Generate private key w/ CSR via iControl REST
Problem this snippet solves:
Generate a private key w/ CSR
How to use this snippet:
To create a private key with a CSR via iControl REST:
Use the data below as your payload.
For the name field, it must end in .key or you will get a false 404!
Code :
{ "name":"", "commonName":"", "keySize":"4096", "keyType":"rsa-private", "options":[{"gen-csr":""}], "organization":"Let It Snow Corp.", "ou":"Ice Engineering", "city":"Calhoun", "state":"AZ", "admin-email-address":"jerry@letit.snow", "email-address":"beth@letit.snow", "subject-alternative-name":"", "challenge-password":"myP4ssword" }
Tested this on version:
13.0Published Aug 13, 2019
Version 1.0