LDAP Proxy
Problem this snippet solves: Summary: An LDAP proxy used send read/write requests to different pools.
For anyone that is interested, I recently was posed with the problem of proxying ldap requests...
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
Feb 29, 2016Hi Richard, I've just developed a LDAP-StartTLS Proxy iRule. Initially I've started to recycle some parts of your iRule, but then decided to write a new BER parsing logic to make it a little less complicated (e.g. Bit-Mask compare for long form length detection) and to become more BER compliant (e.g. allow long form integer length values). Anyhow, your iRule was still a good starting point for me. You'll find the LDAP-StartTLS Proxy iRule here...https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/ldap-starttls-extension-to-ldaps-proxy Cheers, Kai