Perl Management Folder
Problem this snippet solves:
This example illustrates how to use the Folder methods to build a console shell allowing you to navigate and manage system Folders on BIG-IP v11 and above.
Code :
#!/usr/bin/perl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The contents of this file are subject to the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT # FOR F5 Software Development Kit for iControl"; you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. The License is included in the # iControl Software Development Kit. # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is iControl Code and related documentation # distributed by F5. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is F5 Networks, # Inc. Seattle, WA, USA. Portions created by F5 are Copyright (C) 1996-2015 # F5 Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. iControl (TM) is a registered # trademark of F5 Networks, Inc. # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms # of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the # provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish # to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the # GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the # License, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and # replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. # If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your # version of this file under either the License or the GPL. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #use SOAP::Lite + trace => qw(method debug); use SOAP::Lite; use Switch; use File::Basename; $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = 0; my $sHost = $ARGV[0]; my $sUID = $ARGV[1]; my $sPWD = $ARGV[2]; my $DEBUG = 0; my $FOLDER = null; my $RECURSE = null; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub usage #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage() { print "Usage: host uid pwd\n"; exit; } if ( ($sHost eq "") or ($sUID eq "") or ($sPWD eq "") ) { usage(); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # iControl interface initialization #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials { return "$sUID" => "$sPWD"; } $Folder = SOAP::Lite -> uri('urn:iControl:Management/Folder') -> readable(1) -> proxy("https://$sHost/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"); eval { $Folder->transport->http_request->header ( 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode("$sUID:$sPWD", '') ); }; $Session = SOAP::Lite -> uri('urn:iControl:System/Session') -> readable(1) -> proxy("https://$sHost/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"); eval { $Session->transport->http_request->header ( 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode("$sUID:$sPWD", '') ); }; sub SOAP::Deserializer::typecast { my ($self, $value, $name, $attrs, $children, $type) = @_; my $retval = undef; if ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}Common.EnabledState" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.LBMethod" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.MonitorStatus" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.AvailabilityStatus" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.EnabledStatus" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.ProfileType" ) { $retval = $value; } elsif ( $type eq "{urn:iControl}LocalLB.ProfileContextType" ) { $retval = $value; } return $retval; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub debugMessage #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub debugMessage() { my ($msg) = (@_); if ( $DEBUG && $msg ) { print "${msg}\n"; } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getCurrentFolder #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getCurrentFolder() { my ($force) = (@_); $folder = $FOLDER; if ( ($FOLDER == null) || $force ) { $soapResponse = $Session->get_active_folder(); &checkResponse($soapResponse); $folder = $soapResponse->result; } return $folder; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getChildFolders #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getChildFolders() { my ($recurse, $long) = (@_); &debugMessage("RECURSE: ${recurse}"); &debugMessage("LONG: ${long}"); #if ( null == $recurse ) { $recurse = 0; } #if ( null == $long ) { $long = 1; } if ( $recurse ) { $soapResponse = $Session->get_recursive_query_state(); &checkResponse($soapResponse); $oldstate = $soapResponse->result; $soapResponse = $Session->set_recursive_query_state( SOAP::Data->name(state => "STATE_ENABLED") ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } $soapResponse = $Folder->get_list(); &checkResponse($soapResponse); @folders_unsorted = @{$soapResponse->result}; @folders = sort @folders_unsorted; if ( $recurse && ($oldstate ne "STATE_ENABLED") ) { $soapResponse = $Session->set_recursive_query_state( SOAP::Data->name(state => $oldstate) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } $soapResponse = $Folder->get_description( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [@folders]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); @descriptions = @{$soapResponse->result}; $soapResponse = $Folder->get_device_group( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [@folders]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); @groups = @{$soapResponse->result}; $curfolder = &getCurrentFolder(); if ( $curfolder eq "/" ) { $curfolder = "ZZZZZZZZZ"; } if ( $long ) { printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n", "Folder", "Description", "Group"; printf "-------------------- -------------------- --------------------\n"; } else { printf "Description\n"; printf "--------------------\n"; } for $i (0 .. $#folders) { $f = $folders[$i]; $f =~ s/$curfolder//g; if ( $long ) { printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n", $f, &trimString(@descriptions[$i]), &trimString(@groups[$i]); } else { printf "%s\n", &trimString($f); } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub changeFolder #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub changeFolder() { my ($folder) = (@_); &debugMessage("Setting active folder to $folder"); if ( $folder eq ".." ) { moveUp(); } else { $soapResponse = $Session->set_active_folder( SOAP::Data->name(folder => $folder) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } $f = &getCurrentFolder(true); return $f; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub moveUp #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub moveUp() { $folder = getCurrentFolder(); @tokens = fileparse($folder); $f = $tokens[0]; $parent = $tokens[1]; if ( $parent ne "" ) { &debugMessage("Setting active folder to ${parent}"); $soapResponse = $Session->set_active_folder( SOAP::Data->name(folder => $parent) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } $f = &getCurrentFolder(true); return $f; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub createFolder #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub createFolder() { my ($folder) = (@_); $folder = trimString($folder); &debugMessage("Creating folder ${folder}\n"); $soapResponse = $Folder->create( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [$folder]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "Folder $folder successfully created\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub removeFolder #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub removeFolder() { my ($folder) = (@_); &debugMessage("Removing folder ${folder}\n"); $soapResponse = $Folder->delete_folder( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [$folder]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "Folder $folder successfully removed\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub setFolderDescription #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setFolderDescription() { my ($cmd) = (@_); &debugMessage("setFolderDescription: ${cmd}"); my @tokens = split(/ /, $cmd); if ( $#tokens == 1 ) { $f = $cmd; $d = ""; &debugMessage("Setting folder ${folder} description to ${d}"); $soapResponse = $Folder->set_description( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [$f]), SOAP::Data->name(descriptions => [$d]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } elsif ( $#tokens > 1 ) { $f = @tokens[0]; $d = @tokens[1]; for $i (2 .. $#tokens ) { $tok = @tokens[$i]; $d = "${d} ${tok}"; } $d =~ s/^"|"$//g; &debugMessage("Setting folder ${f} description to '${d}'"); $soapResponse = $Folder->set_description( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [$f]), SOAP::Data->name(descriptions => [$d]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); } else { showHelp(); } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getFolderDescription #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getFolderDescription() { my ($folder) = (@_); &debugMessage("Retrieving folder description for ${folder}"); $soapResponse = $Folder->get_description( SOAP::Data->name(folders => [$folder]) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); @descriptions = @{$soapResponse->result}; $desc = @descriptions[0]; print "${folder} -> ${desc}\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getRecursiveState #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getRecursiveState() { $soapResponse = $Session->get_recursive_query_state(); &checkResponse($soapResponse); $oldState = $soapResponse->result; $RECURSE = $oldState; return $oldState; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub setRecursiveState #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setRecursiveState() { my ($state) = (@_); $newState = "STATE_DISABLED"; if ( $state ) { $oldState = &getRecursiveState(); if ( $oldState eq "STATE_DISABLED" ) { $newState = "STATE_ENABLED"; } } else { $lcstate = lc $state; if ( index($lcstate, "enable") != -1 ) { $newState = "STATE_ENABLED"; } } $RECURSE = $newState; $soapResponse = $Session->set_recursive_query_state( SOAP::Data->name(state => $newState) ); &checkResponse($soapResponse); print "Recursive State set to $newState\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub showHelp #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub showHelp() { my $indent = " "; my $HELPTEXT = << "ENDTEXT"; $indent ==================================================================== $indent iControl Folder Shell $indent ==================================================================== $indent Commands $indent -------- $indent cd folder - change active folder $indent d - toggle script debugging $indent dir,ls - List child folders $indent gd folder - Get folder description $indent h - Show this help $indent ls -l - List child folders and their properties $indent ls -r - List recursive listing of child folders $indent ls -lr - List recursive listing of child folders $indent and their properties $indent md,mkdir - create folder $indent pwd - Get current folder $indent r enable|disable - Set the recursive state. Omitting a $indent state value will toggle it. $indent rd,rmdir - remove folder $indent sd folder desc - Set folder description $indent q - quit the shell $indent .. - Move to parent folder ENDTEXT print $HELPTEXT; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getArgs #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getArgs() { my ($cmd) = (@_); my @tokens = split(/ /, $cmd); $cmd = @tokens[0]; $args = @tokens[1]; for $i (2 .. $#tokens) { $newtok = @tokens[$i]; $args = "${args} ${newtok}"; } return $args; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub trimString #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub trimString() { my ($s) = (@_); $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub ProcessInput #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub processInput() { my ($i) = (@_); &debugMessage("Processing input for ${i}"); $i = &trimString($i); switch(lc($i)) { case /cd */ { &changeFolder(&getArgs($i)); } case "cd" { &getCurrentFolder(); } case "d" { $DEBUG = ! $DEBUG; } case "dir" { &getChildFolders(); } case /gd */ { &getFolderDescription(&getArgs($i)); } case "h" { &showHelp(); } case "ls" { &getChildFolders(0, 0); } case "ls -l" { &getChildFolders(0, 1); } case "ls -lr" { &getChildFolders(1, 1); } case "ls -r" { &getChildFolders(1, 0); } case /md\s */ { &createFolder(&getArgs($i)); } case /mkdir */ { &createFolder(&getArgs($i)); } case "pwd" { $f = &getCurrentFolder(); print "Current Folder: $f\n"; } case "r" { &setRecursiveState(); } case /r\s */ { &setRecursiveState(&getArgs($i)); } case /rd */ { &removeFolder(&getArgs($i)); } case /rmdir */ { &removeFolder(&getArgs($i)); } case /sd */ { &setFolderDescription(&getArgs($i)); } case "q" { exit; } case ".." { moveUp(); } else { showHelp(); } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub getPrompt #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getPrompt() { $prefix = ""; if ( $DEBUG or ($RECURSE eq "STATE_ENABLED") ) { $prefix = "("; if ( $DEBUG ) { $prefix = "${prefix}d"; } if ( $RECURSE eq "STATE_ENABLED" ) { if ( $prefix ne "(" ) { $prefix = "${prefix},"; } $prefix = "${prefix}r"; } $prefix = "${prefix})"; } $folder = &getCurrentFolder(); return "[${prefix}${folder}] "; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub checkResponse #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub checkResponse() { my ($soapResponse) = (@_); if ( $soapResponse->fault ) { print $soapResponse->faultcode, " ", $soapResponse->faultstring, "\n"; exit(); } } #============================================================================ # Main application logic #============================================================================ while(1) { my $prompt = getPrompt(); print $prompt; my $i =; &processInput($i); }
Tested this on version:
11.0Published May 29, 2015
Version 1.0- Miguel_Rosa_614Nimbostratus
Very good. Thank you. On 12.x had to replace the
byuse Switch
and then adapt all "use feature "switch";
" by "switch ... case ... else
"given ... when () ... default
- IT-Network_EIBNimbostratus
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the code. Here, you use a session and a folder objects to navigate. Great.
But how to change folder when doing operations on other objects like pools, nodes, virutals, … ?
Thank you, Best Olivier