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AMA - DevCentral Platform Updates
Event details
Hi, my name is Lief and I am a community manager at DevCentral. We launched a new platform here recently.
Ask Me Anything.
(If we get enough participation I'll put up a zoom to save on typing time.)
ready to go in 15 minutes.
I'm here one way or the other...making the best of it.
- buulam
Now is the time to ask all the tough questions!!
What am I doing if not answering questions? Catching up on a YT Trailer for StarWars The Old Republic. that's what. 😂
- buulam
Those are so satisfying to watch that I feel like I don't need to play the games!
Totally agree - but I do want to watch the movie now!
Starting up a Zoom session - come ask me/us anything.
https://f5networks.zoom.us/j/99613881036?pwd=bVFqVlFOS2pWUUR6L1l0dUtHTnVFZz09SpoilerMeeting ID: 996 1388 1036
Passcode: 245245245- Sorry about the glut of emails to those of you not in the live event - we are still discovering things about our new home.
What was THAT sound‽ Does anybody else smell gas‽!
- I'll close out the event with one more that includes some of what we learned.
- There are many options available for customizing your DevCentral Notifications under
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I will be looking for doing the same from the EVENT OWNER perspective in the future. - We learned that the Event is not editable after it has begun (without clever Administrator intervention)
- buulam - proved that one can use a 3D camera in a zoom session.
- PSilva - found a 1957(?) silver dime worth about $3 USD.
- LiefZimmerman - has a havanese dog that barks one time ~ every 30 seconds...just because.
- There are many options available for customizing your DevCentral Notifications under
Until next time - thank YOU for being part of our community.