wagnon and I for a podcast this evening to discuss his project. This open source project is great for the shops that don't have budge...
Published Jul 14, 2014
Version 1.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Joined January 20, 2005
Aug 21, 2015Update to my previous comment...ended up settling for using this wonder solution. Except I made changes to it to solve the different instances having different administrator passwords.
My fork is here:
I have wishlist of other things I still want to add, but haven't had time to dig into the code. At least I have backups and get a nice certificate report, which is much better than configuring the F5 to send a flood of emails that can't be stopped when the expired cert has to stay.... (I think I got tired of it and included in a mass conversion to sha2 I did a few months back.)
The first is to get email reports of backup status. Especially when backups have failed. A former admin kept changing the passwords to a compromised one and making all the units have the same password. Except he was the reason we made them different. Though repeating the mistake of directly editing bigip.conf (while auto-sync is being used) was.... given all the people with some level of being able to change things (resource admins, firewall managers, operators), even if he did a 'tmsh save /sys config' - make edits - 'tmsh load /sys config' is dangerous. In the past where I've done direct edits, a window is declared where nobody is allowed to login while I make the rush to make the change without too many errors....
Wish there was a way to move objects between administrative partitions. Of the issue of nodes getting created in the partition so not visible to common....though the firewall managers seem to have adapted....
Now I used the VM image as the starting point for our f5configbackup, any issues if I were to try doing OS updates or install vmware-tools on it? Already spent way too much time with selinux after attempting to reset passwords the wong way.