Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015
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New release candidate iApp template and deployment guide for Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015 (formerly Lync Server 2010/2013). For more information and complete guidance on configuring the iApp template, see the associated deployment guide:
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc9: posted to in 11/2017
RC-9 was posted to (as will most new versions of this template). It contained the following changes: new BIG-IP AFM IP Intelligence threat categories to support BIG-IP v13.1 and support for route domain 0 from non-Common partitions.
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc7: posted 09/21/2016
RC-7 provides additional SIP domain support within reverse proxy, a monitor schema change for reverse proxy to make use of the 200 OK response when querying lyncdiscover/lyncdiscoverinternal, support for the director service standalone use case(separate LTM from Front End service), added support to ask for the IP phone update url to allow connections through reverse proxy and added a port 80 Virtual Server in addition to the existing 443 Virtual Server for reverse proxy.
RC 5 and 6 were never released to the public, this includes changes as a part of those RC's
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc4: posted 02/16/2016
RC-4 Fixes a security log profile error when deploying on versions of BIG-IP earlier than 11.4, where AFM is not available.
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc3: posted 01/22/2016
RC-3 attaches a supplemental ICMP monitor to the Edge internal UDP virtual server. See for more information.
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc2: posted 01/11/2016
RC-2 contains only a small correction to the iRule produced by the iApp template. The iApp will now always force the FQDN written to lowercase in the iRule, even if the user enters CAPITAL letters.
f5.microsoft_skype_server_2015.v1.0.0rc1: posted 07/06/2015
New iApp template for Skype for Business.
Code :
- LH_55870Nimbostratus
Hi, I am just trying to configure the S4B VIPs using the v1.0.0rc6 version of template and have discovered that the "Microsoft Skype Server Director Virtual Servers" section is part of the "Microsoft Skype Server Front End Virtual Servers" section which prevents me to do a separate configuration for the director pool which I would like to run in different trafic group thus being active on other LTM node. In Lync template there it was possible to separate the config, so my question is simple. Is this on purpose or it's a bug and it might be fixed?
- amolariCirrostratus
Had overseen that one. Is all good. Thanks
- mikeshimkus_111Historic F5 Account
To confirm, you answered "Yes" to "Do you want to include Skype Mobility services for external clients?", and typed the FQDN into the "What is the FQDN for external Skype Mobility access?" field, and still not in the iRule?
- amolariCirrostratus
yes, it's deployed as reverse proxy only (fwd traffic to skype servers). I've updated the tmpl to rc6 and the Irule is still the same:
when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {* { pool create_reverse_proxy_front_end_4443_pool } { pool create_reverse_proxy_front_end_4443_pool }* { pool create_reverse_proxy_front_end_4443_pool }* { pool create_reverse_proxy_front_end_4443_pool } { pool create_reverse_proxy_front_end_4443_pool } } }
- mikeshimkus_111Historic F5 Account
By "pure reverse-proxy", which scenario are you using for"Are you deploying this BIG-IP system for Skype web services (reverse proxy)?" The lyncdiscover hostname is present for me in the RC6 template that's on when I choose to either forward RP traffic to Lync/Skype servers or forward it to another BIG-IP.
For Office Web Apps, we can update the guides with manual steps for colocating on the application virtual server, similar to what's in the SharePoint guide today. However, we believe that most organizations will use a dedicated WAC environment to be shared between SharePoint, Lync/Skype, and Exchange, that uses a unique IP. Also, creating separate configurations for WAC in each iApp is problematic, since the configurations in each template will drift.
I'll create an RFE for the multiple SIP domain work, but we don't have an ETA on it at the moment.
- amolariCirrostratus
With RC4 I see that in pure Reverse-Proxy deployment
- lyncdiscover is missing in the irule
What about the suggestion from marvn to include the WAC (office web apps) in the Skype iApp as an option? His remark about the VS IP / Certificate makes sense.
More important, what about the support of multi SIP domains?
- aclease_271170NimbostratusWe had only underscores and the port number, so Skype_for_business_4443 as the pool address. The pool would not select without the addition of the quotes, which was odd to me, as I had never had to do that before. Figured it was worth mentioning in the event anyone else has the same issue. Thanks for the info on the asterisk, were not calling anything by port number, so it seemed odd, but makes perfect sense!
- mikeshimkus_111Historic F5 AccountHi aclease, the asterisks are required in cases where the hostname includes a port number. Regarding the quotes around the pool name, that's never been a requirement of the pool command: Do your pool names have TCL special characters in them, by chance?
- aclease_271170NimbostratusI am running BIG-IP 11.5.1 Build 10.0.180 Hotfix HF10, and the iRule settings were a little off on page 38 of the document. I had to put the pool name in quotes in order to get the iRule to select the pool. Also why is there an asterik after the host entry? If the F5 pulls the host name and matches it against the string in the iRule, it shouldn't need the wildcard given the host name is fully defined. As a heads up to other users, it is well worth it to include : log "host info: [HTTP::host]" log "pool info: [LB::server pool]" between the second to last and last "}" at the bottom of your iRule. Then at least it will put an entry into your local traffic logs, and can be commented out after initial testing.
- mikeshimkus_111Historic F5 AccountHi B. Earp, yes that should work. IIRC, you need to configure your SFB Edge topology with the public IP of your NAT.