AWS S3 Proxy: TCL iRule
Problem this snippet solves:
Create a secure proxy to AWS S3 via iRule/IRuleLX
Related Article: Creating a Secure AWS S3 Proxy with F5 iRulesLX
How to use this snippet:
- Install iRule via iRulesLX Workspace
- Create iRulesLX plugin
- Create AWS role or IAM credentials
- Create FQDN pool to AWS S3
- Create Virtual Server
- Enable OneConnect and WebAcceleration profiles
- Assign iRule to Virtual Server
Code :
when HTTP_REQUEST { set orig_path [string trimleft [HTTP::path] "/"] set key "s3:$orig_path" set data [table lookup -notouch $key] if { $data eq "" } { set RPC_HANDLE [ILX::init aws_s3_rpc_plugin aws_s3_rpc_ext] set rpc_response [ILX::call $RPC_HANDLE aws_s3_rpc_add_creds $orig_path] set qs [ lindex $rpc_response 0] set expires [lindex $rpc_response 1] set time_to_expires [lindex $rpc_response 2] # save value in cache table set $key $qs $time_to_expires $time_to_expires } else { # use cached value set qs $data } } when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND { clientside { HTTP::header replace Host "" # specify bucket HTTP::uri "/$orig_path?$qs" #log local0. "[HTTP::uri]" } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { # remove identifying data HTTP::header remove "Server" HTTP::header remove "x-amz-id-2" HTTP::header remove "x-amz-request-id" if { [HTTP::status] contains "403"} { HTTP::respond 404 content "not found" } }
Tested this on version:
13.0Published Jul 21, 2017
Version 1.0