Problem this snippet solves:
This iRule application builds on the LinkTracking and LinkTracking2 iRule2 that allows you to track URI's that come in through your virtual server and store them in a table with the number of times they have been referenced. The data stored can then be viewed by passing in the "/linkadmin" url which will generate a table of the URI's and their view counts. In this iRule, I've built on the report filtering in LinkTracking2 by adding adding support for URI prefilters that allow you to only store the data for URIs that match specific patterns.
Code :
set TABLE_LINK "LINK_TRACKING_[virtual name]";
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
"/linkadmin*" {
set count_filter "";
set data_filter "";
set msg [URI::decode [getfield [HTTP::uri] "/" 3]]
if { ($msg starts_with "f(") && ($msg ends_with ")") } {
set count_filter "";
set data_filter [string range $msg 2 end-1];
set msg "";
} elseif { ($msg starts_with "c(") && ($msg ends_with ")") } {
set count_filter [string range $msg 2 end-1];
set data_filter "";
set msg "";
set count [table keys -subtable $TABLE_LINK -count]
set content {Link Tracking
HTTP::respond 200 Content $content;
"/linkcleardata" {
table delete -subtable $TABLE_LINK -all;
HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/linkadmin/Link+Tracking+Cleared"
"/linkremovedata/*" {
set val [string range [HTTP::uri] [string length "/linkremovedata/"] end]
if { "" != $val } {
table delete -subtable $TABLE_LINK $val;
HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/linkadmin/Link+Deleted";
"/linkclearfilters" {
table delete -subtable $TABLE_FILTERS -all;
HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/linkadmin/Link+Filters+Cleared"
"/linkaddfilter/*" {
set f [string range [HTTP::uri] [string length "/linkaddfilter/"] end]
if { "" != $f } {
table add -subtable $TABLE_FILTERS $f 1 indefinite indefinite;
HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/linkadmin/Filter+Added";
"/linkremovefilter/*" {
set val [string range [HTTP::uri] [string length "/linkremovefilter/"] end]
if { "" != $val } {
table delete -subtable $TABLE_FILTERS $val;
HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/linkadmin/Filter+Deleted";
default {
set match 1;
set c [table keys -subtable $TABLE_FILTERS -count]
if { $c != 0 } {
set match 0;
foreach key [lsort [table keys -subtable $TABLE_FILTERS]] {
set m [string match $key [HTTP::uri]];
if { 1 == $m } {
set match 1;
if { $match == 1} {
if { [table incr -subtable $TABLE_LINK -mustexist [HTTP::uri]] eq ""} {
table set -subtable $TABLE_LINK [HTTP::uri] 1 indefinite indefinite;