FF_ Firewall_iRule
Problem this snippet solves:
I wrote this iRule since I needed a way to handle ACL-based firewalling on LTM. The code relies on a datagroup that holds the ACLs. The iRule itself needs to be applied to an LTM "IP Forwarding" Virtual Server, listening on all protocols and on all VLANs that have to secured by this "ACL-based Firewall".
Code :
# # FF Firewall iRule for TMOS v10 # 2011 Fabrizio Fiorucci# # Release history: # 20110217 - 0.1 - Initial release # 20110218 - 0.2 - Improved datagroup lookup speed, full support for subnets (src and dest) and wildcard ports and for TCP/UDP/ICMP # # This iRule relies on a String datagroup called "ACL_Datagroup" that contains a list of allowed ACLs # Datagroup entries format is: # DSTIP DSTPORT PROTOCOL/ICMP_TYPE := SRCIP SRCPORT # # Examples: # 110 6 := 0 # 22 17 := 0 # 8 1 := 0 <-- If protocol is 1 (ICMP) dstport is the ICMP type (8 for echo request) # # Protocol numbers taken from /etc/protocols (1=ICMP, 6=TCP, 17=UDP) # # Sample Datagroup is: # # class ACL_Datagroup { # { # " 80 6" { " 0" } # " 443 6" { " 0" } # " 8 1" { " 0" } # " 53 17" { " 53" } # } # } # # That defines the following ACLs: # allow from (all src ports) to TCP/80 # allow from (all src ports) to TCP/443 # allow from (all src ports) to ICMP/Echo Request (ICMP type 8) # allow from (src port 53/UDP) to UDP/53 # when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set fw_debug 1 set dropRequest 1 set src_ip [IP::client_addr] set src_port [TCP::client_port] set dst_ip [IP::local_addr] set dst_port [TCP::local_port] set request_protocol [IP::protocol] set dumpRequest "\[$src_ip\:$src_port\] -> \[$dst_ip\:$dst_port\] protocol $request_protocol" if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Checking request: $dumpRequest" } # Looks up destination IP, destination_port/icmp_type and protocol (x.x.x.x port proto) set ACLDstLookup "$dst_ip $dst_port $request_protocol" set ACLMatchedList [class get ACL_Datagroup $ACLDstLookup] if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Destination $ACLDstLookup found [llength $ACLMatchedList] matches" } if { [llength $ACLMatchedList] == 0 } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "No ACL found for $dumpRequest - trying for wildcard dstport" } set ACLMatchedList [class get ACL_Datagroup "$dst_ip 0"] if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Destination $ACLDstLookup found [llength $ACLMatchedList] wildcard dstsport matches" } if { [llength $ACLMatchedList] == 0 } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "No ACL found for $dumpRequest with wildcard dstport" } discard } } # ACL List is built like { DSTIP DSTPORT } { SRCIP SRCPORT } # thus we need to skip all items in odd-numbered positions foreach thisACL $ACLMatchedList { if { $thisACL equals $ACLDstLookup } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Skipping odd-numbered item $thisACL" } } else { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Checking ACL $thisACL" } set thisACLSrcIP [lindex $thisACL 0] set thisACLSrcPort [lindex $thisACL 1] if { [IP::addr $src_ip equals $thisACLSrcIP] || [IP::addr equals $thisACLSrcIP] } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "ACL Source IP Matches" } if { $src_port == $thisACLSrcPort || $thisACLSrcPort == 0 } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "ACL Source Port Matches, forwarding $dumpRequest" } set dropRequest 0 # Match found, exits foreach loop break } else { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "ACL Source Port doesn't match, dropping" } } } else { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "ACL Source IP doesn't match, dropping" } } } } if { $dropRequest == 1 } { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Dropping $dumpRequest" } discard } else { if { $fw_debug } { log local0. "Forwarding $dumpRequest" } forward } }
Published Mar 17, 2015
Version 1.0Fabrizio_Fioru1
Historic F5 Account
Joined January 15, 2008
Historic F5 Account
Joined January 15, 2008
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