APM VPN Optimisation iApp

Problem this snippet solves:

This is an iApp which creates an iCall that runs every 5 minutes and checks the 5-minute average CPU rate averaged across all CPUs. Depending on the CPU rate, features are enabled or disabled such as compression.

Note that this will make changes to all of your connectivity profiles ( except the built-in `connectivity` profile ) and Network Access profiles so you should have a backup before deploying.

Changes are auto-applied to all SSL-VPN APM access profiles

Logging is done to /var/log/ltm as shown below.

  • CPU > 90%
  • Compression Off
  • Split-tunneling On
  • Default Rate Class 100K
  • Client-traffic-classifier Enabled
  • CPU > 60%
  • Compression Off
  • Split-tunneling On
  • Default Rate Class 500K
  • Client-traffic-classifier Enabled
  • CPU > 40%
  • Compression Off
  • Split-tunneling Off
  • Default Rate Class 1M
  • Client-traffic-classifier Enabled
  • CPU > 20%
  • Compression On
  • Split-tunneling Off
  • Default Rate Class 1M
  • Client-traffic-classifier Enabled
  • CPU < 20%
  • Compression On
  • Split-tunneling Off
  • Default Rate Class 1M
  • Client-traffic-classifier Disabled

I have tested the basic workings of this but it has NOT been tested in a production environment. I would be happy to have some pilot customers to try it out and help develop.

Source code is held at https://github.com/pwhitef5/apm-vpn-optimisation/tree/master

How to use this snippet:

  1. Copy and paste the text below into a document on your PC or jump server
  2. Navigate to the BIG-IP GUI iApps>Templates. Click on Import
  3. Tick 'Overwrite Existing Templates' and select the file you created in step 1. Click Upload
  4. Create a service by navigating to iApps>Application Services>Applications. Click Create
  5. Call the service 'APM-VPN-Optimisation' or a suitable name, select the 'apm-vpn-optimisation_icall' template
  6. Hit Finished

To view the changes made by the iCall, login to the BIG-IP via ssh and run the command `tailf /var/log/ltm`

Example logs:

Mar 20 14:55:00 apm-1 notice scriptd[9780]: 01420004:5: apm-vpn-optimisation:CPU rate: 1
Mar 20 14:55:00 apm-1 notice scriptd[9780]: 01420004:5: apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on compression for profile myConnectivity: compress-gzip-level 6
Mar 20 14:55:00 apm-1 notice scriptd[9780]: 01420004:5: apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on compression for profile networkAccess: compression gzip
Mar 20 14:55:00 apm-1 notice scriptd[9780]: 01420004:5: apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning off split-tunneling for profile networkAccess: split-tunneling false
Mar 20 14:55:00 apm-1 notice scriptd[9780]: 01420004:5: apm-vpn-optimisation:Creating client-rate-classes and client-traffic-classifier-1. rate: rate_class_1M

Code :

cli admin-partitions {
    update-partition Common
sys application template /Common/apm-vpn-optimisation_icall {
    actions {
        definition {
            html-help {
            implementation {
                set app_dir [tmsh::pwd]
				set app_name $tmsh::app_name

                set icallTemplate {# Retrieve the CPU usage
set cpuStatus [tmsh::get_status sys cpu]
set numCpus 0
set totalUsage 0
foreach {cpu} $cpuStatus {
    incr numCpus
    set name [tmsh::get_name $cpu]
    set value [tmsh::get_field_value $cpu cpu-info.${name}.five-min-avg-system ]
    incr totalUsage $value
set cpuRate [ expr { $totalUsage / $numCpus } ]
tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:CPU rate: $cpuRate"

# Set features on or off
if { $cpuRate > 90 } {
    set compression 0
    set split-tunneling 1
    set rate-class "rate_class_100K"
    set client-traffic-classifier 1
} elseif { $cpuRate > 60 } {
    set compression 0
    set split-tunneling 1
    set rate-class "rate_class_500K"
    set client-traffic-classifier 1
} elseif { $cpuRate > 40 } {
    set compression 0
    set split-tunneling 0
    set rate-class "rate_class_1M"
    set client-traffic-classifier 1
} elseif { $cpuRate > 20 } {
    set compression 1
    set split-tunneling 0
    set rate-class "rate_class_1M"
    set client-traffic-classifier 1
} else {
    set compression 1
    set split-tunneling 0
    set rate-class "rate_class_1M"
    set client-traffic-classifier 0
set changed 0
# Set compression
set connectivityProfiles [tmsh::get_config apm profile connectivity all-properties]
foreach {profile} $connectivityProfiles {
    set name [tmsh::get_name $profile]
    if { $name == "connectivity" } { continue }
    # Get current status
    set currentStatus [tmsh::get_field_value $profile compress-gzip-level]
    if { $currentStatus < 1 && $compression > 0 } {
        # If it is turned off and should be on then turn on
        # Turn on
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on compression for profile $name: compress-gzip-level 6"
        tmsh::modify apm profile connectivity $name compress-gzip-level 6
    } elseif { $currentStatus > 0 && $compression < 1 } {
        # Turn off
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning off compression for profile $name: compress-gzip-level 0"
        tmsh::modify apm profile connectivity $name compress-gzip-level 0
set networkAccessProfiles [tmsh::get_config apm resource network-access all-properties]
foreach {profile} $networkAccessProfiles {
    set name [tmsh::get_name $profile]
    set currentStatus [tmsh::get_field_value $profile compression]
    if { $currentStatus == "none" && $compression > 0 } {
        # Turn on
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on compression for profile $name: compression gzip"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name compression gzip
        set changed 1
    } elseif { $currentStatus == "gzip" && $compression < 1} {
        # Turn off
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning off compression for profile $name: compression none"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name compression none
        set changed 1

