Problem this snippet solves:
Triggered when a virtual server has proxy-mode explicit set and one of the following two scenarios are true:
- the request has a full uri of the form http://hostname:port/path (much like HTTP_REQUEST, but with access to the original uri)
- the request is a CONNECT request (e.g. CONNECT hostname:port HTTP/1.1)
This event allows manipulation of either the request URI, or control of whether the BIG-IP performs the proxy action.
Related Information
Available Commands:
- HTTP::uri - Returns or sets the URI part of the HTTP request.
- HTTP::proxy - Controls the application of HTTP proxy when using an Explicit HTTP profile
- pool - Causes the system to load balance traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
Sample Code:
Allow HTTP Explicit Proxy (11.5.1+) to handle shortname resolution - Support shortname hosts with an LTM 11.5.1+ explicit proxy profile.
Introduced: BIGIP-11.5.0
Code :
# Example 1: Simple Proxy Chaining when HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST { if { (not [HTTP::method] == "CONNECT") && [URI::host [HTTP::uri]] ends_with "" } { HTTP::proxy disable pool internal_proxy_3128 } else { HTTP::proxy enable } } # Example 2: Advanced Proxy Chaining & URI Rewriting when HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST { log local0. "[HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri]" switch [string tolower [URI::host [HTTP::uri]]] { "" { # send request to default pool (aka proxy-chaining) HTTP::proxy disable } "" { # change request to a different host - remains a proxy request HTTP::uri } "" { # change request to a normal (not proxy) request - goes to the default pool HTTP::uri /def.html } } } when HTTP_REQUEST { log local0. "[HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri]" } # Example 3: Proxy Chaining via Categorization (Requires either an SWG or URL Filtering Subscription) when RULE_INIT { log local0. "Proxy Chain iRule" set static::Proxy_Chain_categories { /Common/Restaurants_and_Dining } set static::Proxy_Chain_debug 1 } when HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST { set proxy_chain 0 if { $static::Proxy_Chain_debug } { log local0. "URI: [HTTP::uri]" } # Check for a category match set reply [getfield [CATEGORY::lookup [HTTP::uri]] " " 1] if {[lsearch -exact $static::Proxy_Chain_categories $reply] >= 0}{ if { $static::Proxy_Chain_debug } { log local0. "HIT: The category $reply should be bypassed for [HTTP::uri]" } set proxy_chain 1 } # Check for a URI::host for HTTP connections if {[URI::host [HTTP::uri]] == ""} { set proxy_chain 1 } # Perform the prescibed action if { $proxy_chain } { if { $static::Proxy_Chain_debug } { log local0. "Proxy Chain: [HTTP::method] URI:[HTTP::uri]" } HTTP::proxy disable snat pool squid } }
- hooleylistCirrostratusnot [HTTP::method] == "CONNECT" needs to be: not ([HTTP::method] eq "CONNECT")
- Sec-Enabled_658CirrostratusI have a scenario where a customer wants to do proxy -chaining on one of thier vips (explicit proxy), but still wants to use URL filtering through SWG as well (SWG on 11.6 , no ssl intercept) I noticed that the first example Irule above allowed for proxy chaining, but seemed to obfuscate the URI and during the URL category lookup for SWG , it would always show "uncatergorized" in the log and through the SWG interface . I went back and modifed the proxy chain Irule so that HTTPS traffic will use the "HTTP::proxy disable" command, (look for CONNECT as method) but make HTTP traffic get the URI manipulated manually in the HTTP_REQUEST event (happens after the HTTP_PROXY event). This seems to fix the SWG category lookup error I was seeing but wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations. Here is an example from the APM log: perflow.category_lookup.result.url, value: http://www.simplesite.com
- 3junior_134880NimbostratusAnyone know how to setup so SSL traffic is terminated on F5 and then a new Explicit Proxy is created to Squid
- yokamotoEmployeeI want to insert header with Explicit HTTP Proxy. Can I use both "HTTP::header insert " and "HTTP::proxy enable" in the event of "HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST"? Like this: if { [HTTP::host] contains "" } { HTTP::header insert "X-Original-Header: XYZ" HTTP::proxy enable } ...
- yokamotoEmployee
Reply by myself.
It works. Like this iRule.
if { [HTTP::host] contains " } { HTTP::header insert "X-Forwarded-For" [IP::client_addr] HTTP::proxy enable }
- kohli9harjeevNimbostratus
Will this work for site like which uses CONNECT method . I tried to use this irule and created a pool with the site public ip as member but no luck. Can someone please guide
Regards Harjeev