FTP Session Logging
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule logs FTP connections and username information. By default connection mapping from client through BIG-IP to server is logged as well as the username entered by...
Published Mar 17, 2015
Version 1.0mendoza_60364
Historic F5 Account
Joined March 29, 2011
Historic F5 Account
Joined March 29, 2011
Dec 06, 2018Hello there,
I'm used this Irule to log every ftp session. At the moment works perfectly for me, but i realized that some things are not being logged. For example:
When a client get a file from the ftp behind the F5, last log shows " RETR filename ", that is ok, but I would like to add when the transfer has been completed and finally when the client disconnect.
Could be possible? Regards