# Set split-tunneling
set networkAccessProfiles [tmsh::get_config apm resource network-access all-properties]
foreach {profile} $networkAccessProfiles {
    set name [tmsh::get_name $profile]
    set currentStatus [tmsh::get_field_value $profile split-tunneling]
    if { $currentStatus != "true" && ${split-tunneling} > 0 } {
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on split-tunneling for profile $name: split-tunneling true"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name address-space-exclude-dns-name add \{ office.com microsoftonline.com google.com gmail.com facebook.com \}
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name address-space-include-subnet \{\{ subnet \} \{ subnet \} \{ subnet \}\}
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name split-tunneling true
        set changed 1
    } elseif { $currentStatus == "true" && ${split-tunneling} < 1 } {
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning off split-tunneling for profile $name: split-tunneling false"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name split-tunneling false
        set changed 1

# Create rate class
tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Creating client-rate-classes and client-traffic-classifier-1. rate: ${rate-class}"
tmsh::stateless enabled
tmsh::create apm resource client-rate-class rate_class_4M \{ rate 4000000 \}
tmsh::create apm resource client-rate-class rate_class_2M \{ rate 2000000 \}
tmsh::create apm resource client-rate-class rate_class_1M \{ rate 1000000 \}
tmsh::create apm resource client-rate-class rate_class_500K \{ rate 500000 \}
tmsh::create apm resource client-rate-class rate_class_100K \{ rate 100000 \}
tmsh::create apm resource client-traffic-classifier client-traffic-classifier-1 \{ entries add \{ \
entry \{ client-rate-class ${rate-class} dst-ip any dst-mask any dst-port https src-ip any src-mask any \} \
entry0 \{ client-rate-class rate_class_2M dst-ip any dst-mask any dst-port stun protocol 17 src-ip any src-mask any \} \
entry1 \{ client-rate-class rate_class_2M dst-ip any dst-mask any dst-port twrpc protocol 17 src-ip any src-mask any \} \
entry2 \{ client-rate-class rate_class_2M dst-ip any dst-mask any dst-port plethora protocol 17 src-ip any src-mask any \} \
entry3 \{ client-rate-class rate_class_2M dst-ip any dst-mask any dst-port cleanerliverc protocol 17 src-ip any src-mask any \} \
\} \}
tmsh::stateless disabled

set networkAccessProfiles [tmsh::get_config apm resource network-access all-properties]
foreach {profile} $networkAccessProfiles {
    set name [tmsh::get_name $profile]
    set currentStatus [tmsh::get_field_value $profile client-traffic-classifier]
    if { $currentStatus != "client-traffic-classifier-1" && ${client-traffic-classifier} > 0 } {
        # Turn on
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning on client-traffic-classifier for profile $name: client-traffic-classifier client-traffic-classifier-1"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name client-traffic-classifier client-traffic-classifier-1
        set changed 1
    } elseif { $currentStatus == "client-traffic-classifier-1" && ${client-traffic-classifier} < 1} {
        # Turn off
        tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation:Turning off client-traffic-classifier for profile $name: client-traffic-classifier none"
        tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $name client-traffic-classifier none
        set changed 1
# Apply profiles
if { $changed > 0 } {
    set accessProfiles [tmsh::get_config apm profile type]
    foreach {profile} $accessProfiles {
        set name [tmsh::get_name $profile]
        # Check type of profile is ssl-vpn
        if { [tmsh::get_field_value $profile type] == "ssl-vpn" } {
            tmsh::log "apm-vpn-optimisation: Applying SSL-VPN access profile $name" 
            tmsh::modify apm profile access $name generation-action increment

# Left blank
				tmsh::create sys icall script "${app_name}_avo_script definition { [tmsh::expand_macro $icallTemplate ] }"
                tmsh::create sys icall handler periodic ${app_name}_avo_handler interval 300 script ${app_name}_avo_script
            presentation {
				section main {
					# The entry below creates a large text box that must be filled out with a valid IP Address
					# For details of APL, look at the iApps developers guide:
					# https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip-iapps-developer-11-4-0.html		
                    message intro "APM VPN Optimisation Version 1 20/3/2020"	
                    message usage "Note that this iApp will create an iCall which runs every 5 mins and changes your connectivity and network-access profiles automatically. You should backup your configuration before use to allow rollback to original configuration"	
				text {
					# Entities below set the text for the questions and section names, etc. Make them simple and relevant.
					main "Main"
                    main.intro ""
                    main.usage ""
            role-acl none
            run-as none
    description "APM VPN Optimisation iApp v2"
    ignore-verification false
    requires-bigip-version-max none
    requires-bigip-version-min none
    requires-modules { apm }
    signing-key none
    tmpl-checksum none
    tmpl-signature none

Tested this on version:

Published Mar 20, 2020
Version 1.0

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