SSL VPN Tunnel and Office 365

Problem this snippet solves:

This implements Regan Anderson's script from as an iApp for simple deployment.

This will install and configure the script and also create an iCall which runs every day at midnight.

Also available at

How to use this snippet:

  1. Add the iApp via iApps>Templates
  2. Create a new application via iApps>Application Services>Applications, use the o365_optimisation iApp template
  3. Select your requirements ( remember to delete additional URLs and IPs if not used ) and hit finished

Code :

cli admin-partitions {
    update-partition Common
sys application template /Common/o365_optimisation {
    actions {
        definition {
            html-help {

Office 365 Optimisation iCall Version 1

To see this in a wider window, hit the Launch button above

For help on the various options, go to

This script fetches Office 365 URLs and IPs (IPv4 and/or IPv6) from Microsoft's Office 365 IP Address and URL web service, dynamically updates Network Access List "Exclude" properties for one or more Network Access Lists, and applies changes to the affected Access Policies. If the script is running on an HA pair of BIG-IPs then the script will also initiate a ConfigSync to push the updated configuration from the active BIG-IP to the standby BIG-IP.

Script Requirements

  • TMOS 12.1.0 or higher
  • BIG-IP must be capable of resolving internet DNS names (ex. via DNS Lookup Server configuration)
  • BIG-IP must be able to reach via TCP 443 (via Management or TMM interface)
  • Administrative rights on the BIG-IP(s)
  • Bash shell access on the BIG-IP(s)

