APM Cookbook: AutoLaunch SAML Resources
After the SAML labs at Agility I got a lot of questions about how to automatically launch SAML resources and skip the webtop, and I promised I'd write it up for you. If you haven't be...
Published Aug 10, 2016
Version 1.0Graham_Alderso1
Joined May 22, 2019
Joined May 22, 2019
Jan 27, 2017Employee
You would change it to /app1 instead of / and have users type idp.company.com/app1 into their browser instead of just idp.company.com. It just keys off the URI match. You can even have both options listed and doing the same thing, that way if they forget the /app1 it will still work for now, but then later when you deploy more SAML apps you would remove the / option so that they get the webtop and can choose what SAML app if they don't select one by URI entry.