HTTP session limit

Problem this snippet solves:

HTTP Session limiting for LTM v10.1 using tables.

This is a first cut, extremely simple version of HTTP session limiting using the new tables commands of LTM v10.1.0. The iRule is built upon the original session limiting iRule that counts simultaneous connections. But this version implements a true session using cookies.

Code :

#timing on

# Count the number of HTTP sessions on a VS, and limit them. Use the table feature of 10.1 to track the number of
# current sessions
# This is a simple version of limiting the number of sessions to a website.
#  Notes
#   1. Cookies are opaque values. Keys into the session table only
#   2. No checksum is included in the cookie value
#   3. No additional checking is performed.
#   4. The cookie isn't set secure (So will work on HTTP, but you may want to change for an HTTPS only site)
#   5. There is no concept of 'LOGOUT' of a session... You can add this under HTTP_REQUEST...
#   1. RULE_INIT doesn't get re-run if you get a TCL error in the event...
#   1. RULE_INIT get runs twice if you're running on a machine with >1 tmm.

when RULE_INIT {

   log local0. "Running RULE_INIT"
   # All of these parameters SHOULD be set from a class... So you can vary them and only require ONE iRule for all...

   # Max session count
   set static::max_active_clients 5

   # Prefix for session cookie (VS name will be appended)
   set static::sessionCookiePrefix "session"

   # Session (Idle) timeout in seconds
   set static::sessionTimeout 600

   log local0. "rule session_limit initialized: max: $static::max_active_clients cookieprefix: $static::sessionCookiePrefix timeout: $static::sessionTimeout"

   set subtableName "sessionLimit-[virtual name]"
   set sessionCookieName "$static::sessionCookiePrefix-[virtual name]"
   set need_cookie 0

   ;# test cookie presence
   if {[HTTP::cookie exists $sessionCookieName]} {
      set client_id [HTTP::cookie $sessionCookieName]
         # Check the session still exists
         set sessiondata [table lookup -subtable $subtableName $client_id]
         if { $sessiondata != "" } {
         # We have a valid session... The lookup has reset the timeer on it so just finish processing
         # Optional processing in here to check or validate the client session via IP etc if required...
         log local0. "Valid session $client_id - continuing"

   # No valid session... So do we have a free 'slot'?
   log local0. "No session. Checking for free slot (Max     $static::max_active_clients)"
   set sessionCount [table keys -subtable $subtableName -count]
   log local0. "No session. Checking for free slot (Current $sessionCount)"

   if {$sessionCount < $static::max_active_clients} {
      # Yes we have a free slot... Allocate it and note that we need to set the cookie on the client
      set need_cookie 1
      set client_id [format "%08d" [expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }]]
      set sessionValue [IP::client_addr]

      table add -subtable $subtableName $client_id $sessionValue $static::sessionTimeout
      log local0. "New Session ($client_id) added value $sessionValue Timeout $static::sessionTimeout"
   } else {
      HTTP::redirect ""

   ;# insert cookie if needed
   if {$need_cookie == 1} {
      HTTP::cookie insert name $sessionCookieName value $client_id path "/"
Published Mar 18, 2015
Version 1.0
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