BIG-IP Multi Host CPU Monitor
Problem this snippet solves:
This script polls the BIG-IP via SNMP and displays the current CPU utilization for each processor and the global utilization for all processors.
How to use this snippet:
- Install script on remote system with appropriate permissions.
- Make sure Perl and the Net::SNMP perl module are installed.
Code :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This code is not supported by F5 Network and is offered under the GNU General Public License. Use at your own risk. use strict; use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp); my ($host, $snmp_comm); $host = $ARGV[0]; $snmp_comm = $ARGV[1]; chomp ($host , $snmp_comm); my $cpuIndex = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio5s = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio1m = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio5m = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio5s = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio1m = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio5m = "."; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host, -community => $snmp_comm, -port => 161, -version => 'snmpv2c', -nonblocking => 0 ); if (!defined $session) { print "Received no SNMP response from $host\n"; print STDERR "Error: $error\n"; exit -1; } my $allCPU = $session->get_table ( -baseoid => $cpuIndex ); my %cpu_table = %{$allCPU}; my $x = 0; print "\n\nCPU Utilization:\t5s\t1m\t5m\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %cpu_table) { my @oid_index = split(/\./, $key); my $ltm_cpu5s = $cpuUsageRatio5s . $oid_index[-1]; my $ltm_cpu1m = $cpuUsageRatio1m . $oid_index[-1]; my $ltm_cpu5m = $cpuUsageRatio5m . $oid_index[-1]; my $oid_ratios = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$ltm_cpu5s, $ltm_cpu1m, $ltm_cpu5m] ); print "\tCPU$x\t\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu5s}\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu1m}\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu5m}\n"; $x++; } my $oid_gratios = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$gcpuUsageRatio5s, $gcpuUsageRatio1m, $gcpuUsageRatio5m] ); print "\tGlobal\t\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio5s}\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio1m}\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio5m}\n\n\n";
Published Mar 12, 2015
Version 1.0CodeCentral_194
Joined May 05, 2019
Joined May 05, 2019
- jtimartins_3149
This is great but I'm getting an error at the same time I get the values, so Cacti will not generate graphs...
The error is:
Use of uninitialized value $allCPU in hash dereference at /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ line 39.
Can you help?
Thanks and regards, jtimartins