Things to Note

  • This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties or support.
  • This script does not enable “split tunneling” or make any other modifications, other than those mentioned, to the Network Access List(s) that may be required to enable the desired functionality. For guidance relating to Network Access List / Split Tunnelling configuration refer to the BIG-IP APM Knowledge Center.
  • Some split tunneling guidance:
    • Allow Local DNS Servers should be enabled to allow client access to Office 365 when VPN is disconnected
    • DNS Exclude Address Space is not supported on macOS
    • IPV6 Exclude Address Space doesn't currently work on macOS
  • This script should not be used with BIG-IP Edge Client's Always Connected Mode: if Stonewall is configured to block traffic, then the excluded resources are not reachable (this is by design).
  • This script tracks the version of the Office 365 service instance and will only update the exclusion lists if a newer version is detected. If modifications to the script's operating parameters (ex. Network Access Lists, O365 Service Areas, Additional URLs/IPs to Exclude) are made, they will NOT take effect until the script detects a new service instance version. To force the script to run with the updated parameters earlier, remove the o365_version.txt file from the script's working directory OR temporarily set force_o365_record_refresh = 1, then manually execute the script (python /shared/o365/
  • This script overwrites the contents of the following fields in the defined Network Access Lists when an update is detected:
    • If "use_url" is set to 1: DNS Exclude Address Space
    • If "use_ipv4" is set to 1: IPV4 Exclude Address Space
    • If "use_ipv6" is set to 1: IPV6 Exclude Address Space
  • The aforementioned fields / properties should not be managed via TMSH or the GUI after implementing this script as the script will overwrite any manual changes to these fields when it detects the next Office 365 service instance update. To add non-Office 365 URLs/IPs to or remove any URL/IP (Office 365 or otherwise) from the "Exclude Address Space" properties of the Network Access Lists, use the noimport_* and additional_* fields in the script (see User Options in the Appendix for usage details) . Be sure to apply these changes to both units of an HA pair!
  • Usage of DNS Address Exclusions requires the installation of the DNS Relay Proxy service on the VPN client
    • K9694: Overview of the Windows DNS Relay Proxy service
    • K49720803: BIG-IP Edge Client operations guide | Chapter 3: Common approaches to configuring VPN
  • While the endpoints retrieved by this script handle the vast majority of Office 365 traffic, it is possible some traffic related to Office 365 is not summarized in the endpoint lists and will still go through the VPN.
  • HA: This script must be implemented on both members of an HA pair
  • HA: Updates made to the Python script are NOT synchronized between peers - updates must be made manually to each instance of the Python script
  • HA: Exclusion list updates will only take place on the Active member - changes are synced from the Active to Standby by the script
  • This script relies on iCall to periodically run. See What is iCall? on DevCentral for an overview of iCall. iCall scripts and periodic handlers are documented in greater detail in the F5 TMSH Reference.
  • } implementation { set app_dir [tmsh::pwd] set app_name $tmsh::app_name set script {#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # O365 URL/IP update automation for BIG-IP # Version: 1.1 # Last Modified: 01 April 2020 # Original author: Makoto Omura, F5 Networks Japan G.K. # # Modified for APM Network Access "Exclude Address Space" by Regan Anderson, F5 Networks # Modified for iCall by Peter White, F5 Networks # # This Sample Software provided by the author is for illustrative # purposes only which provides customers with programming information # regarding the products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any # warranties and support. # # The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the # software, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or # mask work right to the product. # # The author reserves the right to make changes in the software without # notification. The author also make no representation or warranty that # such application will be suitable for the specified use without # further testing or modification. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import httplib import urllib import uuid import os import re import json import commands import datetime import sys #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # User Options - Configure as desired #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Access Profile Name(s) - ex. SINGLE ["AP1"] OR MULTIPLE ["AP1", "AP2", "AP3"] access_profiles = [} set accessProfiles {} set naList {} foreach {row} $::main__access_profile { array set cols [lindex $row 0] lappend accessProfiles "\"$cols(profile)\" " lappend naLists "\"$cols(nalist)\" " } append script [ join $accessProfiles , ] append script {] # Network Access List Name(s) - ex. SINGLE ["NAL1"] OR MULTIPLE ["NAL1", "NAL2", "NAL3"] na_lists = [} append script [ join $naLists , ] append script {] # Microsoft Web Service Customer endpoints (ENABLE ONLY ONE ENDPOINT) # These are the set of URLs defined by customer endpoints as described here: customer_endpoint = } append script "\"$::main__endpoint\"" append script { # O365 "SeviceArea" (O365 endpoints) to consume, as described here: care_exchange = } append script $config__include_exchange append script { # "Exchange Online": 0=do not