DHCP Monitor
Problem this snippet solves:
This monitor uses the perl IO::socket module (included in the LTM build) to send a DHCPINFORM message to verify an expected response from load balanced DHCP servers.
It requires a single command-line argument: For a redundant pair, enter a space delimited list containing the server-facing non-floating Self-IPs of BOTH LTMs (the script will parse the correct response address for each unit in the redundant pair.); for a single unit, enter the server-facing Self-IP.
How to use this snippet:
Create a new file containing the code below on the LTM filesystem. Recommended location is /config/eav. Permissions on the file must be 700 or better, giving root rwx access to the file. 2. Create a monitor profile of type "External" with the following values:
- External Program: . . the name of the script file created in step 1
- Arguments: . . . . . .
- Adjust the interval and timeout as appropriate for your application
Code :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; ############################################################################# # When you configure this as an EAV you MUST specify *both* SELF-IPs on the # VLAN containing the servers to be monitored for both BIG-IPs in an HA pair # as arguments, separated by a space. If you only have a standalone BIG-IP # then just specify one... # Note that the default timeout below is 5 seconds so I'd recommend a monitor # frequency of interval=10, timeout=31. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # Configuration Section # How long to wait for an answer my $TimeOut = 5; # Message type of 8 is a DHCP Inform -- # your DHCP server must support DHCPINFORM to use this monitor my $MsgType = 8; ############################################################################# package Net::DHCP::Watch; # This is a slightly-modified version of the CPAN module # by Evilio José del Río Silván. use Carp; use Config; use Socket; use Net::hostent; use IO::Socket; # # new # sub new { my $proto = shift; my $params = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless($self, $class); $self->init($params); return $self; } # # init: initalize parameters. # sub init { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; my $h; # test if server hostname given is known (name or IP) $self->{Server} = $params->{server}; # test if client hostname given is known (name or IP) # and keep only the first IP address. $self->{Client} = $params->{client}; $self->{Client} = pack('CCCC', split(/\./, $params->{client}, 4)); # test if ethernet address is either an array of six bytes or # a string of hex bytes separated by ':' $self->{Ether} = $params->{ether}; if ( $self->{Ether} =~ m/^([0-9a-f]{1,2}:)+[0-9a-f]{1,2}$/i ) { my @eth = map( hex, split(':', $self->{Ether}) ); $self->{Ether} = \@eth; } elsif ( scalar($self->{Ether}) != 6 ) { croak "Not a good ethernet addres: ",$params->{ether}; } # can we use alarm() ? if ( $Config{d_alarm} eq 'define' ) { $self->{_Alarm} = 1; } else { carp "No alarm() function, network operation may hang"; $self->{_Alarm} = 0; } # set the timeout (alarm) $self->{TimeOut} = $params->{timeout} || 5; # set the timeout (alarm) $self->{MsgType} = $params->{msgtype} || 8; # initialize status result to zero $self->{Last} = { Ok => 0, Bad => 0, Time => '0000-00-00 00:00:00 GMT' }; return; } # # watch: opens the udp socket to the server # sub watch { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{Watcher} ) { carp "Already watching."; } else { $self->{Watcher} = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $self->{Server}, PeerPort => 'bootps(67)', #LocalAddr => inet_ntoa($self->{Client}), LocalPort => 'bootpc(68)', Proto => 'udp', Timeout => $self->{TimeOut} ) or carp "Can not watch: $!"; } return $self->{Watcher}; } # # status: returns