Log Every X Seconds
Problem this snippet solves:
Version 10.1 CMP Compatible Update by: David Homoney - Senior Consultant F5 Networks - d.homoney (at) f5 (dot) com
This example shows how to throttle log messages so a message is only logged every X number of seconds. This can be used to lower the amount of CPU time alertd uses when performing logging.
How to use this snippet:
Here is a CMP-compliant version written for use with version 10.1.0 or higher. This example utilizes the table command and STATIC name space to make this CMP compatible
Code :
when RULE_INIT { # Shortest interval (in seconds) to log a message set static::min_log_interval 60 set static::key "last_log_timestamp" } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[active_members [LB::server pool]] < 3}{ set lastlog [table lookup -subtable $static::sub_table $static::key] set now [clock seconds] if { $lastlog equals "" }{ # This is the first execution so create the table entry and force a log attempt table add $static::key $now indef indef set lastlog 0 } if {[expr { ($now - $lastlog) > $static::min_log_interval }]}{ log local0. "[virtual], [LB::server pool]: [active_members [LB::server pool]] members available!" table replace $static::key $now indef indef } } } # Here's an old pre-10.x version (which is not CMP compatible!): when RULE_INIT { # Initialize a variable to track the last time a log message was made set ::last_log_timestamp [clock seconds] # Shortest interval (in seconds) to log a message set ::min_log_interval 60 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # Note: these two if statements should probably be reversed for a real iRule. # but for this example, I'm using the clock check first. # Check if the log interval has passed if {[expr {[clock seconds] - $::last_log_timestamp}] > $::min_log_interval}{ # Check if there are two or less active members in the default pool if {[active_members [LB::server pool]] < 3}{ log local0. "[virtual name], [LB::server pool]: [active_members [LB::server pool]] members available!" # Update the last run timestamp set ::last_log_timestamp [clock seconds] } } }
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0hoolio
Joined September 08, 2005
Joined September 08, 2005
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