LDAP Proxy
Problem this snippet solves: Summary: An LDAP proxy used send read/write requests to different pools.
For anyone that is interested, I recently was posed with the problem of proxying ldap requests...
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
Oct 08, 2022Are there any more recent examples of an iRule (or iRules LX) which are written to break up LDAP requests and operate on them? These are all written 6+ years ago. Is there anything more current out there?
I'm looking for any iRules that can parse (cleartext) LDAP requests (Bind, Search, Add, Modify, Delete) to call iRulesLX functions to handle each of those LDAP operations (Bind, Search, Add, Modify, Delete) in a custom manner (some of the data we'll send directly on to ActiveDirectory after some massaging, others we'll send to our RDBMS to store).
Does anyone have anything more current than this (which was a fine example in it's day)....