Microsoft Remote Desktop Session Host servers iApp template - Release Candidate
Problem this snippet solves: f5.microsoft_session_host.v1.0.2:
This is the fully supported version of the iApp template, now on It contains the fix described in the release cand...
Published Mar 14, 2016
Version 1.0Greg_Crosby_319
Historic F5 Account
Joined February 19, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined February 19, 2008
Apr 02, 2019so we are using 8 rsh and 2 cb's and a gateway and webaccess. Without F5 the session collection works great I can launch the .rdp app and connect to the session host within the collection.Whenwe use F5 the app then connects to any session host in the farm and not the correct ones assigned in the session collection how do we resolve this