HTTPS offload rewriting
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule shows how to rewrite an HTTP web application's self references from http:// to https:// to avoid insecure content warnings.
Note if the response content siz...
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0hoolio
Joined September 08, 2005
Joined September 08, 2005
Aug 13, 2015Hi Aaron,
There are some HTTP references that are not being displayed at all using above iRule (HTTPS VIP) even after enabling mixed content on the browser. I have a HTTP & HTTPS VIP. Streaming is enabled on the HTTPS VIP, and the HTTP VIP has a generic http to https redirect:
when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] }
Both the VIPs have a custom http profile with Server Response set to "Rechunk," and a custom destination address persistence profile to match across pools in different virtual Servers. Any further suggestions will be highly appreciated.