the present status # sub status { my $self = shift; # now the watch/unwatch cycle is carried by status. $self->watch unless( $self->{Watcher} ); $self->dhcp_query or return; $self->unwatch; return $self->{Last}; } # # dhcp_query: sends an udp packet containig a DHCP message # of type DHCPDISCOVER and listens to the reply. The random transaction id # must match. # sub dhcp_query { my $self = shift; my $reply; # holdspace for udp reply # # Test if socket is ok # unless ( $self->{Watcher} ) { carp "Not watching yet!"; return; }; # # Transaction ID # my $xid = int(rand(2**32-1)); # # DHCP Message: Fixed-Format + Options # (see Droms & Lemon, 1999, Apendixes C and D). # my @fields = ( # op 1, # htype 1, # hlen 6, # hops 0, # xid $xid, # secs 0, # flags 0, # ciaddr $self->{Client}, # yiaddr 0, # siaddr 0, # giaddr 0, # chaddr @{ $self->{Ether} }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, # sname "\0", # file "\0", # Magic cookie (RFC) 99,130,83,99, # option1 = DHCP-Message 53, # length1 = 1 1, # value1 $self->{MsgType} ); my $query = pack( # It's horrible, but it works 'CCCCNnna4NNNCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCa64a128C*', @fields ); my $serv_address; # I/O eval block eval { # SIG handling for alarm() local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Alarm timeout\n" }; # Send query alarm($self->{TimeOut}) if $self->{_Alarm}; $self->{Watcher}->send($query, 0); alarm(0) if $self->{_Alarm}; # Get reply alarm($self->{TimeOut}) if $self->{_Alarm}; $serv_address = $self->{Watcher}->recv($reply, 1024, 0); alarm(0) if $self->{_Alarm}; }; # Die if not alarm if($@) { carp $@ unless $@ =~ /alarm/i; } # Verify # be sure $ret_xid is not equal to $xid my $ret_xid = !$xid; if ( $reply ) { $ret_xid = unpack('x4N',$reply); } # only if we've got a reply and the reply was correct all is ok. if ( $ret_xid == $xid ) { # Increment Ok count (max: 2**31-1) $self->{Last}->{Ok} %= 2147483647; $self->{Last}->{Ok}++; # Zero Bad $self->{Last}->{Bad} = 0; } else { # Zero ok $self->{Last}->{Ok} = 0; # Increment Bad count (max: 2**31-1) $self->{Last}->{Bad} %= 2147483647; $self->{Last}->{Bad}++; } # Get present time (GMT) $self->{Last}->{Time} = gmtime; } # # close: just closes socket. # sub unwatch { my $self = shift; delete $self->{Watcher}; } # # Cleanup # sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->unwatch; } package main; # Read arguments my $Server = $ARGV[0]; $Server =~ s/::ffff://; # Port not used my $port = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; my $IP = $ARGV[0]; # We need to figure out which SELF-IP is our own... foreach (@ARGV) { if (system("b self $_ show >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { $IP = $_; } } # Check for and create PID file my $monname = $ENV{MON_TMPL_NAME}; $monname = $0 unless $monname; $monname =~ s/^.*\///; my $pidfile = "/var/run/$monname.$Server.pid"; if (-r $pidfile) { open(PIDFILE, $pidfile); my $oldpid =; close PIDFILE; chomp $oldpid; system("kill -9 $oldpid"); } open(PIDFILE, ">$pidfile"); print PIDFILE "$$\n"; close PIDFILE; # Net::DHCP::Watch object my $dhcpw = new Net::DHCP::Watch({ server => $Server, client => $IP, ether => $Ether, timeout => $TimeOut, msgtype => $MsgType, }); # Open network $dhcpw->watch(); # Get status my $stat = $dhcpw->status; # Remove PIDFILE before echoing anything to STDOUT unlink $pidfile; # print results print STDERR "Down" if ( $stat->{Bad} ); print "UP" if ( $stat->{Ok} );
- Tommy_lee_55826
hi i'm tommy lee korea. nowaday DHCP server monitoring on BIGIP 5000 set for PyeongChang winter olympic. but i cannot anyway F5 TAC cannot support because i use external monitor but fail during 3 week. also i cannot search any document just only your comment.
- Torti
This code doesn't work on out bigip with and windows dhcp server.