care, 1=care care_sharepoint = } append script $config__include_sharepoint append script { # "SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business": 0=do not care, 1=care care_skype = } append script $config__include_skype append script { # "Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams": 0=do not care, 1=care care_common = } append script $config__include_common append script { # "Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online": 0=do not care, 1=care # O365 Record types to download & update use_url = } append script $config__use_url append script { # DNS/URL exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use use_ipv4 = } append script $config__use_ipv4 append script { # IPv4 exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use use_ipv6 = } append script $config__use_ipv6 append script { # IPv6 exclusions: 0=do not use, 1=use # O365 Categories to download & update o365_categories = } append script $config__o365_categories append script { # 0=Optimize only, 1= Optimize & Allow, 2 = Optimize, Allow, and Default # O365 Endpoints to import - O365 required endpoints or all endpoints # WARNING: "import all" includes non-O365 URLs that one may not want to bypass (ex. only_required = } append script $config__only_required append script { # 0=import all, 1=O365 required only # Don't import these O365 URLs (URL must be exact or ends_with match to URL as it exists in JSON record - pattern matching not supported) # Provide URLs in list format - ex. ["", "*", ""] #noimport_urls = [] noimport_urls = ["","","","","","","","","","","","",""] # Don't import these O365 IPs (IP must be exact match to IP as it exists in JSON record - IP/CIDR mask cannot be modified) # Provide IPs (IPv4 and IPv6) in list format - ex. ["", "2620:1ec:a92::152/128"] noimport_ips = [] # Non-O365 URLs to add to DNS Exclude List # Provide URLs in list format - ex. ["", "*", ""] additional_urls = [} set additional_urls {} foreach {row} $::config__additional_urls { array set cols [lindex $row 0] lappend additional_urls "\"$cols(url)\"" } append script [ join $additional_urls , ] append script {] # Non-O365 IPs to add to IPV4 Exclude List # Provide IPs in list format - ex. ["", ""] additional_ipv4 = [} set additional_ips {} foreach {row} $::config__additional_ips { array set cols [lindex $row 0] lappend additional_ips "\"$cols(ip)\"" } append script [ join $additional_ips , ] append script {] # Non-O365 IPs to add to IPV6 Exclude List # Provide IPs in list format - ex. ["2603:1096:400::/40", "2620:1ec:a92::152/128"] additional_ipv6 = [] # Action if O365 endpoint list is not updated force_o365_record_refresh = 0 # 0=do not update, 1=update (for test/debug purpose) # BIG-IP HA Configuration device_group_name = "} append script $config__dg append script {" # Name of Sync-Failover Device Group. Required for HA paired BIG-IP. ha_config = } if { [llength [tmsh::get_config cm device]] > 1 } { append script "1" } else { append script "0" } append script { # 0=stand alone, 1=HA paired # Log configuration log_level = } append script $main__debug append script { # 0=none, 1=normal, 2=verbose #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Options - Modify only when necessary #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Working directory, file name for guid & version management work_directory = "/shared/o365/" file_name_guid = "/shared/o365/guid.txt" file_ms_o365_version = "/shared/o365/o365_version.txt" log_dest_file = "/var/log/o365_update" # Microsoft Web Service URLs url_ms_o365_endpoints = "" url_ms_o365_version = "" uri_ms_o365_version = "/version?ClientRequestId=" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation - Please do not modify #----------------------------------------------------------------------- list_urls_to_exclude = [] list_ipv4_to_exclude = [] list_ipv6_to_exclude = [] def log(lev, msg): if log_level >= lev: log_string = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( + " " + msg + "\n" f = open(log_dest_file, "a") f.write(log_string) f.flush() f.close() return def main(): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if this BIG-IP is ACTIVE for the traffic group (= traffic_group_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- result = commands.getoutput("tmsh show /cm failover-status field-fmt") if ("status ACTIVE" in result) or (ha_config == 0): log(1, "This BIG-IP is standalone or HA ACTIVE. Initiating O365 update.") else: log(1, "This BIG-IP is HA STANDBY. Aborting O365 update.") sys.exit(0) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GUID management # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create guid file if not existent if not os.path.isdir(work_directory): os.mkdir(work_directory) log(1, "Created work directory " + work_directory + " because it did not exist.") if not os.path.exists(file_name_guid): f = open(file_name_guid, "w") f.write("\n") f.flush() f.close() log(1, "Created GUID file " + file_name_guid + " because it did not exist.") # Read guid from file and validate. Create one if not existent f = open(file_name_guid, "r") f_content = f.readline() f.close() if re.match('[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}', f_content): guid = f_content log(2, "Valid GUID is read from local file " + file_name_guid + ".") else: guid = str(uuid.uuid4()) f = open(file_name_guid, "w") f.write(guid) f.flush() f.close() log(1, "Generated a new GUID, and saved it to " + file_name_guid + ".") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # O365 endpoints list version check # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read version of previously received record if os.path.isfile(file_ms_o365_version): f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "r") f_content = f.readline() f.close() # Check if the VERSION record format is valid if re.match('[0-9]{10}', f_content): ms_o365_version_previous = f_content log(2, "Valid previous VERSION found in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".") else: ms_o365_version_previous = "1970010200" f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w") f.write(ms_o365_version_previous) f.flush() f.close() log(1, "Valid previous VERSION was not found. Wrote dummy value in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".") else: ms_o365_version_previous = "1970010200" f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w") f.write(ms_o365_version_previous) f.flush() f.close() log(1, "Valid previous VERSION was not found. Wrote dummy value in " + file_ms_o365_version + ".") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # O365 endpoints list VERSION check # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- request_string = uri_ms_o365_version + guid conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url_ms_o365_version) conn.request('GET', request_string) res = conn.getresponse() if not res.status == 200: # MS O365 version request failed log(1, "VERSION request to MS web service failed. Assuming VERSIONs did not match, and proceed.") dict_o365_version = {} else: # MS O365 version request succeeded log(2, "VERSION request to MS web service was successful.") dict_o365_version = json.loads( ms_o365_version_latest = "" for record in dict_o365_version: if record.has_key('instance'): if record["instance"] == customer_endpoint and record.has_key("latest"): latest = record["latest"] if re.match('[0-9]{10}', latest): ms_o365_version_latest = latest f = open(file_ms_o365_version, "w") f.write(ms_o365_version_latest) f.flush() f.close() log(2, "Previous VERSION is " + ms_o365_version_previous) log(2, "Latest VERSION is " + ms_o365_version_latest) if ms_o365_version_latest == ms_o365_version_previous and force_o365_record_refresh == 0: log(1, "You already have the latest MS O365 URL/IP Address list: " + ms_o365_version_latest + ". Aborting operation.") sys.exit(0) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Request O365 endpoints list & put it in dictionary # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- request_string = "/endpoints/" + customer_endpoint + "?ClientRequestId=" + guid conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url_ms_o365_endpoints) conn.request('GET', request_string) res = conn.getresponse() if not res.status == 200: log(1, "ENDPOINTS request to MS web service failed. Aborting operation.") sys.exit(0) else: log(2, "ENDPOINTS request to MS web service was successful.") dict_o365_all = json.loads( # Process for each record(id) of the endpoint JSON data for dict_o365_record in dict_o365_all: service_area = str(dict_o365_record['serviceArea']) category = str(dict_o365_record['category']) if (o365_categories == 0 and category == "Optimize") \ or (o365_categories == 1 and (category == "Optimize" or category == "Allow")) \ or (o365_categories == 2): if (only_required == 0) or (only_required and str(dict_o365_record['required']) == "True"): if (care_common and service_area == "Common") \ or (care_exchange and service_area == "Exchange") \ or (care_sharepoint and service_area == "SharePoint") \ or (care_skype and service_area == "Skype"): if use_url: # Append "urls" if existent in each record if dict_o365_record.has_key('urls'): list_urls = list(dict_o365_record['urls']) for url in list_urls: list_urls_to_exclude.append(url) # Append "allowUrls" if existent in each record if dict_o365_record.has_key('allowUrls'): list_allow_urls = list(dict_o365_record['allowUrls']) for url in list_allow_urls: list_urls_to_exclude.append(url) # Append "defaultUrls" if existent in each record if dict_o365_record.has_key('defaultUrls'): list_default_urls = dict_o365_record['defaultUrls'] for url in list_default_urls: list_urls_to_exclude.append(url) if use_ipv4 or use_ipv6: # Append "ips" if existent in each record if dict_o365_record.has_key('ips'): list_ips = list(dict_o365_record['ips']) for ip in list_ips: if re.match('^.+:', ip): list_ipv6_to_exclude.append(ip) else: list_ipv4_to_exclude.append(ip) log(1, "Number of unique ENDPOINTS to import...") # Add administratively defined URLs/IPs and (Re)process to remove duplicates and excluded values if use_url: # Combine lists and remove duplicate URLs urls_undup = list(set(list_urls_to_exclude + additional_urls)) ## Remove set of excluded URLs from the list of collected URLs for x_url in noimport_urls: urls_undup = [x for x in urls_undup if not x.endswith(x_url)] log(1, "URL: " + str(len(urls_undup))) if use_ipv4: # Combine lists and remove duplicate IPv4 addresses ipv4_undup = list(set(list_ipv4_to_exclude + additional_ipv4)) ## Remove set of excluded IPv4 addresses from the list of collected IPv4 addresses for x_ip in noimport_ips: ipv4_undup = [x for x in ipv4_undup if not x.endswith(x_ip)] log(1, "IPv4 host/net: " + str(len(ipv4_undup))) if use_ipv6: # Combine lists and duplicate IPv6 addresses ipv6_undup = list(set(list_ipv6_to_exclude + additional_ipv6)) ## Remove set of excluded IPv6 addresses from the list of collected IPv6 addresses for x_ip in noimport_ips: ipv6_undup = [x for x in ipv6_undup if not x.endswith(x_ip)] log(1, "IPv6 host/net: " + str(len(ipv6_undup))) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # URLs, IPv4 & IPv6 addresses formatted for TMSH # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if use_url: # Initialize the URL string url_exclude_list = "" # Write URLs to string for url in urls_undup: url_exclude_list = url_exclude_list + " " + url.lower() if use_ipv4: # Initialize the IPv4 string ipv4_exclude_list = "" # Write IPv4 addresses to string for ip4 in (list(sorted(ipv4_undup))): ipv4_exclude_list = ipv4_exclude_list + "{subnet " + ip4 + " } " if use_ipv6: # Initialize the IPv6 string ipv6_exclude_list = "" # Write IPv6 addresses to string for ip6 in (list(sorted(ipv6_undup))): ipv6_exclude_list = ipv6_exclude_list + "{subnet " + ip6 + " } " # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load URL and/or IPv4 and/or IPv6 lists into Network Access resource # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if use_url: for na in na_lists: result = commands.getoutput("tmsh modify /apm resource network-access " + na + " address-space-exclude-dns-name replace-all-with { " + url_exclude_list + " }") log(2, "Updated " + na + " with latest O365 URL list.") if use_ipv4: for na in na_lists: result = commands.getoutput("tmsh modify /apm resource network-access " + na + " address-space-exclude-subnet { " + ipv4_exclude_list + " }") log(2, "Updated " + na + " with latest IPv4 O365 address list.") if use_ipv6: for na in na_lists: result = commands.getoutput("tmsh modify /apm resource network-access " + na + " ipv6-address-space-exclude-subnet { " + ipv6_exclude_list + " }") log(2, "Updated " + na + " with latest IPv6 O365 address list.") #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply Access Policy and Initiate Config Sync: Device to Group #----------------------------------------------------------------------- for ap in access_profiles: result = commands.getoutput("tmsh modify /apm profile access " + ap + " generation-action increment") if ha_config == 1: log(1, "Initiating Config-Sync.") result = commands.getoutput("tmsh run cm config-sync to-group " + device_group_name) log(2, result + "\n") log(1, "Completed O365 URL/IP address update process.") if __name__=='__main__': main() } # Create directory catch { exec /bin/mkdir -p /shared/o365 # Create the script set scriptname "/shared/o365/apm_o365_update_${app_name}.py" set fh [ open $scriptname w+ ] puts $fh $script close $fh # Make the script executable exec /bin/chmod +x $scriptname } set scriptText "script_${app_name} definition \{ catch \{ exec python $scriptname \} \}" tmsh::create sys icall script $scriptText tmsh::create sys icall handler periodic handler_${app_name} script script_${app_name} interval 86400 first-occurrence [ clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d:23:59:59 ] } presentation { section main { # The entry below creates a large text box that must be filled out with a valid IP Address # For details of APL, look at the iApps developers guide: # choice debug display "medium" default "Off" {"Off" => "0", "Low" => "1","High" => "2"} optional (debug != "0") { message message1 "Note: logging output goes to /var/log/o365_update" } table access_profile { choice profile display "large" tcl { package require iapp 1.1.0 return "[iapp::get_items apm profile access]" } choice nalist display "large" tcl { package require iapp 1.1.0 return "[iapp::get_items apm resource network-access]" } } choice endpoint display "medium" default "Worldwide" {"Worldwide" => "Worldwide", "USGovDoD" => "USGovDoD","USGovGCCHigh" => "USGovGCCHigh","China" => "China","Germany" => "Germany"} } section config { choice include_exchange display "medium" default "1" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice include_sharepoint display "medium" default "0" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice include_skype display "medium" default "0" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice include_common display "medium" default "0" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice use_url display "medium" default "1" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice use_ipv4 display "medium" default "1" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice use_ipv6 display "medium" default "0" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} choice o365_categories display "medium" default "0" {"Optimize Only" => "0", "Optimize and Allow" => "1", "Optimize, Allow and Default" => "2"} choice only_required display "medium" default "1" {"No" => "0", "Yes" => "1"} table additional_urls { string url required display "medium" validator "IpOrFqdn" } table additional_ips { string ip required display "medium" validator "IpAddress" } choice dg display "large" tcl { package require iapp 1.1.0 return "[iapp::get_items cm device-group]" } } text { # Entities below set the text for the questions and section names, etc. Make them simple and relevant. main "Main" main.debug "Logging Level" main.message1 "" main.access_profile "Access Profiles / NA List" main.access_profile.profile "Access Profile" main.access_profile.nalist "NA List" main.endpoint "Endpoint" config "Configuration" config.include_exchange "Exchange" config.include_sharepoint "Sharepoint" config.include_skype "Skype" config.include_common "Common" config.use_url "Use URLs" config.use_ipv4 "Use IPv4 subnets" config.use_ipv6 "Use IPv6 subnets" config.o365_categories "O365 Categories" config.only_required "Required Endpoints Only" config.additional_urls "Additional URLs" config.additional_urls.url "FQDN" config.additional_ips "Additional IPs" config.additional_ips.ip "IP/Mask" config.dg "High Availability Device Group" } } role-acl none run-as none } } description "o365 split tunnel update iCall v1" ignore-verification false requires-bigip-version-max none requires-bigip-version-min none requires-modules { apm } signing-key none tmpl-checksum none tmpl-signature none }

    Tested this on version:

Published Apr 07, 2020
Version 1.0

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